
customer service

customer service failblog customer service employee r-retailhell retail retail employee working customer service karen customers customer service jobs Reddit working retail retail jobs retailer entitled people - 22724101

'No, sir... It's 11AM': Retailers swap stories of how customers ruined their days first thing in the morning

The duties that are require to work in retail might seem minuscule, but we assure you, they're not. Karens might say it's all just standing around and doing anything and everything the customer says, but that's just simply incorrect. There is so much in the backend and behind the scenes that needs done that customer's don't see. For example, opening the store. It isn't just unlocking the doors, it's setting up the system, doing inventory, restocking the store, online duties, etc. Unfortunately,…
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work workplacce workers worker employee employees manager managers management retail retail-store store boss supervisor malicious-compliance reddit sales customer-service

'Since I left, profits are down 44.7%': Irreplaceable retail employee gets written up for going above and beyond; retaliates by doing only the bare minimum, watching the store descend into chaos

Retail is a soul sucking industry that sends even the most level-headed employees into madness. After months, years, or decades in the same sales department, many retail workers grow apathetic; dealing with Karens, bad management, and a looping music playlist can do that to a person. Although, every now and then, a retail store is blessed with an overachiever, a real workaholic...
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customer service karens entitled parents funny stories funny story karen-customer customers grocery stores karens in the wild entitled grocery shopping karen entitled people grocery store - 22663429

'You can't count to five': Grocery store Karen gets shut down whilst going through express checkout with too many items

Express checkouts exist purely to improve the flow of checkout by allowing a greater number of persons with a minimal amount of items to move quickly through the checkout process, freeing them from having to wait behind those with full carts… It's a pretty simple concept, really.
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'Get out!': Influencer gets owned after trying to prank video game store employee

'Get out!': Influencer gets owned after trying to prank video game store employee

This employee saw right through this so-called “influencer's” prank. The young man has posted several videos on social media in which he tries to prank unsuspecting employees at various stores, but this time, he met his match. The teenager tried to pass off a ridiculous-looking homemade device as a “virtual reality” gadget. The employee was not having any of this guy's pitch and knew that he was trying to sell him some nonsense. At first, the employee remained calm and politely asked the teenag…
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'Do whatever you need to do': Car dealership maliciously complies with maintenance order, inflates prices, then learns they have to foot the bill

'Do whatever you need to do': Car dealership maliciously complies with maintenance order, inflates prices, then learns they have to foot the bill

It's refreshing to read that for once, the folks at a car dealership were those ones who had to pay up. We come across too many stories on the Internet of folks getting cheated and tricked and having to pay the price, but this Redditor cleverly circumnavigated the system in order to get what they deserved. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Ko-Riel , who explained that they purchased a car with three years of maintenance included. When it came time for the c…
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'[I] deactivate their keys': Front desk agent discovers special method to get even with Karen customers

'[I] deactivate their keys': Front desk agent discovers special method to get even with Karen customers

It's always astonishing to me why the Karens of the world decide to pick battles with the people who could make their lives difficult. When I check into a hotel, I try to make a point to be almost overly polite because I know from experience that front desk agents can make your stay easier, better, or more challenging. This Redditor shared that they discovered the best way to get even with Karen customers at the hotel in which they work: simply deactivate their room keys after they leave the fr…
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customer service karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people choosing beggar - 22497797

'Feel free to get into the regular line': Entitled Disney family gets owned by the same rules they're trying to circumvent

The most important lesson I learned in customer service was that you should never give an entitled person exceptions to rules or allow them to get away with gaming the system. The thing is, it's hard to stand your ground and face a possible complaint, but if you're firm and fair with them once, that's the only time they'll be a problem . But, as soon as you let them have their way, they're going to keep coming back and be a repeat problem for you because now they know that you and your organiza…
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customer service server waiter customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service talesfromthecustomer tales from your server service industry - 22497285

'[I was] called a Karen': Cashier freaks out on customer trying to correct a wrong order

We often hear stories online from customers who are acting unreasonable and unruly, like what you might call a “Karen,” and we tend to take the employees narrating these stories at face value. But what about the times when the roles are reversed? What about situations where a customer is simply making a reasonable request, only to be met with a harsh response from an employee? At what point is it okay for a customer to get a little bit frustrated when their issue isn't receiving any attention f…
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customer service instant karma malicious compliance server retail waiter customers waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service tales from your server service industry drive thru - 22479109

'They literally rammed the car in front of them': Drive-thru operator watches car full of impatient bros rear-end another customer

Usually, immoral irrationality and disrespect towards others go unpunished, making those perpetrating that behavior to be more encouraged since, well, they got away with it already. Occasionally, though, the universe will react in kind and drown them in a karmic ocean of their own making. In these instances, the world feels like it is in balance, with just deserts having been served in ample portions. Working in customer service, you'll seldom get to see this play out, with the irrational getti…
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'She gets three steps out of the store and drops the phone': 20+ Customers who got the instant karma they deserved

'She gets three steps out of the store and drops the phone': 20+ Customers who got the instant karma they deserved

These are the moments that retail workers hold near and dear. No, we aren't just talking about fond memories with coworkers. These workers got to witness as their worst customers got instant karma for their terrible behavior. Meltdowns aren't just for babies and toddlers. Retail workers have to deal with grown adults having tantrums every day. There are lots of folks who are led to believe that the only way they'll get what they want is to be aggressive and demanding about it. Technically, this…
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customer service karens server karen-customer customers restaurant server life entitled reddit thread Reddit tales from your server entitled people - 22441221

Top Tales From Your Server (October 2, 2023)

Welcome to server life, where you get paid next to nothing to deal with entitled customers and power-tripping managers while working on your feet for seemingly endless shifts. You can just imagine the cast of characters that everyday servers are forced to encounter, confront, work with, and work for day in and day out. So let the following stories, which were compiled from Reddit's r/TalesFromYourServer subreddit, ~serve~ as yet another reminder to be kind and generous with your servers. Tip th…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories job malicious compliance retail work customers customer workplace - 22459909

'No problem': Belligerent customer insists on being refunded for their own mistake

The thing about making a mistake is that you kind of have to just own it. At this point, you're already suffering whatever negative effects and embarrassment have resulted from that mistake, and then you have to be able to rub salt in that wound and accept that you have no one to blame but yourself. It's no surprise that a lot of times, people seem to be completely unable to consciously or subconsciously accept that their mistake is their own fault. Instead, they come up with some way to explai…
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'They did what every company would with recorded lines: they pulled the calls': Call center worker hangs up on caller repeatedly, bosses back them up

'They did what every company would with recorded lines: they pulled the calls': Call center worker hangs up on caller repeatedly, bosses back them up

This dude clearly didn't listen to the automated message telling customers they'll be recorded during the phone call . He paid the price for that mishap! Working in a call center is a grueling job for lots of people. Just look in the comments, or at some of the many posts to r/talesfromcallcenters, and you can get a peek into the life of a call center rep. Basically, these employees clock in and take dozens or even hundreds of calls per day. Depending on their place of business, they're probabl…
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reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance frosty karen fast-food manager boss refund employee customer-service talk-back backtalk karens karens-in-the-wild work

'Her food [got] as cold as my Frosty heart': Karen insults a fast food manager, forcing them to double check her refund; ends up getting $4.13 instead of $12.99

When you work is customer service, sometimes it's easier to hook it up for a customer just to get rid of them. We all know that there's a certain leeway that managers are privy to extend to clients, but that of course is at their discretion. If all of the sudden a snarky Karen starts insulting the manager personally, things might not go as planned for their 'oh-so-important' refund.
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'You can't use a shopping cart': Customer complies with disgruntled cashier's demands, leading to overfilled checkout counter hassle

'You can't use a shopping cart': Customer complies with disgruntled cashier's demands, leading to overfilled checkout counter hassle

This story includes one overworked, tired cashier who despised the fact that he had to keep pointing out a strikingly obvious sign that read, ‘Leave your shopping cart outside’ to customers who did not go out of their way to read it. This story also involves a customer who worked at a liquor store and had to get a bunch of bottles for the upcoming holiday. So in simple terms, it included two minimum-wage workers who were not getting enough money for dealing with other people's messes on a daily…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers workplace tales-from-retail employment in the workplace - 22380549

'We only do deliveries over the phone': Cashier refuses to take delivery order in person, customer calls from the lobby

Rules usually exist for a reason. Generally, they come into being because someone did something and learned the hard way that the way they chose wasn't the way that it should be done, so it's decided that this way should never be attempted again by either them—or those surviving them—depending on how poorly their attempt went. There is another type of rule, though, and these rules are generally made up by a bored busybody middle manager on a random Wednesday afternoon because they need somethin…
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