
'We're all a family here': 25+ People share the most toxic red flags they've experienced at job interviews

'We're all a family here': 25+ People share the most toxic red flags they've experienced at job interviews

'I'm turning in my two-week notice': Manager's insane set of rules for 2023 drives employees to quit in viral thread

'I'm turning in my two-week notice': Manager's insane set of rules for 2023 drives employees to quit in viral thread

Manager decides to change student worker's availability during their school holiday

'I am NOT AVAILABLE': Manager decides to change student worker's availability during their school holiday without talking to them

'I an holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

'I am holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'

'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'

Insane power-tripping manager reprimands and suspends workers for no reason, gets fired

'We were all suspended': Insane power-tripping manager reprimands and suspends all workers for no reason, gets fired

Update: 'Now comes the revenge': Owners short analyst $70k in payments, costs them $1.8M

Update: 'Now comes the revenge': Owners cheat analyst of $70k in payments, so he keeps their $1.8M

'This replaces the Christmas bonus': Employer gives workers a box of chocolates in lieu of holiday pay or a bonus

'This replaces the Christmas bonus': Employer gives workers a box of chocolates in lieu of holiday pay or a bonus

Update: Guy tries to quit his job and gets told 'No'

Update: Guy tries to quit his job and gets told 'No'

If I don’t like it I can find another job? Okay.

'I resigned': Tradesman quits mid performance review after being refused a raise

'She grabbed me on my arm': New manager orders line cook to "Stay in one place and do one thing," predictable outcome occurs

'She grabbed me on my arm': New manager orders line cook to "Stay in one place and do one thing," predictable outcome occurs

Terrible boss loses $100M over their poor treatment of a former employee

'[New boss] let me decide': Terrible boss loses $100M over their poor treatment of a former employee

'There is nothing else we can do': Best retail boss cleverly handles an angry customer

'There is nothing else we can do': Best retail boss cleverly handles an angry customer

'Don't You Dare Snap Your Fingers At Me!' : 2 Wildly Entitled Karen's Wrongly Go After Woman Who Isn't Actually An Employee, Spark Major Conflict As A Result

'Don't You Dare Snap Your Fingers At Me!' : 2 Wildly Entitled Karens Wrongly Go After Woman Who Isn't Actually An Employee, Spark Major Conflict As A Result

'Hey Y'all, You Should Wear These Shirts' : Man Fired From Job After a Decade, Gives All Company Shirts to Homeless as Revenge

'Hey Y'all, You Should Wear These Shirts' : Man Fired From Job After a Decade, Gives All Company Shirts to Homeless as Revenge

guy quit his job thinking he became rich

'He called my boss a f-ing idiot': Insane coworker tricked into quitting on the spot when he thinks he hit the jackpot