

We're just having a friendly conversation. Though you never know when auto correct will strike next. So double check every word, and have a laugh at some people who should have made sure they said what they meant.

Dating conversation fail | 's fine Today 4:07 PM 's good sheep pictures is super cute by way. Is yours? Today 4:40 PM They're friends. And she" and he not an Sorry douchebag answers, but really hate small talk and feel uninspired let my guard down and let someone if feel like just on receiving end. Today 6:15 PM no fan small talk either but honestly 's pretty difficult start conversation with complete stranger out clear blue without much go on. And o

Persistently Uninterested Tinder Match is a Bullet Dodged

Some matches weren't meant to be.
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Aggressive texter bombards guy's phones with paragraphs | Oh shoot. So sorry did not mean send s little embarrassing My old phone didn't allow send videos and since just got this one on Thursday still trying see can do and dunno pressed scrolling through my gallery but total accident and now really embarrassed so 's best don't talk anymore ?

Woman Bombards Man's Phone With Storm Of Texts

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A thirsty wrong number gets trolled in hilarious conversation | Hey! Is this Lynn Heyyy! Yeah who is this? Jon lol are up Ughhh just sitting here are up s no fun just got home Are and bf still together No, fuck prick Lol 'd he do

Wrong Number Gets Taken For Ride On Troll Train

Not the Lynn he was looking for.
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Son's shirt says "players gonna play" and Karen proceeds to get offended | Mom ?e! Hey s up? Not much, just got down Yeah same here e So l actually wanted talk about something Yeah? About Well other day at playgroup bit. Unimpressed with wearing.

Son's Shirt Says "Players Gonna Play", Karen Gets Offended

Karen found something new to be mad about.
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AskReddit replies to how Americans feel about switching to the metric system | Thenandonlythen 196d My persuasive speech high school speech class about why should convert, this 20 years ago got good grade but people love multiplying and dividing by 25.4 apparently | CreepiMacaroni 196d S 1 Award bald eagle screech

Americans' Opinions On Switching To The Metric System

Some took it serious, some kept it playful.
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Dad schools his kid on proper use of memes | texting text messages Go get lunches Uh dad did forget, they sent today's lunch yesterday Oh didn't know actually. Oof Tiff Cell

Dad Schools Kid On Memes

Dad is victorious.
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Guy gets text from scammer, and ends up joking around with them | Hey Alan, this is Ash New York had talked last time came Anaheim visit my sister but ever actually met back in town again til Sunday if wanted get 2gether? Sorry Ash, not Alan. Check digits again. Merry xmas!

Edgy Bot Texts Dude, He Has Fun With It

Ah, nothing like some playing around with an edgy bot.
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Girl gives a guy on Tinder her number and pictures of rocks ensue | dylan Details This one is watermelon lol watermelon looks sick know right Check this out will love this photo of a man's hand holding up a cool colorful rock

Girl On Tinder Gives Guy Number, Rock Pics Ensue

This guy's Tinder game rocks.
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Girl isn't invited to a wedding, so she responds with passive aggressiveness | are Do have wedding date set Yes gonna get married on 20th June Oh can come?

Girl Isn't Invited To Wedding, Passive Aggressive Response Ensues

She didn't handle that well.
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Conversation about what to do with dad's ashes |  she putting some his ashes into my jar she had CHISEL AT HIS ASHES get enough put jar can't stop laughing. Does anyone know break ashes back up doesn't involve chisel or putting pillowcase and driving over with car (my mums other suggestion can't

Dad's Ashes Sparks Hilariously Dark Brainstorm

Just a chip off the old block.
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Girl freaks out at guy after being rejected and pretends she has a bodyguard team and that the guy stole her bracelet | text messages Jordan Yesterday 9:30 PM way out league physically, mentally emotionally can't even believe this right now Never my life

Model Chick Goes Psycho After Being Rejected

Oh boy, he dodged a bullet.
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People who didn't realize they were talking to experts on topics | Replying damiengayle Hello Damien reporter Guardian, is this video? could use with full credit Damien Gayle @damiengayle Lol l'm reporter with Guardian Damien Gayle @damiengayle So l guess can use. CircleToonsHD Someone just told On my own Instagram page give credit maker videos My videos Give credit is video maker man

When People Didn't Know Who They Were Talking To

It helps to read that username.
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Choosing beggar is ridiculous unreasonable with their demands regarding a blanket | Hey blankets are amazing do do commissions? Hello? Hi! Sorry been out town with my fiance. Haven't been on Instagram much

Choosy Beggar Is The Peak Of Unreasonable

It's hard to believe that people like this actually exist.
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Guy gets bombarded with wrong number texts that think they're texting someone else |  Jaz it is Alan. Hi Alan! Sorry didn't reply been really busy with my career

Cars Salesman Gets Bombarded With Ridiculous Wrong Number Texts

This is definitely not the number these guys were looking for.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to sayings that people have always hated | Because said so

Sayings People Have Always Hated

We've all got that one saying that we just hate hearing.
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Customer service representative for Disney+ ends up adding a customer on Snapchat | Live Chat Hello, my name is Jordan. JR Thank contacting Disney+ Customer Support may assist today?

Disney+ Support Employee Adds Customer On Snapchat

Millennial dating at its finest!
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