

Cookies are life. Especially if you're Cookie Monster. Take a dip and a nice big bite of these delicious cookie puns and jokes.

'The banana cream pie cookie "tasted like a pie"': 15+ Absurd reasons people wanted their food refunded

'The banana cream pie cookie "tasted like a pie"': 15+ Absurd reasons people wanted their food refunded

Some customers don't have any sense at all. No one knows that better than people who work in customer service jobs , like retail work and food service. Just ask u/SpiteChickens7. They shared two stories from their gig at a popular cookie spot . On this particular shift, they had a person come in and insist on a refund. Why? Well that's because they'd bought a couple of chocolate cake cookies. Instead of eating both of them, they'd tossed one to their dog! Unsurprisingly, that chocolate cookie m…
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'No good deed goes unpunished': Concerned mother asks neighbor to stop leaving out free cookies

'No good deed goes unpunished': Concerned mother confronts neighbor about leaving out free cookies

This baker loves making cookies and other sweets, but they can't eat all of the goodies alone. As you'll know if you've ever lived with an avid baker, the extras get distributed to everyone around them. Everyone has a different part of the baking process that they love most: the delicious smells, the arm workout of kneading bread dough, or decorating cookies with sprinkles and icing. For a lot of bakers, though, the fun is in making that food . And especially if they make the same recipes over…
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neighbor neighbors neighborhood drama downstairs upstairs noisy complaint message passive aggressive cookies awkward weird strange interesting funny reddit

'She's nuttier than those poisoned cookies': Fake-nice neighbor leaves a cryptic message using baked goods, sparking a stalemate between floors

Chocolate chunk with an extra dash of revenge?
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'In the end, I got the last laugh': Woman holds steady when her "friend" tries to swindle her; years later, she discovers vicious retaliation in the desserts freezer

As a kid, when the other kids were being mean, adults always told us to ‘turn the other cheek’ or simply let the mean jabs go by the wayside. As someone with a vengeful spirit and a fiery heart, it's nearly impossible to forgive and forget, even when you know it's the wise, anti-conflict thing to do. If some little kid is gonna push you in the dirt, things are about to get personal. But if someone unknowingly is gracious and forgiving, does it still make them noble? In this story, one woman was…
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25 Meals for people with an extra adventurous taste in cuisine

25 Meals for people with an extra adventurous taste in cuisine

Only the most adventurous of food connoisseurs could love these outlandish dishes . Everyone has that one friend that will eat anything. They gain a reputation as a garbage disposal because they'll eat everyone's leftovers . They're the friend who doesn't think to look at expiration dates before chowing down on the food in your fridge. Maybe they even make strange food combos that you'd never dream of eating. These foods below are probably too weird even for that friend! Check out the wild dish…
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20+ Crafters who tried to be aesthetic but instead created the arts 'n' crafts projects of nightmares

20+ Crafters who tried to be aesthetic but instead created the arts 'n' crafts projects of nightmares

In order to create great art, an artist has to fail over and over and over. If they stick with their craft , the artist might eventually succeed, and make lovely art pieces that people can't wait to buy. Not everyone is a professional artist, though – some people just make art for fun and entertainment, while others do it for the 'gram. Inspired largely by the proliferation of Pinterest crafts for every holiday imaginable, these folks tried their hand at DIY art. After all, how hard could it be…
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AITA for telling my coworker to stop baking me stuff?

'Stop baking me stuff': Entitled guy demands coworker bake him cookies, returns dirty tupperware

Who doesn't know the tupperware rule?
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guy takes advantage of rewards program

Dude's Stupid Cookie Loophole Becomes Real-Life Infinite Money Glitch

Take that, The System.
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customer service McDonald's ridiculous food fast food cookies - 2141702

McDonald's Worker Exposes Cookies Situation On TikTok

Say it ain't so.
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Tweets about a roommate who failed at making oatmeal cookies | Guys Named Ernie Bernie Ern4Bern LateNightNelly Everyone feel free roast my roommate who thought oatmeal cookies are just baked oatmeal burnt tray with chunks of dry oatmeal on it

Twitter Responds to Roommates Horrible Oatmeal "Cookies"

They look painful.
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diet milk internet judgement niece Oreos uncle vegan allergy sister asshole cookies - 8175109

Uncle Asks Internet If He's Wrong to Give His Vegan Niece Milk and Cookies

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family secrets twitter

19 Twitter Users Reveal Their Juiciest Family Secrets

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trashy twitter

Twitter Shares What Their Trashy Selves Used to Think Was Fancy

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holiday party trolling

14 Things You Can Bring to Your Holiday Work Party to Show Them You're Mentally Clocked Out

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cover image of a stone that looks like food, a frog that looks like ice cream

25 Things That Look Like Delicious Foods but Aren't

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items that look like food

25+ Items That Look like Delectable Food but Totally Aren't

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