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'Get a hobby': HOA freaks out when a neighbor parks 3 black SUVs near their house and when an embarrassingly paranoid email gets leaked online, the HOA is forced to make a public apology

'It quite frankly startled and unsettled several of your neighbors'
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boss employee owner email restaurant chef colleague entitled reddit thread Reddit business entitled people service industry - 36892165

Restaurant owner receives bold email from colleague complaining about dining experience because he saw the chef wearing headphones: 'I put a no phone policy in my restaurant'

This restaurant owner recently received a pretty bold email from a colleague who was less than thrilled about seeing a chef in the kitchen sporting AirPods. The colleague, who owns a restaurant of his own, complained about the "unprofessional" vibe it created during his dining experience, citing a strict "no phone policy" he has in place at his own restaurant . But as the internet chimed in, opinions on the matter were split right down the middle. Some argued that it's no big deal if the chef i…
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Company demands job applicant purchase their product as part of their assignment, applicant refuses, accusing the company of scamming: ‘I will not partake in this assessment’

Company demands job applicant purchase their product as part of their assignment, applicant refuses, accusing the company of scamming: ‘I will not partake in this assessment’

Finding a new job is an annoyingly scrutinizing process, and the biggest pain in the whole ordeal is probably the assignments companies tend to give their applicants. While they are a necessity, as they can supply a workplace with a rather good idea of their candidates' abilities, they are a lot of work for the candidates themselves. One assignment is fine, but when one looks for a job, they probably end up completing dozens, if not hundreds of assignments before actually securing a job. The co…
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Entitled boomer customer flips out at employee over having to print a return label for a refund, months of telecommunication come to a head

Boomer becomes enraged after being told he has to print a shipping return label in order to get a refund, harasses employee for months because of his ‘vendetta against technology’

"That was two months ago and he never replied to that email. Today, he called back."
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'I decided to write him an email and CC his boss': Medical worker stands up for employee break times, commenters urge them to involve HR

Would you ever CC your boss's boss on an email? It's a bold move to make! This person, u/ShamyJane, was just utterly fed up with their boss's unfair behavior. By the time they wrote him and his boss an email, they must've lost all faith in his abilities to lead. It's a plead from the employee to the boss to please do something to change the working environment! It seems like the original poster only did this out of desperation… and a desire to see him get what he deserved for being so impolite…
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'Worst that happens is nothing': After getting rejected from a job, man sends an email to recruiter disagreeing with their decision, causing recruiter to retract the rejection

'Worst that happens is nothing': After getting rejected from a job, man sends an email to recruiter disagreeing with their decision, causing recruiter to retract the rejection

Every person who has even been through a job searching period got at least a dozen emails automatically rejecting them from a job. We all read the lines: 'We regret to inform you…', and we all know that most of the time, no one on the other end has glanced at your resume for longer than 10 seconds before deciding you are not a good fit. Very often, that rejection can come from job postings that are simply perfect for you, postings in which you check every single box they are after, but still yo…
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boss error workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance email bosses work malicious-compliance-reddit 404 workplace malicious compliance reddit - 36204037

'He... had to delete 40 pages of emails': Boss insists web developer send him emails for every 404 error

This boss is requesting more emails . In today's day and age, that's a surprising request, because most of us get more emails each day than we can possibly read! If you aren't getting spammed with dozens of random email each day, congrats to you. If you've found a way to avoid the scourge of constant emails, more power to you. Emails have become a bit dated in many businesses. Instead, people have pivoted back to instant messaging in order to quickly contact people. After all, many people can r…
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Coworker CC's everyone at work on iconic resignation email: 'I've had a great time here watching the walls change color slower than my career progression'

Coworker CC's everyone at work on iconic resignation email: 'I've had a great time here watching the walls change color slower than my career progression'

Who doesn't love hearing about an iconic quitting story? If you're miserable at your own company, hearing about a shameless employee standing up for themselves can give you the courage to do the same. If the method didn't work, then you might learn something for when it's your turn to quit. At the very least, you can at least experience that sense of justice and fulfillment vicariously. This employee shared a coworker's quitting email, a note that he shared with the entire company and not just…
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boss employee fired job email bosses work coworkers Awkward inbox reddit story Horrible Bosses tifu reddit thread Reddit company - 35966981

Employee accidentally hits 'reply all' to company-wide email, sends message ranting about boss to 500 coworkers: 'Within minutes my inbox blew up'

This employee is living all of our worst nightmares. Let this be a lesson that if you want to vent about the company and specifically call out colleagues for their entitled behavior, you probably shouldn't do so over email . Have you ever been on an email thread with hundreds of people, and there's that one person who asks a question specifically directed at one person but hits reply all? You have to be brave to send out an email to that many people. I'll be sending an email to one person and s…
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hilarious haha employee job relatable memes work memes email work coworkers funny memes Office lol workplace funny - 35917573

28 Memes That Perfectly Describe Your Email Inbox

We're constantly spammed with emails. Our work emails, our personal emails, and those inboxes we still have from the early 2000s with the embarrassing email address names that we can't seem to delete are all constantly filled with spam. When you buy something from a company nowadays, you have to be prepared to receive email promotions from them for the rest of your life, no matter how many times you try to unsubscribe. Even when you just do a quick search of a product, it's like you're sudden...
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Job candidate misses her interview after hiring manager fails to coherently respond to her emails: ‘You literally had one job’

Job candidate misses important interview after hiring manager fails to coherently respond to her emails: ‘You literally had one job’

Every person you encounter in your employment journey is simply doing their job. Secretaries, hiring managers, HR, and even CEOs are all simply doing their jobs, and their contact with you is usually a part of that. That is why, when applying for a new job, you would expect these people to do their jobs correctly and make everyone's life easier, but that is not always the case. For example, the person in this Reddit story was applying for a new job and was invited to interview for a job via ema…
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'Answer each and every email with "got it"': Boss insists that employee change the "upsetting" tone of their emails

'Answer each and every email with "got it"': Boss insists that employee change the "upsetting" tone of their emails

Email etiquette changes everywhere you go. Politeness is key, of course. But at some workplaces, emails have to be answered in a highly specific way, even if the employees think it's ridiculous. Up next, these goofy goobers are some real dummies according to their friends, like one person whose coworker wouldn't drink water, ever, because “ water makes you rust .”
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'Completing a night's work... was arrogant? Ok, fine': Railroad boss demands employee "play nice" by agreeing to nonsensical plan, employee decides to underperform

'Completing a night's work... was arrogant? Ok, fine': Railroad boss demands employee "play nice" by agreeing to nonsensical plan, employee decides to underperform

Imagine being the person who's the first into the office and last out, yet your boss still isn't happy with your work. That's the rather irritating situation that u/Disastrous-Glove4889 found themself in at their railroad job. They were there to work on a project installing new lightbulbs into train signals, updating them from halogen bulbs to LEDs. Unfortunately, they were working with the boss from h-e-double hockey sticks who was apparently “universally hated.”
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Update: 'The launch is next week': Entitled client messages web designer 50 times, website gets filled with typos and inaccuracies

Update: 'The launch is next week': Entitled client messages web designer 50 times, website gets filled with typos and inaccuracies

It takes a thick skin to be your own boss, especially when you're working with the craziest clients imaginable. U/boobook-boobook knows that all too well after their run-in with a client who knew exactly what she wanted, no changes allowed. While we're on the subject of hilarious misspellings and misunderstandings, check out these very funny ones, like one person who tried to sound out “grand scheme” and instead wrote, “It is a very small issue in the gran stephen things.”
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boss workplace-stories jobs employee entitlement drama hiring manager email new hire work coworkers Awkward job candidate emails PTO etiquette entitled reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 26349061

New hire gets email on first day asking to donate his PTO to coworkers: 'A nice red flag on the first day'

Have you ever worked for a company that allowed you to donate your PTO to other coworkers? This new hire received an email from HR on his very first day asking him to donate PTO to two employees he didn't even know. The worst part is that he already doesn't like his new job and is taking a major pay cut after being laid off from his old job. It's understandable to donate hours to a coworker with whom you've developed a relationship, who may be in desperate need of PTO time due to family issue...
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‘He lost his PhD because of me’: Employee gets boss's PhD revoked after getting fired for taking lead of the company

‘He lost his PhD because of me’: Employee gets boss's PhD revoked after getting fired for taking lead of the company

Don't mess with people if you don't have the means to back it up. One rich boss inherited a lot of money from his ancestors, which he slowly but surely dwindled away by making avoidable mistakes at work. He had a company, but he had no idea how to lead his employees, and even though most people went along with it, one employee didn't. This person, who we'll call OP, kept calling the boss out for his mistakes and took the lead so that the boss's decisions wouldn't lead to chaos. Well, you can im…
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