

AITA for saying my father needs to stop having kids?

Daughter Scolds Absent Father For Having Too Many Kids

You know it's a problem when your own daughter tells you to stop procreating.
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AITA for not taking the next elevator when a mom with 7 children demanded it of me?

Entitled Karen with 7 Kids Kicks Everyone Out of Elevator, Woman Stands Up to Her

I guess having 7 children in 9 years hardens you because wow, I would not want to be stuck in an elevator with this lady.
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childhood adult children askreddit - 17315333

15 Things That We Were Warned About as Kids That Ended Up Being Overhyped

When you're a kid, everything you experience is just a tiny part of the vast unknown. You have yet to figure out so many things about the seemingly endlessly large world that even trying to think about all of the possibilities out there can make your head spin. Thankfully you have the adults in your life to guide you through this treacherously infinite environment. And you, a wide-eyed child, know that you can take whatever the adults tell you for granted. Why would they ever tell you white lie…
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pregnancy drama ex girlfriend paternity relationships parenting paternity test children - 17278213

Parent Stands Ground When Son's Ex-Girlfriend Reveals She's Pregnant, Demands Paternity Test

That child miiiiiight not be this person's son's kid.
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stepmother wants stepdaughter to parent her children in the morning

Stepmother Demands Stepdaughter Wake Up Early To Parent Her Children

What is this, Disney?
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"There's No Blood, or Hair, or Bones": Kid is Severely Disappointed When He Tries to Find His Grandpa as a Genie in a Bottle, But Only Finds Ashes

"There's No Blood, or Hair, or Bones": Kid is Severely Disappointed When He Tries to Find His Grandpa as a Genie in a Bottle, But Only Finds Ashes

The 13th reason why not to have kids…
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creepy things kids said

Twitter Users Share Terrifically Creepy Things Kids Said To Them

Kid's haunted.
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funny kids being weird and stupid

Moments That Show Kids Are The Weirdest And Stupidest People Of All

What's their deal?
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funny tweets about kids getting names wrong

Twitter Thread: Kids Trying And Failing At Hard Names

"Meet my son, Dump Truck."
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parenting trends people don't like

Questionable Parenting Trends That People Are Sick Of

They're our future, or something.
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childcare aita babysitter kids parenting lawsuit children - 16465925

Girl Breaks Babysitter's Glasses, Dad Won't Replace Them

Presenting the winner of the gold medal in mental gymnastics.
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aita marriage brother relationships family sister children dating - 16378117

Sister Reveals Brother's Four Illegitimate Children to Fiancé, Ruins Engagement

How many "accidents" can you have?
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wtf secret kids brother lies truth family fiancé children - 16376325

Woman "Ruins" Brother's Engagement By Telling Fiancé About His Four Secret Children

The brother has the audacity to get mad about the “private” details of his four existing kids being told to his future wife. It's pretty safe to say this guy had no intention of telling his own fiancé about his complicated family tree, so good on OP for letting it slip. The hell does this guy think he is, just Mr. Magooing his way into making all these people. It's not like you can just slip on a freshly waxed floor and accidentally get more than one woman pregnant. This guy needs locking under…
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funny stupid kids

Dumb Times Kids Proved That They're Strange Creatures

Well, they're the future anyway.
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aita bride sisters parenting wedding sister bridezilla Reddit weddings children - 16310789

Bride Loses it When Sister Brings Her "Child" to Bride's Childfree Wedding, That Child is 19 Years Old

Since when is 19 years old a child?
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queen wtf kids British Video children - 107782401

Kid Gets Decked By Queen's Guard

Dang dude those guys don't give a damn. It feels like this is the sort of thing that feels like it came out of a Newspaper from a hundred years ago, but nah. Apparently these guards have strict orders to never deviate from their path, resulting in moments like these. These guys were doing their regular marching routine when a kid didn't get out of the way, getting a taste of what's left of the British Empire.
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