

‘You want to work, then work’: Manager authorizes overtime despite company policy, leading to hundreds of hours of OT; corporate come for management

‘You want to work, then work’: Manager authorizes overtime despite company policy, leading to hundreds of hours of OT; corporate come for management

Some companies' policies don't allow overtime, as paying minimum wage employees a slightly more humane salary is just not in their budget. Despite this, managers can overrule this when holidays arrive and they are in dire need of help. In this case, OP was working at a retail store; unsurprisingly, this was the type of company that paid its employees little but expected a lot. The holidays were fast approaching, and management knew that they were way behind, thus they would need many hands on d…
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weekend tgif weekday weekday-warriors monday friday friday-night happy-hour corporate work work-memes memes relatable relatable-work-memes lol zoom work-from-home working

Top TGIF Memes for Employees Running on Empty Who Need it to be the Weekend ASAP

Some work weeks hit harder than others. This week, the wind was sucked out of your sails and you're spiraling towards Earth with nothing on your mind except happy hour drinks on Friday at 5PM. Thank god it's Friday!
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'Boss, it's only $100/month': Company offers a skimpy 'bonus' to employees in exchange for 24/7 availability and 12 hour work days

Bonuses are meant to be a congratulatory sprinkle of cash that comes as a gift from your company. It's on top of your regularly scheduled salary and it's how a business says “thank you” to their hardworking employees, but a lot of companies forget that, turning a bonus into some kind of leverage over the office minions.
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micromanage boss boss's-boss grocery store work antiwork manager bad-boss bad-manager revenge justice reddit working corporate entitled entitled-boss clueless i-told-you-so satisfying

'[My manager] didn't get done until midnight': Boss tries to micromanage a seasoned employee, then gets pwned when the boss's boss comes along

When you're good at your job, it sucks to have your clueless boss tell you what to do. Not only are they on a power trip of haughty, suit-clad dictatorship, but your arrogant boss couldn't do your job in a million years. Sometimes, when you're getting scolded at work by that kind of boss, all you need is a shred of revenge on their ignorance to feel better.
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‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

‘I got my boss fired’: Boss tells employee to ‘stay in the office’, employee complies, boss gets fired as a result

Management naturally steers towards less actual work by ordering employees around rather than stepping up and doing what is needed for the role. So it isn't surprising when some employees begin holding a vendetta. This corporate manager got his own personal annual goals and sent them off to OP, his employee, adding to his long list of responsibilities. Every year, the manager would unfairly get a bonus for OP's hard work. In order to deliver results, OP had to leave his desk at times, even the…
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‘You Cut My Paycheck, Watch What Happens’ : Company Misses Yearly $925 Million Target, Corporate Furloughs Employees to Cut Expenses, Leading To Malicious Compliance

‘You Cut My Paycheck, Watch What Happens’ : Company Misses Yearly $925 Million Target, Corporate Furloughs Employees to Cut Expenses, Leading To Malicious Compliance

Companies are out here making millions in profits (but not enough millions) and still manage to screech like a toddler who is upset about the color of a lollipop. So, what to do when you're sitting up on your high horse in corporate, and your company is going to miss their annual target of nearly one billion dollars by exactly $75 mil? Who is gonna pay for your third beach house in the Maldives? Action must be taken to prevent the lack of said beach house! One man shared his experience via Redd…
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Top Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door (May 3, 2023)

Top Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door (May 3, 2023)

Claiming overtime gives us brief jolts of joy when receiving our monthly paycheck, but the reason for said overtime is that we're seriously understaffed, so although we can hear the cha-ching of dollar bills entering our sad accounts, our sanity has slowly declined. Employees have been complaining about this lack of manpower for longer than they care to remember, and although bosses around the globe have continuously assured everyone that there will be new hires, it's simply not happening.
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corporate memes millennial misery work humor relatable boss manager overworked underpaid

Funniest Work Memes for Corporate Millennials That Are Underpaid and Overworked

Memes and cold brew keep me sane
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AITA for defending my boss in front of her family?

'AITA for defending my boss in front of her family?': Corporate worker deflects lies about her boss at family dinner, and it makes things awkward

One woman wrote about her experiences at an awkward family dinner that she had with her boyfriend, his family, and… her boss.
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'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

'She demanded my manager fire me on the spot' : Entitled customer Karen has meltdown and calls corporate following barista's savage confession

Karens enjoy being given attention (albeit negative), and unfortunately, it tends to come at other people's expense. Especially those who work in customer service, AKA baristas, servers, retail workers, etc. This Karen picked the wrong day to mess with this barista, as it was the employee's last day. Karen had a constant rude, demeaning attitude, making employees and customers hate her alike. So it couldn't have been that much of a surprise that this employee snapped. But of course, we're talki…
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AITA for not letting entitled regular customer come into an employee only area?

'She has threatened to call corporate': Entitled customer keeps barging into thrift store's backroom as employee tries to stop her

Customers can feel entitled to just about anything, as this sneaky woman proved to a thrift shop employee . The employee wrote that as a 4 year veteran of the thrift shop she works at, she has lots of regulars, including some that have no boundaries whatsoever. “V," as the OP has nicknamed her, is super pushy and feels that she runs the place. She seems to haggle with the employees to get prices lowered (at a thrift shop for goodness sake). But that's not even the worst of her problems. She als…
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Aging Millennial Jokes and Fails That Will Make You Feel, Well, Like an Aging Millennial

Aging Millennial Jokes and Fails That Will Make You Feel, Well, Like an Aging Millennial

Sad to admit it, but we're getting older...
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corporate memes nepotism relatable work sucks boss wheel office manager hr cubicle

Best Corporate Memes for Office Plebs Who Can't Stand Another Day in Their Cubicle

Being a corporate suit is like being a hamster in a cage. Your life is pretty plushy, but at the end of the day, all you do is run around on that little wheel of yours, while you mindlessly imagine what it's like in the real outdoors. The corporate cage turns nepo babies, rich folks, and country club members into feral wolves, while it turns the rest of us into handsome blonde rodents with a 2 year life span . Hang in there, Hamtaro, the wheel will keep spinning even when you stop running, so p…
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corporate millennial millennials memes work overworked underpaid meme relatable office boss manager

Funniest Work Memes for Corporate Millennials That Are Underpaid and Overworked (March 8, 2023)

It seems like every time you clock in a little piece of you gets eaten away. Work has that effect on people, especially in the corporate world. Just because you “spice up” your cubicle with pictures of tropical vacations doesn't mean you're any closer to getting that week-long PTO request approved. And just because you do excellent work in your department doesn't mean you're going to get that raise– in fact, your boss will probably just give you more work to do as a reward for your success. If…
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boss coworkers work memes corporate millennials micromanager relatable underpaid overworked

Funniest Work Memes for Corporate Millennials That Are Underpaid and Overworked (March 2, 2023)

I'm a freak in the Excel Sheets
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You want the situation to be escalated to management ? Bet. Might f*** up your employment chances though

'Me: 1, Karen: 0': Karen bullies office receptionist on her way to job interview, receptionist gets revenge

The number one rule in any work environment: be kind to the receptionist!
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