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Parent refuses to watch 6, 5, 4, and 1-year-old kids for entitled friend: 'I told her it's not my job'

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'You don’t need to have a baby just to hold onto him': Woman's best friend claims she wants to have a baby with new boyfriend after three unsuccessful relationships, woman tells her it's a bad idea

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'I seriously cannot imagine being filmed while going through a medical procedure': Woman tells dad's girlfriend she doesn't want to film her birth after girlfriend gets her a videographer as a gift

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17-year old tells her new stepmother that she doesn't want to be her "daughter": 'She has a photo frame in her home office that says mommy's girl and there's a photo of me in it'

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New 'traveling YouTuber' parents want to sell home with plans to make $50k a year on their travel vlog: 'It's going to be so sweet to hear "I told you so"'

Brother and sister cut off contact with their dad after he demands they get adopted by his new wife, other siblings take father's side: 'You're being ungrateful’

Brother and sister cut off contact with their dad after he demands they get adopted by his new wife, other siblings take father's side: 'You're being ungrateful’

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Friend brings her 4-year-old to a child-free wedding and lets him run wild, accusing bride of being a hypocrite for bringing her own child: 'It ruined the whole first part of my wedding'

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Parents kick 17-year-old brother out of house for telling 15-year-old sister that she's their favorite child: 'The favoritism mostly showed in them spoiling her and dedicating 1:1 time for her while they never made much of an effort with me'

Entitled dad refuses to move out of son's home, despite son offering to buy him a place instead, forcing son to pose an inevitable ultimatum: ‘Time to start the eviction proceedings’

‘Time to start the eviction proceedings’: Entitled dad refuses to move out of son's home, despite son offering to buy him a place instead, forcing son to pose an inevitable ultimatum

Mom insists that her 24-year-old daughter give her access to her savings account, claiming it's for family emergencies, daughter refuses to comply: 'I’ve worked hard for this money’

Mom insists that her 24-year-old daughter give her access to her savings account, claiming it's for family emergencies, daughter refuses to comply: 'I’ve worked hard for this money’

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8-year-old daughter wants snowglobe for Christmas, mom says no, dad gives it to her anyways and it breaks instantly: '[My] daughter dropped it'

Mother cuts off contact with her children after moving in with new husband, 23-year-old daughter is left alone with young siblings: 'She picked a man over her children'

Mother cuts off contact with her children after moving in with new husband, 23-year-old daughter is left alone with young siblings: 'She picked a man over her children'

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Bride nervous about excluding single 9-year-old cousin from otherwise children-allowed wedding turns to internet forum for advice: 'I absolutely can't have him at my wedding'

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'Made bagels... my toddler took a single bite out of each one': 20 Times parents discovered the mildly infuriating things their kids were doing

Father demands daughter donate her kidney to him after he abandoned her as a child, she refuses, only for the rest of the family to take his side: 'They are calling me selfish'

Father demands daughter donate her kidney to him after he abandoned her as a child, she refuses, only for the rest of the family to take his side: 'They are calling me selfish'

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Mom threatens to call police after mother-in-law takes 7 and 10-year-old kids back to her place against parent's wishes: '[I] told her if she ever took my kids without permission again, I’d call the police'