
Dating is a tricky place. Whether it's online, blind, or a witty pick up line at the bar, the ways to start that dance are nearly endless. Unfortunately, some people still don't manage to navigate its nuances, and end up a lesson what not to do.

Guy's New 'Netflix and Chill' Variation Has Seemingly Cracked the Code to Online Dating

Guy's New 'Netflix and Chill' Variation Has Seemingly Cracked the Code to Online Dating

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Year 2022

‘Did You Block Me?’ : Best Dating App Fails of the Year 2022

Clever college chick gets revenge after being told to stop walking around braless by a jealous girlfriend

Clever college chick gets revenge after being told to stop walking around braless by a jealous girlfriend after receiving unwanted attention

'I'm Totally A Keeper' : Most Delusional People On Dating Apps This Week

'Wow, That Was Forward' : Most Delusional People On Dating Apps This Week

My Tinder match dumped me off at a bus stop in the freezing cold in the middle of the night. Apparently, I’m needy for wanting a safe ride home.

'Drama much?' Insane Tinder date gets angry after leaving woman at a bus stop in the middle of the night while it's snowing

‘You’re Single Because of Your Ridiculously High Physical Standards’ : Man Comes Clean to Delusional Friend Who Believes Most Women Are Out of His League

‘You’re Single Because of Your Ridiculously High Physical Standards’ : Man Comes Clean to Delusional Friend Who Believes Most Women Are Out of His League

'Well that escalated quickly': 20 jaw-dropping pickup lines this week (December 16, 2022)

'Well that escalated quickly': 20 jaw-dropping pickup lines this week (December 18, 2022)

'You Must Be At Least 8 Feet Tall' : Best Dating App Fails And Memes Of The Week

'You Must Be At Least 8 Feet Tall' : Best Dating App Fails And Memes Of The Week

Top Tinder Moments and Fails from the wild world of online dating

'Can you fix my car?': 20+ Top Tinder Moments and Fails from the wild world of online dating

'You need to pay him back with interest ASAP': Entitled woman seeks advice about how to dump long-term partner

'You need to pay him back with interest ASAP': Entitled woman seeks advice about how to dump long-term partner

15+ Malfunctions: Dating App Conversations and Profiles That Failed 10/10

15+ Malfunctions: Dating App Conversations and Profiles That Failed 10/10

Top Trending Dreadful Pickup Lines This Week (December 6, 2022)

Top Trending Dating App Fails That Backfired This Week (December 6, 2022)

girlfriend thinks boyfriend is cheating on her, turns out to be much worse

'Can't we just start calling you Jessica? That would be easier': Girlfriend is called wrong name by boyfriend's entire family, thinks he's cheating, turns out to be much worse

'People always ask why I'm dating you because of how you look': 20 Red Flags people wish they didn't ignore

'People always ask why I'm dating you because of how you look': 20 Red Flags people wish they didn't ignore

daughter catches mom's boyfriend cheating, serves him piping hot justice

‘You’re gaslighting me so you don't look like the bad guy': Daughter catches mom's boyfriend cheating, epically tells him off and puts him in his place

'No wonder you're single': 15 savage Tinder Fails that prove chivalry is dead

'No wonder you're single': 15 savage Tinder Fails that prove chivalry is gone