

malicious compliance kids car grandfather cars driving driver grandmother children couple chores - 21465605

'Fifty years of malicious compliance': Man blames wife for late dinner, she decides to never drive again

Behold: one of the greatest examples of malicious compliance ever told. This Grandma's commitment to stubbornness is truly unmatched. Back in the 1950s, things were much different than they are now in almost every way. Back then, stereotypical gender roles were in full force, with women getting married, having lots of children, and running a household while raising the kiddies. Meanwhile, the man of the house would work a job. That's it. But that was considered the men's responsibility. Back th…
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Millennizoomers Confess Things That the Boomers Actually Got Right

There are too many touch screens, iPad-dependent parents are screw ups, music is too loud, and everyone needs to get the heck off my lawn!
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'It was too late': Toddler cracks expensive artwork during open house, parents flee the scene

'I felt extremely embarrassed': Toddler cracks expensive artwork during open house, parents flee the scene

When something happens in a small town, everyone is going to hear about it. So when this couple chose to let their toddler roam unsupervised around an open house , they'd be crazy to think the whole town wouldn't know what happened by the next day. The OP, u/open852, wrote to the r/AmItheA**hole subreddit with their rather intriguing etiquette question. In the post, they describe how they and their husband brought their 4 year old kid to an open house . While the parents were strolling the prop…
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'Karen threatened to sue us': Mom throws tantrum at movie theater employees after her kids got kicked out for being disruptive

'Karen threatened to sue us': Mom throws tantrum at movie theater employees after her kids got kicked out for being disruptive

The only thing worse than annoying kids is an annoying parent!
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family drama aita baby school mother call performance show loud daughter mom crying children - 20786181

'Penelope hasn’t answered my calls': Daughter refuses to speak to mother after theater faux pas spoils the show

This mom is taking family participation a bit too far. This woman wrote to r/AmItheA**hole to share her story and ask for people's opinions , but she's definitely not going to like the answers she's receiving in the comments. As the OP, u/Thick-Studio-4277, shared in her post, her daughter Penelope is 12 years old, and she has a spring show that she was performing in. The OP didn't really take this show seriously, which is a big mistake on her part! Preteens take things like that very seriously…
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'Cancel their tickets. Immediately.': Family jeopardizes their travel plans with request for nicer hotel rooms

'Cancel their tickets. Immediately.': Family of choosing beggars jeopardize their travel plans with demands for nicer hotel rooms

This person is trying to share their amazing vacation plans , but their family is acting utterly bizarre about it. Vacationing is a real privilege. Lots of people never travel further than a few states away due to financial constraints or workplaces not giving much vacation time. So if you do get the chance to travel — and travel by plane to a pricey amusement park , in this case — you'd be crazy to turn down the opportunity! In the story they told to r/AmItheA**hole, u/Safe_Ad_6111 has some in…
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'I deserve an apology': Bride told her brother that her wedding was child-free so he couldn't bring his kid, he arrives and there are children everywhere

'I deserve an apology': Bride told her brother that her wedding was child-free so he couldn't bring his kid, he arrives and there are children everywhere

That kid is going to resent her aunt for the rest of her life after this.
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underpaid pay payment payback justice babysitter affair wife husband drama cheating cheater kids parenting children teenagers neighborhood entitled

'She tells me I will not be getting paid for dressing [sleazy]': Entitled wife accuses 13-year-old babysitter of attempting to seduce her husband, threatens not to pay her

Some girls are early bloomers. For some, they embrace their femininity and roll with it, while others are doomed and condemned for being a curvy pre-teen. Early bloomers are fast-tracked to learn about life, and competition, pretty early, especially when it comes to older, insecure women.
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Am I wrong for thinking it’s tacky to invite kids to a birthday party at a restaurant and ask them to pay for their own meal?

'I absolutely think it’s tacky': Birthday party host asks teenagers to pay separate bills

Customs and etiquette change over time, but this mom is pretty sure this party host is being super tacky. There are all types of parties, from simple to extravagant. For smaller events, it can be great to host your family and friends at your home for a backyard BBQ, which is casual and cost effective. Other people love to spend big money on their kids parties by renting entertainers or bouncy houses, or hosting the event at a restaurant or play zone. As a kid, you have a wonderful time regardle…
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20+ Relatable parenting moments

20+ Relatable parenting moments for frazzled parents with crazy kids

Parents, you deserve a nice break. You work so hard to keep your kids fed and cared for, and yet kids don't show much appreciation in return. There's no instruction manual attached to your child — you just have to figure it out as you go along. With advice from other parents , it helps to realize that you're not alone. Lots of people have kids just as crazy as yours! And they're all unique in their own quirky ways. Take a moment away from picking Cheerios out of the couch cushions and wiping ma…
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aita psycho roommate Party reddit thread Reddit roommates children - 20572165

'I decided to evict them this morning': Mother of three kicks out roommates for throwing a party against her wishes

These roommates may have no home now, but they certainly have plenty of audacity.
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children karen kids entitled things kids say revenge entitled parents karens entitled people karens in the wild karen-stories - 20525829

'She needs a time out': Karen gets shut down by a 5-year-old

There is nothing more brutally cutting than the honest remarks of a child. Their lack of filter and a forming understanding of the world can bring forth some surprisingly perceptive comments that no adult would ever dare think—let alone utter out loud. These comments are usually directed at family or caretakers. They can sufficiently ruin days and demolish the egos of those people. That alone can be a lot to handle, but when they're directed toward complete strangers, it can be humiliating. Tha…
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estranged family brother sister niece nephew uncle mother family-drama drama story aita reddit children childcare taking-advantage ulterior-motives alienated toxic

'She wants to use you': Estranged uncle has no interest in meeting his sister's kids after being guilted into providing free childcare for weeks

Being estranged from a family member can be tough, but if they're the toxic, narcissist type, for some folks, being away from their family is actually a huge relief. Distancing yourself from that sort of dynamic is the best thing to do, but when rotten family members come out of the woodwork in order to get something from you, it smells like trouble from a mile away. In this case, one man who was alienated from his family gets roped back into the drama
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'I will throw him in the pool tomorrow at 1. If something happens to him you are responsible': Rude entitled Aunty demands free swimming lessons for her son

'I will throw him in the pool tomorrow at 1. If something happens to him you are responsible': Rude entitled Aunty demands free swimming lessons for her son

One mom did not hold back while demanding swimming lessons for her son - for free.
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The time I ruined my high school teachers career and got her fired in the greatest way possible.

'To this day, I still have no idea why the teacher treated me this way': Cunning teen claims to get teacher fired with her own words

Think of your worst teacher ever, and imagine the satisfaction of getting them fired. Well, this kid lived out everyone's dream, as he shared in a popular post that garnered plenty of praise for him and condemnation for his teacher. He basically had a teacher who would constantly put him down, including with some horrific insults that are just straight-up bullying. So he decided to get back at her using her own words, and it turned into an absolute s***show for the teacher , Ms. Frank. Check ou…
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AITA: 'You're an adult, not a princess': Stick-in-the-mud husband slams imaginative wife for playing make-believe games with their young daughter, ruining her childhood in the process

AITA: 'You're an adult, not a princess': Stick-in-the-mud husband slams imaginative wife for playing make-believe games with their young daughter, ruining her childhood in the process

The best part about being a child is playing imaginary games with your friends, parents, or siblings. One day you're a riotous pirate, the next day you're a princess in a tower, and the day after that, you can be a mermaid on a beach. With your imagination, you can go anywhere and be anything.
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