

hilarious scammer email gift card trolling scam reddit thread Reddit funny - 23058693

'SHOW ME THE CODE': Woman trolls scammer for hours, turning away his request for gift cards with hilarious responses

We've all heard of the gift card scam via email. And if you haven't, maybe you should read this…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job email work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23046405

'Never put anything in writing': Worker sends scathing email after unnecessary meeting, dividing the internet

While it might be gratifying to send that email you've been desperately wanting to send or to verbally rebuke your boss for wasting your time—as with anything, it's always best to sit on it for a little while… Let that scathing email sit in your drafts until you've had a good night's sleep, and take some time to reflect on what it is you're saying and how other people will perceive it. Maybe, after a little reflection, you won't be feeling so hot-headed and will take a more diplomatic approach…
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'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Frustrated customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

Using a little insider knowledge, this customer decided to find a solution to their computer problems . When your computer is broken, your emotions can range from mild annoyance to total panic. After all, many of us work from our laptops, so if they break down, we're out of a place to type out our emails. Getting the computer fixed is a whole process, too. Customer service reps may try to give you the runaround, even after you've waited on the phone for ages. They might try to upsell you produc…
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'No one is above the rules': 'Rags to riches' CEO fires VP who broke the single rule that every employee must follow

'No one is above the rules': 'Rags to riches' CEO fires VP who broke the single rule that every employee must follow

This CEO takes his business super seriously---and what he says, goes. CEOs like this guy are one in a million. At many companies, the CEO is just some random dude who has his photo on the wall, and you'll never actually see him in person. At other places, the CEO comes in once a month or so to make themself known, chats only with other higher-ups, and leaves the office again by 3PM. None of this seems good for morale: it lets employees know that there's a job at their that pays 7 figures and in…
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work workplace employee employees manager boss working conference meeting meetings call conference-call email billed expensive consulting invoice reddit business company lesson

‘Guess who's getting billed 16h of work for a 15 minute meeting’: Customer pays their consultant 100x more than expected after requesting a meeting that could have been an email

Everyone hates attending a meeting that could have been an email… But in corporate, white-collar America, the higher-ups eagerly await every round-robin at the conference table. C-level bosses take pleasure in the firm handshakes, they enjoy flexing their power over their employees's schedule, and they really, REALLY love hearing their own voice. However, for most employees, time is money.
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Keyboard work work-story employee manager CAPS all-CAPS typing email business company policy boss employees managers supervisor malicious-compliance

'[Your] manager is always SHOUTING': Civilized employee refuses to type in all CAPS; manager commits keyboard sabotage in an attempt to force him to comply, which backfires gloriously

Companies have all sorts of silly policies that they require their employees to follow. Some businesses have a dress code, mandatory happy hour "team building" activities, or even limits on the number of plants you can have on your desk, but rarely do you find a company that forces their employees to comply with capital letters.
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'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

Imagine having a boss who's so controlling, she won't ever let you talk to any higher-up in the company. This dude had to deal with exactly that when he got a new boss who had it out for him. U/Analytica0 writes that his new boss at a big organization was nice at first. But after a few months, the OP got a tip from other workers that his boss was out to get him. By the eighth month of her tenure there, she told the OP that he shouldn't be calling or emailing any higher-ups . Ever. Now, although…
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‘You can’t deny my applications now': Insurance company dodges client's attempts at applying for financial assistance due to costly medical tests; client cleverly finds ways to resubmit application

‘You can’t deny my applications now': Insurance company dodges client's attempts at applying for financial assistance due to costly medical tests; client cleverly finds ways to resubmit application

Insurance companies like to convince us how much we ‘need them', promising us a path to the land of milk and honey. The time comes to reap some of those benefits they assured were ours, and then voila, they ghost us, lie to us, or tell us that we are not entitled to said benefits. Sigh, tsk, tsk, cough. Why must we always fight tooth and nail for what is rightfully ours? What are we even paying them for if they end up being no help? One person took to Reddit, r/maliciouscompliance, explaining h…
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'"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen" goes both ways': Boss wants to know why employee wasn't working during their in-person meeting, employee starts writing everything down

'"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen" goes both ways': Micromanager boss wants to know why employee wasn't working during their in-person meeting, employee starts writing everything down

This employee decided to call their boss's bluff, writing that their boss “thinks she's won.” It's not every day you hear about a boss this overbearing. U/Nerdfury83 shared a story about their new manager at their job---her title really should be “micromanager.” The OP works at a phone job, taking calls that have recorded logs. The OP's boss is so strict that she is literally counting the seconds that OP isn't on a call! While phone jobs are notoriously strict about the time employees spend on…
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'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor delivers HOA repeated email requests after HOA says their yard is 'out of compliance'

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor bombards HOA with requests after HOA says they're 'out of compliance'

This person's "dirt cheap" home came with a catch — an unceasing HOA.
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'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly requests tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly demands tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

E-tickets are supposed to be convenient, but for this confused customer, it was the complete opposite. Buying tickets for an event used to be a lot simpler than it is these days. I'm told that decades ago, if you wanted to get a ticket to a concert, you had to physically walk your body over to a box office and buy a ticket from another human being. Sometimes people would camp outdoors while waiting for tickets, and there were certainly people who bought tickets just to resell them. But for the…
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'[He] routinely attempts to fax me when I have no fax machine': Employee details their nepo-boss's workplace requests

'[He] routinely attempts to fax me when I have no fax machine': Employee baffled by their nepo-boss's odd workplace requests

This employee was surprised every day by the odd way their nepo-boss chose to run a business.
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'Being micromanaged...was not something that we were interested in': Small business trucking company lets client of 50 years go

'Being micromanaged...was not something that we were interested in': Small business trucking company fires client of 50 years over their rep's demanding attitude

Ask and you shall receive. When this company representative decided to make empty threats, I'm sure he thought it would make him look tough and professional. Instead, it backfired spectacularly on him. This malicious compliance story takes place at a small family-run company that specialized in trucking. This person knew that relationships with their clients were important to the company's long term success. So when they encountered another business's representative who rubbed them the wrong wa…
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'I won't sign, come back later': Deputy project manager costs company $250k

'I won't sign, come back later': Deputy project manager rejects requests and ignores emails, costs company $250k

Working in logistics is an underappreciated job — this person's work wasn't appreciated until everything started going off the rails. When roles switch around in a company, things around bound to slip between the cracks. Especially when there are bosses like this guy, the deputy project manager on an Australian pipeline project. As he stepped in to replace the regular project manager , he didn't quite know who was responsible for which tasks. The OP of this story writes that their regular proje…
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'This is MY email address': Guy gets petty after stranger with similar name keeps using his email

'This is MY email address': Guy gets petty after stranger with similar name keeps using his email

If you have a generic email address and a generic name, there's a high likelihood that you've received someone else's information by mistake...
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'I found out I was let go... by being CC'd:' Boss accidentally copies employee on email about upcoming termination

'I found out I was let go... by being CC'd to remove my access:' Boss accidentally copies employee on email about upcoming termination

This is not exactly the ideal way to find out you're getting fired...
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