
customer service

customer service customer support customers employment customer job jobs retail work workplace malicious compliance entitled people workplace-stories workplace discussion in the workplace karen customer workplace malicious compliance - 35513093

Customer insists flooring installer does it their way, gets exactly what they asked for: 'I got paid to remove the work that I just got paid to install so I can get paid to install it again'

With so much information accessible at the tips of our fingers, it's easy for anyone to think that they're an expert. Without realizing it, they're missing the context, experience, and knowledge of the framework that's used to properly define the information they think they're an authority in—all things that an actual expert would know and possess. Of course, when you're delivering a service to clients, they're going to want to do things their way. But, as the customer, it's important to know w…
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customer service employee entitlement drama job malicious compliance server work coworkers customers restaurant entitled reddit thread waitress Reddit company entitled people in the workplace - 35484165

'I completely ignored the fact that most of their table is now taken over with little dishes of ranch': Impatient customer asks 4 workers for more ranch, petty server maliciously compiles

Servers have to deal with it all. Mainly irritated customers. Whether it's dinner rush, the kitchen is backed up, or you are dealing with a Karen customer, you have to know how to maintain your composure, even in the most ridiculous of situations. In this story, a server is dealing with an impatient customer who wants more ranch (why is it always ranch?). The server heard his request the first time but still had multiple other tables to check on. She had a system going, and she'd get the impa...
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Male Karen gets thrown out of tattoo parlor, demands to speak to manager on social media, gets roasted: 'You were denied entry for several reasons'

Male Karen gets thrown out of tattoo parlor, demands to speak to manager on social media, gets roasted: 'You were denied entry for several reasons'

There are certain people you never want to mess with: your barber, the lady at the Department of Motor Vehicles, whoever is cooking your food, and your tattoo artist. Obviously, the lattermost example does not apply to folks who don't want to get tattoos. However, for those who do, throwing a temper tantrum at the person who is about to imprint a permanent design on your body is not the wisest idea. Thankfully, this guy didn't get that kind of petty revenge. Instead, he simply threw this male K…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs employment-discussion job retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail employment in the workplace - 35440389

Retail chain cuts workers' hours rather than paying overtime: 'They are going to schedule all the full timers at 35 hours so that no one goes over 40'

Ahh, retail… a fine industry where middle manglement regularly tries to shove a dirt sandwich down your throat while whispering sweetly to you it's actually honey. The story shared in this post is a tale as old as time in retail, where management will happily tell you with a smile that the company's official policy is that the customer comes first… but that the unofficial policy is that making sure staff never claim or report overtime also comes first. So, then, what happens when you're working…
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Store employee refuses to give kid her money back after she is 5 cents short on her purchase, resulting in a dispute with observing customers: ‘Give her the money’

Store employee refuses to give kid her money back after she is 5 cents short on her purchase, resulting in a dispute with observing customers: ‘Give her the money’

When you are a kid, everything feels like much more of a big deal than what it actually is. For example, accidentally leaving a store without paying for something, and then setting off the alarm can make kids feel like their lives are over. Most of the time, everything turns out fine, but it can still be a rather traumatizing experience for a little kid. That is why I really felt for the 10-year-old kid in this Reddit story, especially because all that went down was not even her fault. After tr…
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‘You will get what you deserve’: Employee stands firm against rebellious customer's rush for service, causing delays for dozens in line

‘You will get what you deserve’: Employee stands firm against rebellious customer's rush for service, causing delays for dozens in line

The consumer is always right in today's modern environment. But what happens if the client is fundamentally incorrect? Do you firmly stand your ground or do you quietly comply with all of their demands? The story that follows is from a disgruntled employee. The original poster (OP) is employed by Seven-Eleven as a cashier. Although there are benefits and drawbacks to working in customer service, nothing could have prepared OP for the entitled client who refused to pay her bill. For background,…
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customer service employee drama job malicious compliance retail work customers tales from the front desk petty revenge baby boomers boomers entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 35367941

'Nothing slowed this man down but other customers putting him in his place': Entitled Boomer claims he has a medical condition and can't wait in line, waiting customers stand up for employees

Hopefully, this story will restore your faith in humanity a bit. We can all agree that waiting in line is the worst. But what are you going to do about it? You can choose not to wait and maybe try again another time. But you can't force the employees to work faster. It's usually not their fault either, but unfortunately, they get the blame most of the time as customers need somewhere to vent their angered feelings. It's not fair, but that's what happens. In the story below, an entitled man coul…
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customer service workplace discussion pro revenge karens workplace-stories entitled parents jobs petty-revenge-reddit job malicious compliance revenge karen-customer work customers revenge-stories petty revenge karens in the wild workplace entitled revenge-stories-reddit karen workplace malicious compliance entitled people employment in the workplace - 35356933

Builder gets back at Karen celebrity for trying to obstruct their building site: 'I went ahead and called the police'

We have this tendancy as a society to assume that just because someone is notably successful in one area that they must be a paragon of humanity in all other ways when—well, this often couldn't be farther from the actual truth. See, there's this thing that happens to those who have early success—or have success thrust upon them thanks to nepotistic opportunity—where they also think they're better than everyone else. If they found their success through a singular focus on their chosen path, it's…
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'I decide to go full loophole': Bank branch worker helps customer stuck in phone call loop

'I decide to go full loophole': Bank branch worker helps customer stuck in phone call loop

This person deserves a medal after spending ages helping one customer. If not a medal, they at least deserve some kudos from their boss for taking the time to help a Spanish-speaking customer figure out her way around a complex phone system. After that, check out the employee who had a crafty way of supplying a photo for HR without actually getting his face in the picture, writing that he “ went for another technicality .”
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10+ pizza delivery drivers share how their most bizarre customers got banned from the restaurant: 'His living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard'

10+ pizza delivery drivers share how their most bizarre customers got banned from the restaurant: 'His living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard'

It's remarkable how eerily similar some of these delivery tales are! Whether it's entitled customers getting frustrated about the silliest things (like not enough extra sauce) or teenagers trying to pull pranks or people getting a little too flirty with their delivery drivers, the ways in which customers can end up on a “No Delivery” list seem to fall into the same range of uncalled-for behavior. What's more surprising is how many people try to pull the same stunts over and over again and how c…
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Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Dealing with rebellious teenagers at your job is not for the faint of heart. As someone who used to work with folks within this age range regularly, I can attest to that fact. However, I was working in the education space; whether I liked it or not, I signed up to work with entitled kids. This, of course, does not apply to everyone and certainly not to this gas station attendant . Dealing with kids who refuse to follow simple rules was not within his job description, yet it seemed to become a p…
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Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Let this story serve as a friendly reminder that giving two weeks is a courtesy, not a requirement. If you do end up quitting without giving two weeks, that does not mean you are relinquishing any other prior rights as an employee. To translate to this specific scenario, your boss cannot dock your final pay because of your choice to quit on the spot. In this instance, we have a fast food employee who used to work at a very well-known establishment famous for its donuts (if you catch our drift).…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents retail karen-customer customers karen-customers entitled customers entitled people karma karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 26161669

Frustrated customer reveals entitled family's plan to exploit home improvement store and steal product: 'I made sure a pricing error did not occur'

Navigating your way through a crowded store is one of those experiences you won't soon forget, squeezing through cramped aisles between situationally unaware strangers who have made it their prerogative to move as erratically as possible. To make matters worse, you always seem to be in a hurry when this happens, and you need to get in and out as fast as possible while everyone else is moving like the walking dead. As whenever queueing—or any basic social order and decorum—is expected there's al…
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Difficult Male Karen throws tantrum at hotel front desk over providing proof of identification: 'Nobody else ever IDs me!'

Difficult Male Karen throws tantrum at hotel front desk over providing proof of identification: 'Nobody else ever IDs me!'

It seems like Gary really needed to make a scene at his corporate retreat! This guy approached the front desk of a hotel, which was almost entirely rented out by his company for the week, when he found himself confronted with a bit of a problem: he was asked to show his ID before he could receive his room key. Normally, any sane person would understand that this is a customary part of the hotel check-in process, yet somehow Gary took issue with this ask. To make matters worse, he had a copy of…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance retail work customers karen-customers customer entitled customers workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 25895685

'You want to put how much concrete in your Civic?': Customer insists on loading 1000 lbs. of concrete into the back of their small car despite employee's warnings

"The customer is always right" is an attitude that is purveyed throughout customer service... People will love to remind you at this point that one full attribution of the original quote is also reported as being “The customer is always right in matters of taste” meaning that or that customer service representatives should seek “to satisfy the customer regardless of whether the customer is right or wrong.” Both lend to the idea that the customer is not necessarily right about all things, just a…
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'I gave her a big sweet smile': Grandma demands a refund because she filled up the memory on her 3 month phone, manager tells her to ‘get out’

'I gave her a big sweet smile': Grandma demands a refund because she filled up the memory on her 3 month phone, manager tells her to ‘get out’

One elderly customer got up on the wrong side of the bed the day they went to pay a retail employee a visit to complain. The grandma was livid that her phone wasn't working anymore, and it was only 3 months old, so she wanted a refund, thank you very much. The employee informed her that there were no refunds after 3 months, but the grandma didn't accept that as an answer. So, after making a scene, the employee took a look at the phone. They quickly discovered that it was just full — the grandma…
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