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'The entire house went silent': Family members guilt trip a couple into having kids, so they clap back in a way that shuts down the conversation for good

For childfree couples, the holiday season is usually the time of year you get chased around by all of your aunties and older cousins, pestering you about your life choices, your aging physique, and your inability to (so far) provide your bloodline with an heir. What is it, the 1700's? Is that all we're good for?
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'That's 14 people in a small kitchen': Landlord brings young children to showings at the home of another couple with youngsters

'That's 14 people in a small kitchen': Landlord brings young children to apartment showings at the home of another couple with youngsters, tenants complain she's being 'very unprofessional'

How would you feel if you knew your landlord was bringing a baby and a toddler to your place while she showed it to prospective tenants? I think most people would protest that, yet one landlord thinks she's actually perfectly fine bringing the kiddos along. As a parent, you love your kid more than anything else, and you think everything they do is cute and sweet and perfect. Even though you're head over heels in love with them, not everyone is as enamored with your little ones' antics. Parents…
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'And I would NEVER lock my cats outside': Audacious mom attempts to force the company Christmas party host into making drastic changes, gets put in her place

Childless adults get a pretty bad rep amongst people who have children, especially in the workplace. Perhaps we're just not ready to have grubby fingerprints on every surface of our home and Cocomelon playing on loop, but for some reason, Stephanie in accounting seems keen on weighing in on our lifestyle choices.
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'He tried to fight... [so] I got security involved': Entitled parents at a metal concert bully the crowd into letting their small children squeeze to the front; woman puts the dad in his place

Metal concerts are intense. For anyone who loves accidental punches to the face, getting their toes stomped, and eating the floor before having a 250lbs man help them back to their feet knows that a mosh pit is not a place for the weak. And it's certainly no place for a small child.
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'Your daughter was baiting seagulls into the playground with gummy worms': 25+ Times kids were funny without even trying

'Your daughter was baiting seagulls into the playground with gummy worms': 25+ Times kids were completely hilarious without even trying

Kids are so funny , it's no wonder they're keeping their parents in stitches. Kids just do and say lots of wild things. They're new here, they're still learning, and they don't often have a filter. Therefore, they're often hilarious, just saying and doing things that adults wouldn't dare to utter. These people shared their funniest stories from the children around them, from their own kids, to siblings, to grandkids . Other shared stories from their own childhoods. I think stories involving tod…
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'I get a knock on the door. It's the neighbor's mom...holding a receipt': Parent asks neighbor to pay for half of a bake sale, neighbor agrees and brings receipts

'I get a knock on the door. It's the neighbor's mom...holding a receipt': Entitled parent insists neighbor pay for bake sale, neighbor agrees and brings receipts

Sometimes on a warm afternoon, the local kids will hold a bake sale . Maybe in your neighborhood they sell lemonade and chocolate chip cookies, and in others, kids sell baked goods , like breads or slices of bundt cakes. Of course, lemonade is a bit easier to make than baked goods. So parents might volunteer help out with that part. It's really sweet to see kids get excited about being little businesspeople for a day as they sit outside and play store keeper. Plus, if you live in a bustling are…
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'We were all left stunned': Doctor refuses to page cardiac team for patient with heart palpitations, warns patient not to leave ward; so patient complies and calls team from hospital bed

'We were all left stunned': Doctor refuses to page cardiac team for patient with heart palpitations, warns patient not to leave ward; so patient complies and calls team from hospital bed

Everyone makes mistakes, but not all mistakes cost lives, so working at a hospital, you better know what you are doing, lest the mistake end in tragedy. In this case, one patient was very lucky, due to his own quick thinking and frankly, courage, to do what he knew was right. Hospitals are not always as competent as they look, even though oftentimes, we look at doctors and nurses as if they were literal angels, placing our lives in their hands, trusting them to care for us as they would care fo…
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'I apologize on behalf of my Dad': Children of Karens and Kevins share 20+ embarrassing stories

'I apologize on behalf of my Dad': Children of Karens and Kevins share 20+ embarrassing stories

It's easy to feel bad for servers and employees who have to deal with Karen customers on a regular basis, but not enough attention is given to the poor children of these unhinged people. They have to deal with that level of entitlement daily and overcome stomaching one embarrassing encounter after another. They probably feel sick every time they have to go anywhere with Mama Karen or Papa Kevin. Meanwhile, these kids are also spending every waking moment worried that one day, they might take on…
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'Manager/owner... won close to $50,000':' Diner insists on showing son the industrial freezer he installed, owner sues him for shoddy work

'Manager/owner... won close to $50,000':' Diner insists on showing son the industrial freezer he installed, owner sues him for shoddy work

As a parent, it's only natural to want your kids to be involved in your life. That's why things like “Bring your kid to work” day exist — so you can show your kiddo off to all your coworkers, and let them see what you're doing all day long while they're at school. This dad had a similar idea of sorts… but it majorly backfired on him. U/FlashyCow1 shared a story from their time working at a burger restaurant. This place had a pretty devastating recurring problem: a faulty fridge that was consist…
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'She broke multiple heirloom china plates': Dinner host gives sister in law sippy cup and child's plate after she repeatedly drops dishes

'She broke multiple heirloom china plates': Dinner host gives sister in law sippy cup and child's plate after she repeatedly drops dishes

These family meals took an interesting turn thanks to a clumsy sister in law. Owning fine china is a point of pride for many people. In some families, china is passed down from generation to generation. It's pretty common for the dishes to be passed on from parent to their adult child, often after a wedding or moving into a new place. Aside from the sentimental nature of these items, they're often irreplaceable. If you break it , you might not be able to make your collection whole again. This p…
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'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

'Man cave converted into baby room #2': Husband fights with wife after losing man cave to upcoming baby

It's time to deconstruct the concept of the “man cave.”
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'She purposely dumped coffee on a kid': Wife teaches friend's kid a hard lesson when parents refuse to intervene, parents freak out

Some people simply refuse to maintain any control over their children in public, though the real problem comes from the fact that these same parents usually haven't bothered to teach their children how to behave in public either. Sure, if you want to do gentle parenting and all that newfangled jazz, be my guest, but just be sure you aren't just mistaking the word “gentle” for the word “lazy” and are actually putting in the hard yards to make sure you're kids learn the lessons they ought to and…
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‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘Kids these days’ is a saying that has been used for centuries to describe the younger generation, who have some serious courage (more than I ever had, to be sure). Kids don't really get the implications of their actions unless they are taught a lesson, and that lesson can come in all shapes and forms. Good parenting is critical to solving recurring issues, such as the one I am about to tell, and luckily the dad in the story understood the assignment. OP began his tale by explaining how two kid…
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mom moms momfluencer influencer mommy social-media kids park likes playground parenting parents parent bad-parenting children child cringe reddit

'Get your kids out of the way': Wannabe mom-fluencer gets banished from the park after dominating the playground for her own personal photoshoot

Mom-fluencers are objectively the worst. Half the time, they're the type of parents that film their child's tantrums to teach their 20,000 followers how to manage meltdowns, but in real life they're forgetting to give their kid any genuine attention, they're late to pick them up from school because they were live-streaming at Target, and they're the parent that would rather get those likes instead of putting a bandaid on their kiddo's scraped knee.
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‘They never did it again': Neighbor gets even with kids who dump trash over fence, throws trash right back into their backyard

‘They never did it again': Resident gets even with neighbor's kids who dump trash over fence, throws trash right back into their backyard

Having kids as neighbors can result in quite a hassle if their parents aren't doing their job right… These kids in particular were an absolute headache for an entire neighborhood, as they would constantly throw trash (among other things) over their backyard fence. One of the residents in the neighborhood had been moving some of the stuff that had ultimately ended up blocking the sidewalk for years. That is, until he ended up scrolling the neighborhood Facebook, finding out that he wasn't the on…
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rules karens waves jersey shore lifeguard kids beach sand inflatable snacks family food karen children the beach New Jersey beaches - 21495301

'Rules are rules, sweetie': Beachgoers tell lifeguard to enforce the rules, lifeguard finds petty rules to enforce on them

This beach is full of old money folks who are used to getting their way. As u/fumples explained in their story to r/MaliciousCompliance, they had to deal with some rather irritating women who made it their goal to police everybody at the beach . Going to the shore for a summer vacation is the highlight of the summer for those who live along the coast. It's common for families to plan a few days of relaxation at the beach, where the kids can build sandcastles and play in the waves, while the adu…
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