
teens aita kids teenagers moms parenting reddit thread parent Reddit raising kids Parenting Fail parents children Parenting FAILS family family drama Family feud brother

42-year-old mother upset that 18-year-old daughter won't be her "emotional support" at family gatherings: '[She] said I’m being selfish'

neighbors kids homeowner yard neighborhood-drama parenting karens in the wild backyard entitled property Bad Neighbor karen children - 37219589

'Things got weird': Entitled Karen upset when neighbor demands she and her kids stop using his pool without consent, she responds with a list of ridiculous pool rules

family drama Family feud wedding Weddings wedding drama brother siblings sibling rivalry

16-year-old daughter wonders why she's not "celebrated" Mother tells her it's because she doesn't do anything: '[She] did not take it well'

workplace-stories jobs malicious compliance workplace malicious compliance employee nanny children parenting parents parent

Nanny makes mother regret telling her not to parent her children, allowing the kids free reign before quitting on the spot: 'Don't try to parent my children!'

Man is fed up with entitled neighbors' notion that their neighborhood streets are reserved for children, he can barely drive down a road without children sitting in the street

Entitled neighbors release Facebook PSA claiming ‘the streets are [their] children's playground’, man is fed up when he is at a constant stop driving in his neighborhood

 malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit sheep malicious compliance reddit neighbors child neighborhood prank funny children newspaper

'This is how you pull a good prank': Small-town teenagers enlist neighbors to pull off prank on their dad

'We had nobody in our corner': Kids cut off contact with parents after 10 years of them being a ‘vlog family’, claiming parents had taken away their childhood

'We had nobody in our corner': Kids cut off contact with parents after 10 years of them being a ‘vlog family’, claiming parents had taken away their childhood

karens ipads school child entitlement ipad mothers karen put in her place mother reddit karen motherhood sad but true entitled people karma karens in the wild School of FAIL entitled r-entitled karen story karma karen children entitled people - 36804613

Mother goes on rampage after her iPad is stolen from her car during school pick-up, says it's the school's fault despite her having not locked her car off school premises

childcare Babies aita infant kids moms parenting dad

Husband admonished for telling wife and new mother of 3-month-old baby that she must return to work: 'She needs to work full-time'

games arcade daycare bully kids bullies summer field trip bullying children - 36486149

'What he doesn't know is that my coworker is friends with the manager': Day care teacher gets revenge on bully

drama kids bad parenting parenting karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen children entitled people - 36485125

Woman yells at kid that screamed directly in her ear, triggering Karen mom’s dramatic outburst: 'She even tried to encourage her kid to scream again'

'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family

'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family

 Parents put a camera in kid's college dorm to monitor her while insisting it's for safety, resulting in a family dispute when she takes it down: ‘You're crossing a line’

Parents put a camera in kid's college dorm to monitor her while insisting it's for safety, resulting in a family dispute when she takes it down: ‘You're crossing a line’

childcare Babies teens aita infant kids teenagers moms parenting dad cute kids pregnant reddit thread parent

Woman asks her biological son to stop calling her "mom" causing rift and diving online readers: 'It feels disrespectful...'

splitting the check bill restaurant meal meals mothers day family feud parent parents parenting childless child children teenagers sister sisters drama mom moms

Parasite older sisters try to ‘split the dinner bill evenly’ even though they brought 4 teenaged kids along, childless sibling refuses: ‘[I’m not] obligated to pay for THEIR children'

lunch lady cafeteria school lunches work working job jobs career under-appreciated meals schools children elementary wholesome story stories summer

‘They didn't pay a dime': Lunch lady serves 18,400+ meals to school children over the summer for free, reigniting her passion for an under-appreciated career choice