

funny-workplace-story corporate workplace-story malicious compliance work workplace corporate-life - 21976837

'I'd come in three or four hours late': New corporate management instates overreaching attendance policy, worker takes advantage and comes in late

Punishment: A negative stimulus administered in response to you doing something that you shouldn't have done in order to discourage you from doing it again. The hope here is that this would be severe enough to prevent further instances of the behavior. While that's all well and good, the punishment needs to fit the crime… if it's not severe enough, the behavior will probably just continue, especially when the person you're trying to incentivize isn't particularly incentivize-able—probably becau…
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corporate workplace-stories in-the-workplace terrible-bosses workplace Horrible Bosses corporate-life employment - 21932037

'I was called in to explain my "long lunch" to my boss': Worker reprimanded for doing work errands to help the business during their lunch

It's a bummer when well-intentioned actions lead to unexpected consequences… This worker would occasionally go out and buy office supplies for their colleagues. It was a kind gesture that seemed to them to be constructive to the business. Unfortunately, their boss didn't seem to care about the benefits, only taking issue with the simple fact that they were absent for longer than the duration that their lunch break allowed. You know, the typical controlling manager nonsense. In response, the bos…
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‘Higher-ups are furious’: Countless company projects put on hold after worker complies with boss's demands to ‘order office supplies through corporate’

‘Higher-ups are furious’: Countless company projects put on hold after worker complies with boss's demands to ‘order office supplies through corporate’

When someone does you a favor at work, the proper reaction should be a mix of ‘grateful’ and ‘thank you’. One employee was using their lunchtime to get office supplies for coworkers at their workplace, paying with the company card. They had been doing this for YEARS, so imagine their surprise when one day, they came back from lunch per usual with a bag of corporate goodies in their hand, a receipt in the other, and received a frown and a scolding from their boss, instead of a ‘thank you’. OP wa…
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'Don't make your tenants do your job': Determined tenant uses data analyst skills to research soaring water prices, leading to entire leasing office getting fired by corporate

'Don't make your tenants do your job': Determined tenant uses data analyst skills to research soaring water prices, leading to entire leasing office getting fired by corporate

Problems arise in apartment complexes all the time; I should know, I lived in one. A lot of complexes use rent payment portals, because they're safe, secure, and allow landlords to collect payments online and keep track of everything, nice and tidy. Or at least, they are supposed to be. OP shared that they lived in an apartment complex that was acquired by a new management company, which switched the resident and rent payment portals. To say that this move caused disruptions would be an underst…
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'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

Corporations like to hire Karens; don't ask me why… It's an enigma I could never make sense of. But a Karen can only fool so many until he or she hits an inevitable roadblock in the form of a regular, run-of-the-mill employee who makes an attempt to address the toxic culture the Karen has created. Every now and then, such an employee will interrupt the Karen's attempts at making them follow some rule created by a corporate suit 15 years ago. In this particular instance, a Karen joined a deliver…
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‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

If you've never gotten fired, have you even lived? I remember the absolute shame and frankly, heartbreak (I was 16, and very dramatic) I felt when I was called by a manager and promptly fired after being accused of fighting with his wife on the job. The story goes as such: I was looking for a job while I was in high school. I was not a very good student and didn't attend any of my classes, so there were weeks I would stay at home, instead of going to school, and boy was it boring . Eventually,…
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'My boss implied that not attending would have repercussions': Employee faces consequences if he doesn't go out with boss and coworkers, internet reacts

'My boss implied that not attending would have repercussions': Employee faces consequences if he doesn't go out with boss and coworkers, internet reacts

People's reactions seem to be split on this one!
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Update: ‘Instead of getting promoted, I got fired’: Employee comes home from vacation, finds out they lost promotion, then gets fired

Update: ‘Instead of getting promoted, I got fired’: Employee comes home from vacation, finds out they lost promotion, then gets fired

Despite finding it difficult to fathom, I am fully aware that coworkers have the tendency to try throwing you under the bus, and you can either sit there and take it, or hatch a clever plan to dodge their attempts. But sometimes, the bad guy wins… we aren't exactly living in a corporate fairy tale. Before we get into u/TroaAxaltion's story of petty revenge that actually ended them up being fired, you can check out their first original post for some extra context, here. OP was working in the con…
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‘I kept track of everything’: Retail employee keeps track of times manager submits to Karens' requests, then tells upper management

‘I kept track of everything’: Retail employee keeps track of times manager submits to Karens' requests, then tells upper management

Managers often bend over backward to make rude, entitled, and petty customers comfortable, and it makes the employee who originally denied the customer's request look pretty bad. Let's say you're a Karen, and you want to use an expired coupon. For the sake of our little experiment, let's say that this coupon has expired over a month ago. You're furious when the employee points out the obvious, because, well, you're a Karen, and demand to speak to the manager. Poof, the manager arrives and overr…
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‘They called corporate': Customers try to get waiter fired after he laughs at their demands

‘They called corporate': Customers try to get waiter fired after he laughs at their demands

Customers are not your friends, and this case makes that perfectly clear. They stomp loudly into your restaurant, noses up in the air, demands rolling off their tongue. If you can't give them your full, undivided attention for the entirety of the time they are there, then what are you even doing with your life? OP was serving a table who came in with a rude attitude and continuously made his life hard with their special requests. One of the customers at the table demanded OP get his food 'right…
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'Company event was a cringe fest': Boss requires underpaid employees to attend company event, gloats about himself the whole time

'Company event was a cringe fest': CEO requires underpaid employees to attend company event, gloats about himself the whole time

No one wants to go to mandatory company events on your day off, so managers and bosses better make sure that employees who are required to go have a good time. First of all, these company events are usually after a tough work week, they usually involve way too much schmoozing for anyone's good, and they're usually wildly inconvenient in terms of location and time. All that happened with this Redditor , who was also an underpaid employee who primarily decided to attend the event because it meant…
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'I rocked the boat when I refused my promotion': Employee finds out their company status reads ‘terminated’ after turning down several promotions from corporate, employee confronts manager

'I rocked the boat when I refused my promotion': Employee finds out their company status reads ‘terminated’ after turning down several promotions from corporate, employee confronts manager

Managers don't always have the courage to tell employees to their faces that they're fired, which only prolongs the inevitable process. This person was working at a ‘community center’, that ironically cost $150 a month, if that gives you any idea of the type of workplace this was. The person finished their shift and went to clock out per usual. Except… something was wrong. They noticed that they weren't able to clock out, so they opened up the app that the staff were required to have in order t…
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The Best Coworker Memes of the Week (July 21, 2023)

The Best Coworker Memes of the Week (July 21, 2023)

Can't live with them, can't live without them.
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‘You can't have kids, or you won't get promoted': Boss warns employee they won't be given promotion if they have kids, employee seeks legal advice

‘You can't have kids, or you won't get promoted': Boss warns employee they won't be given promotion if they have kids, employee seeks legal advice

Some managers just don't have the brains or the cells that are supposed to accompany them in order to lead a team. In this case, OP was working in finance, and like many other employees in similar shoes, she was hoping that one day she could get a promotion. Her dream was basically crushed by her boss who told her that if she was gonna have kids in the next few years, there was no way she was getting promoted. First of all, that's very illegal. Second of all, what did her boss expect her to do,…
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parenting parent maternity maternity-leave new-mother mother corporate virtual-meeting zoom camera camera-on unprofessional professional petty reddit malicious-compliance company boss

'She didn't say we had to be seen': Employee rebels against her boss who forced her to turn her camera on during virtual meetings, maliciously complying by sitting out of frame

One of the best perks of working from home is that you can look absolutely depraved, un-showered, and unprofessional– and nobody needs to know it! You can click through emails, study spreadsheets, and make Zoom calls, while wearing pajamas in the comfort of your home. Some bosses however– tyrannical micromanagers, that is– will insist on destroying that beautiful facade that you've grown to love and demand that their employees turn their cameras on for every meeting.
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gift-card retirement retired retiree job work corporate unfair fast-food fast-food-chain franchise company loyalty pension worker part-time employee reward gift celebration

'[They] gave him a gift card for 30+ years of loyalty': Fast food employee celebrates retirement; gets 'rewarded' by corporate with a pathetic gift card

Back in the day, when mythical pensions existed and companies took care of their employees, workers would typically stay at their job and work for their company for decades, oftentimes riding out their first entry-level position all the way to retirement. Nowadays, celebrating a 2 year anniversary with a company is a huge accomplishment and most employees just don't have the same kind of loyalty anymore. In this case, one part-time employee had just celebrated his 30 year anniversary before...
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