

Dine And Dash Fail : Shady Man Forgets ID Inside Of Prop Jacket, Mortified When Caught Red Handed

Dine And Dash Fail : Shady Man Forgets ID Inside Of Prop Jacket, Mortified When Caught Red Handed

Well, this is awkward.
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A collection of cursed shirts that never should've been created | toenails are for sissies

Cursed Shirts That Shouldn't Exist

These all need to be wiped out of existence.
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Stupid and dirty clothes design fails | white socks NASA NATIONAL AERONSMITH AND SPACE | red shirt under jacket that appears to say ASS ASS AHAM ASS ASS ASS

Clothing Design Fails That Are Decidedly Unfabulous

Fashion has its limits.
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fashionable grandma at fashion week vogue photoshoot

Guys Get Grandma Featured In Vogue At Fashion Week

They pulled a fast one on the fashion scene.
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Guy accidentally orders the IKEA of sweaters and shares a Twitter thread about the experience | tweet by Dan Sheehan @ltsDanSheehan Losing my mind because ordered thought very affordable wool sweater (like Chris Evans Knives Out obviously Norwegian website and got raw materials necessary create said sweater myself obra per kan vaskes hånd elle maskin på ullprogram. Bru ulvaskemiddel, Einul fra norske merinosaun eine Na som ge den gode das Merino et egner seg godt både oving og farging. Lebrasa

Twitter Thread: Guy Accidentally Orders The IKEA Of Sweaters

Hilariously stupid.
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People wearing stupid, silly, weird and outrageous fashion.

Fashion So Forward-Thinking That Only The Most Chic Among Us Could Understand

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funny review for yoga pants with pockets

Woman's Review For Pocketed Yoga Pants Is Comedy Gold

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clothing company roasted over unwearable outfit

Women's Clothing Company Gets Shredded In The Facebook Comments Section

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sexism triggered clothing ridiculous reaction politics - 5802501

Feminist Shirt For Kids Triggers The Internet Instantly

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FAILS cops angry birds disney FAIL tshirts t shirts clothing Gene Simmons bacon - 4740613

10 Times Shirts Were Very Fitting

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Walmart forced to pull inappropriate t-shirt off the shelves because it takes aim at journalists with terrible message.

Walmart Takes Super Inappropriate T-Shirt Aimed At Journalists

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Calvin Klein sweater with terrible design that is missing a torso is getting roasted by people and it's hilarious.

Ridiculous Overpriced Calvin Klein Sweater That's Missing A Torso Is Getting Rightfully Roasted to Smithereens

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fashion kirby lingerie clothing weird nintendo - 1989125

We're Not Sure How to Feel About Nintendo's Equally Adorable and Bizarre Kirby Lingerie Line

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FAIL donald trump election 2016 angry clothing politics - 1383685

Spencer Gift's Ignites Blind Rage from Tons of People for Selling Product That Many Consider Uuugely Inappropriate

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This Sartorial Hero Matches His Drink to His Shirt Every Day

image fashion beverages This Sartorial Hero Matches His Drink to His Shirt Every Day
Via @oldirtyfuckaroo

Sometimes All You Need to Be a Good Friend Is a Willingness to Wear Booty Shorts

friends clothing school Sometimes All You Need to Be a Good Friend Is a Willingness to Wear Booty Shorts
Via @Anguyenballer

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