

guy told groceries are too expensive, company makes him eat at nice restaurants

Company Tells Employee Groceries Cost Too Much, Must Eat Every Meal At Fancy Restaurants

If you say so.
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funny times teachers witnessed kids say funny things

Teachers Share Times They Had To Stop Themselves From Laughing At Their Students

Those were the days.
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funny home depot memes

Home Depot Memes To Come Back To After Forgetting Something

It's not just a store.
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guy takes advantage of rewards program

Dude's Stupid Cookie Loophole Becomes Real-Life Infinite Money Glitch

Take that, The System.
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funny stories of stupid questions people were asked

People Share The Dumbest Questions They've Ever Been Asked

There are in fact, dumb questions.
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funny bird memes

Birds Of Chaos Who Played By No Rules

They didn't even know rules exist.
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funny brilliant ideas that turned out to be stupid

People's Brilliant Ideas That Were Dumb Upon Review

We all know someone who's reinvented socks.
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people who didn't understand jokes and memes

Fun-Stealing Dullards Who Didn't Get The Joke

C'mon, think about it for like a second.
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funny moments of kids being stupid and weird

20+ Instances of Proof That Kids Are Almost a Different Species

They're out there, man.
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funny mistakes, errors and blunders

Goofs and Blunders That Should Have People Rethinking Their Choices

Observation is key.
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funny sign has jokes on it

Restaurant Sign Dispenses Jokes and Wisdom

Good ol' sign jokes.
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funny tweets

Funny Tweets To Help Forget About Everything For A Second

We need a break from reality.
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American boyfriend brings bell to ring at waitstaff

Boyfriend Brings Little Bell To Restaurant, Says Fellow Americans Do It All The Time

Where's this guy from?
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guy eats wife's food photoshoot and doesn't understand why she is mad

Manchild Eats Wife's Photoshoot, Wonders Why She's Mad

It's an open and shut case.
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obvious and stupid things people didn't realize for a long time

Painfully Obvious Things People Didn't Realize For Way Too Long

Every moment can be a learning experience.
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scammer pretends to be hit and run victim, uses wrong photos and gets discovered

Scammer Pretends To Be Hit-And-Run Victim, Gets Found Out

Not even good try.
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