
antiwork toxic work workplace employment - 1958663

'Anything unplanned is unexcused': Employer instates policy promising disciplinary action for sick leave

'It added up to a lot': Employees get massive payout when micromanaging manager insists supervisor double check team's clock-ins

'It added up to a lot': Employees get massive payout when micromanaging manager insists supervisor double check team's clock-ins

toxic-workplace quit workplace quitting resignation employment toxic-work-environment - 1961991

Owner claims a raise is impossible, worker quits then learns the new hire is making more than they requested, they cancel their notice period

funny-workplace-story boss employee malicious compliance funny story revenge coworkers funny reddit Horrible Bosses coworker funny employment - 19026693

Micromanaging manger tries to ban yoga pants, big hairy dude makes them part of his daily wear

'I'm so dumbfounded': Law student sits two hour interview only to be subsequently told the position is unpaid

'I'm so dumbfounded': Law student sits two hour interview only to be subsequently told the position is unpaid

boss antiwork remote work toxic-workplace manager work managers workplace employment toxic-work-environment - 1917703

Boss insists "cameras on, no exceptions" policy for remote workers, sparks online debate

'Don't sign it': Worker gets written up for discussing pay with coworkers, internet offers their advice

'Don't sign it': Worker gets written up for discussing pay with coworkers, internet offers their advice

Company didn't hire me for the next position and now want me to train up the person they did

'I'm quitting...': Veteran employee passed up for promotion then is asked to train their new boss

'Do your job': Karen boss tries to sabatoge overworked and underpaid employee, they stop doing her job for her

'Sure, I'll do MY job': Karen boss tries to sabatoge overworked and underpaid employee, they stop doing her job for her

"Dramatic" nanny quits after insane parent demands they come into work after being hit by a car

"Dramatic" nanny quits after insane parent demands they come into work after being hit by a car

'We are terminating you': Employee asks for a raise, boss fires them instead

'We are terminating you': Employee asks for a raise, boss fires them instead

'We're all a family here': 25+ People share the most toxic red flags they've experienced at job interviews

'We're all a family here': 25+ People share the most toxic red flags they've experienced at job interviews

'I'm turning in my two-week notice': Manager's insane set of rules for 2023 drives employees to quit in viral thread

'I'm turning in my two-week notice': Manager's insane set of rules for 2023 drives employees to quit in viral thread

Manager decides to change student worker's availability during their school holiday

'I am NOT AVAILABLE': Manager decides to change student worker's availability during their school holiday without talking to them

'I an holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

'I am holding recruiters [...] to the same standard': Job seeker sends recruiter scathing email that divides the internet.

'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'

'This is ok isn't it': Job seekers hilarious interview screw up sparks a discussion that goes 'off the rails'