
'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

'It's amazing what can be done when the CEO gets involved': Frustrated customer floods company execs with emails to get them to fix their computer

'No one is above the rules': 'Rags to riches' CEO fires VP who broke the single rule that every employee must follow

'No one is above the rules': 'Rags to riches' CEO fires VP who broke the single rule that every employee must follow

work workplace employee employees manager boss working conference meeting meetings call conference-call email billed expensive consulting invoice reddit business company lesson

‘Guess who's getting billed 16h of work for a 15 minute meeting’: Customer pays their consultant 100x more than expected after requesting a meeting that could have been an email

Keyboard work work-story employee manager CAPS all-CAPS typing email business company policy boss employees managers supervisor malicious-compliance

'[Your] manager is always SHOUTING': Civilized employee refuses to type in all CAPS; manager commits keyboard sabotage in an attempt to force him to comply, which backfires gloriously

'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

'Boss forbids me from emailing/communicating with upper management': Boss tries to control employee's communications, employee uses his own write-up as evidence against her

‘You can’t deny my applications now': Insurance company dodges client's attempts at applying for financial assistance due to costly medical tests; client cleverly finds ways to resubmit application

‘You can’t deny my applications now': Insurance company dodges client's attempts at applying for financial assistance due to costly medical tests; client cleverly finds ways to resubmit application

'"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen" goes both ways': Boss wants to know why employee wasn't working during their in-person meeting, employee starts writing everything down

'"If it's not in writing, it didn't happen" goes both ways': Micromanager boss wants to know why employee wasn't working during their in-person meeting, employee starts writing everything down

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor delivers HOA repeated email requests after HOA says their yard is 'out of compliance'

'I had to literally pick up my 3,000 pound redwood gazebo and move it': Neighbor bombards HOA with requests after HOA says they're 'out of compliance'

'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly requests tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly demands tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

'[He] routinely attempts to fax me when I have no fax machine': Employee details their nepo-boss's workplace requests

'[He] routinely attempts to fax me when I have no fax machine': Employee baffled by their nepo-boss's odd workplace requests

'Being micromanaged...was not something that we were interested in': Small business trucking company lets client of 50 years go

'Being micromanaged...was not something that we were interested in': Small business trucking company fires client of 50 years over their rep's demanding attitude

'I won't sign, come back later': Deputy project manager costs company $250k

'I won't sign, come back later': Deputy project manager rejects requests and ignores emails, costs company $250k

'This is MY email address': Guy gets petty after stranger with similar name keeps using his email

'This is MY email address': Guy gets petty after stranger with similar name keeps using his email

'I found out I was let go... by being CC'd:' Boss accidentally copies employee on email about upcoming termination

'I found out I was let go... by being CC'd to remove my access:' Boss accidentally copies employee on email about upcoming termination

landlord FAIL email tenant facepalm reddit thread Reddit apartment - 20671493

'I'm thinking go from $500 to $950': Real estate agent accidentally sends tenant email meant for landlord with plans to price him out

'I accidentally hit send': Employee gives very honest feedback to boss unintentionally

'I accidentally hit send': Employee gives very honest feedback to boss unintentionally