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Siblings Refuse to Pool Their College Fund With Dad's Love Child, Tension Crackles as He Guilt-Trips the Whole Family

There's not much a deadbeat dad can do that'll make his children think less of him–except crawling out of the woodwork years after announcing he had a secret family only to ask them to share their college fund with his love child.
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'I decided to turn this setback into something positive': Employee gets fired without warning, goes back to school and dedicates his entire doctoral thesis to ex-boss out of spite

Getting fired without warning can feel like the ultimate setback, but for one employee, it turned out to be the push he didn’t know he needed. After being unexpectedly let go, he decided to make a major life change—going back to law school and shifting his entire career path. While the firing stung at first, it gave him the motivation to pursue something new, and now he’s happier than ever in his new profession. But here’s where the story gets a little spicy: when it came time to write his doct…
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'I didn't send him an email reminding him homework was due': 20+ Clueless college kids who baffled the other students

The folks you're about to read about were not the A+ students of their classes. Not every student can be the best in their class. Most are going to be somewhere in the middle, and some are going to be at the bottom of the roster. Up next, find out why “an entire group of bridesmaids left a wedding" while acting on a dare.
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'This pattern continued for the entire semester': College student refuses to visit professor during office hours, shows up at 5 AM and on weekends instead

Oh brother, it's amazing this guy ever made it into college. It's a surprise he even graduated high school! Up next, check out this boss who learned to be careful what you ask for, with an employee saying they'd “ Take notes of EVERYTHING you say in the meeting ? Okay.”
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Man gets revenge on entitled roommates after months of them mooching off his food and throwing his groceries in the dumpster, he ends up on top

College roommates try to mooch off of man's food for months and throw his groceries in the dumpster as a ‘prank’, man returns the favor and gets their admission on tape

"I told them I'd take that recording to the dean if they didn't make things right."
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‘I don’t make the rules, I just follow them': College students share clever methods to get out of paying unjustified parking tickets

‘I don’t make the rules, I just follow them': College students share clever methods to get out of paying unjustified parking tickets

Being a college student already puts you at a difficult starting point when it comes to your financial state. There is simply so much one has to pay for in college, and physically being in school also means you can't really work to pay for everything college demands. One of the most infuriating things colleges usually take money for is parking. Apparently, the tuition is not enough to secure a place to park on campus, so colleges resort to asking even more money for parking passes or permits. T…
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'I was stunned to discover my door on the ground': College student determined to make tacos breaks down dorm doors because they looked "the same"

There are some absolutely wild shenanigans happening in these student dorms! Next, take a peek into what kind of mildly infuriating things these local thrift stores are up to, like one that decided “to use staples for clothing tags .”
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University student tries to plagiarize classmate's work, classmate turns the tables and makes her look like a fool: 'Five years later, I discovered [the professor] routinely showed it to students as a warning'

When one university student reached out to a classmate for help with her paper, she had no idea she was about to walk right into an epic prank. Desperate to finish her report before the deadline, the student asked for a look at her classmate's work, claiming she just needed some guidance on structure and presentation. What happened next was nothing short of astonishing. After receiving the original paper, she sent back her version for proofreading—only to have her classmate discover that she ha…
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Slacker student gets his when he is exposed for his non-participation in group project, professor is in on the plan

Straight-A student conspires with professor and group mate to expose slacker student's non-participation in major group project: ‘[This] is going to be fun’

"Well. If that's how you want to play it, sure."
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'One student recently pushed me to the limit of my stupidity tolerance': Professor declares this generation at an all-time low after recent conversation, and it’s hard to disagree

Is this generation really the worst? In a now-viral story, a professor shared that while he usually tries to keep an open mind with his students as they're young and have limited life experience—but one particular conversation left him convinced that today's generation has officially hit a new low. But if we're being honest, every generation has its cringey moments. Gen Z may have influencers, but millennials had their MySpace profiles, and Boomers? Well, let's just say we all have our share...
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student maliciously complies with teacher's assistant's request to accurately predict questions student's will have, writes up 10 pages of joke questions

‘Teacher's assistant on a power trip’ expects student to predict exact questions his peers will ask during a lesson, student maliciously complies with 10 pages of hilarious wise-guy predictions

I'm sorry, but I'm not a psychic.
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 Parents put a camera in kid's college dorm to monitor her while insisting it's for safety, resulting in a family dispute when she takes it down: ‘You're crossing a line’

Parents put a camera in kid's college dorm to monitor her while insisting it's for safety, resulting in a family dispute when she takes it down: ‘You're crossing a line’

Every kid awaits the day they finally move out of their parents' home and become completely independent adults. For some kids, that happens when they are 18, while for others it happens when they are 28, but eventually (most of the time), everyone must leave the nest, despite the challenges to do so. The challenge we speak of is for the kids and the parents alike, as both have to find the strength to let go of the other. The parents in this Reddit story have been finding it really hard to let g…
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'I chose not to mention that': University professor lets student fail himself after he never attends a single class

'I chose not to mention that': University professor lets student fail himself after he never attends a single class

Academia doesn't like liars, as one student found out the hard way. Colleges love to talk about how much they value original work: no cheating allowed! It's never been easier for students to lie about their work, letting computers write their papers for them. And a lot of those students get caught too, flunking their classes and sometimes having to drop out over that indiscretion. This student also lied to his professor, but it wasn't about a paper. Instead, this kid had gotten into that bad ha…
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‘Only 3-5 students still showed up’: Formidable college professors try to snap at student by making attendance non-mandatory, lose 90% of their class

‘Only 3-5 students still showed up’: Formidable college professors try to snap at student by making attendance non-mandatory, lose 90% of their class

Don't mess with college kids.
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'I'll make your room a sauna': College student messes with thermostat, engages in petty back-and-forth with upstairs roommates

'I'll make your room a sauna': College student messes with thermostat, engages in petty back-and-forth with upstairs roommates

There is nothing like a feud between roommates over apartment temperature. No matter what stage of life you're in, you may very well find yourself living with someone who has a very different conception of appropriate inside temperature than you do. For instance, I am someone who needs a strong A/C on at night, and this proves to be an issue whenever I have to stay with my parents. This is primarily because my mother is petrified of breaking the A/C, so she copes by never using it even if there…
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'None of the students would ever forget that particular tour': Dean demands college students clean science lab, students give visitors an unforgettable demonstration

The students at this college are going to have an amazing story to tell about the first time they visited campus . College can be such a fun-filled and magical time for a young adult, but picking the right college is important. If you're a serious student who wants to buckle down and focus on school, you shouldn't pick that college that's known to be a party school. And conversely, if you're planning to party a lot and spend time on campus getting to know your new friends, you'd better make sur…
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