

humor FAIL kids parenting ethics ridiculous funny children - 106593793

Two-Year-Old Tackles Infamous Trolly Ethics Problem Head-On

Um, alrighty then, bud.
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strange and dumb things kids did

Signs That Kids Are Dumb and Weird

Their brains aren't done cooking.
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A collection of the worst ways that kids ended up embarrassing children.

Worst Ways Adults Were Embarrassed By Children

Kids can be ruthless.
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A collection of times that kids had full on temper tantrums. | won't let him eat cat's food child crying next to a full pet bowl on the floor

Wildly Irrational Toddler Temper Tantrums

Kids are strange.
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Music kids drumming awesome talented Video win children - 106362881

Kid Absolutely Crushes "Chick's Pain" Drum Cover

A magical combination of talent and hard work.
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cake humor surprised parenting ridiculous reaction funny children - 106347521

Mother Catches Daughter Eating Cake

Pure shock.
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funny memes about parenting | Please hold my hand and walk next Kid: two ice skaters performing one is spinning while holding the hand of the other who is almost in a horizontal position

Parenting Memes for Those Who Feel the Pain

What angels.
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Woman's tired of neighbor's screaming children, wants to blast music. | ?1231B2 AITA telling my neighbour will just blast music over her kids yelling Not hole f26) moved into new house purchased. My new neighbour two days later came over say hello and asked if had kids said no and she pretty much said (not word word oh hope don't mind all noise mine make, they can get very loud She has 3 kids, which guessing are all under 6 and l've already heard them haven't finished unpacking yet but where use

Woman's Tired Of Neighbor's Screaming Children, Wants To Blast Music

Quite the loud little setup.
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Toddler invents their own swear word, and then swears at their parent for weeks. | TheOphans TIFU by learning my toddler made up their own way swearing at and has been telling f off while. M So build up this fuck up work out at home and have done since my child born like work out music and there is one particular song some reason really helps get mood squat s song l'd played some time without question until 4 months ago because has few swear words

Toddler Invents Their Own Swear Word, Swears At Parent For Weeks

Kid could be going places.
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Stories and pictures of kids being strange and dumb | STAND UP BELIEVE i heart TRAINS child holding up a sign at a protest rally. Airdrie warns public brazen coyote after 6-year-old attacked at light festival Child is safe but disappointed he didn't turn into werewolf, mom says Sarah Rieger CBC News Posted: Dec 18, 2018 5:45 PM MT Last Updated: 3 hours ago

Moments that Prove Kids are Bizarre and Stupid

They're not the smartest or most normal people out there.
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Weird things children asked mall and store Santas to get them for Christmas | After waiting two hours line my daughter asked Santa hot dog.

Weird Things Kids Asked Mall Santas for Christmas

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Funny recipes made by children | tweet by JordanKAdams97 My nephews Ethan's pre-k class made cook book, and all kids had come up with all recipese so much better than could've imagined. SepastianS Pancakes Serving: 3 Ser Pre Coc Cos WA Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 3 times Cost 70 Ingl Flou Bee Bak But But Ingredients: Salt and 's Where buy: Walmart Instructions: Wh get thingy house and put hot thingy. Turn on hot thingy and burns so Inst have be careful make like, something anu Yo po put and

Kids' Recipes We Don't See Ourselves Trying Out

They're just doing their best.
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Video of Mr. McFeely and Purple Panda scaring a bunch of kids

The Time Mr. McFeely's Panda Caused a Class Meltdown

Hey, he tried.
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funny pictures and stories of kids being stupid and strange | Brian Wecht @bwecht Audrey 6yo Daddy! Did know after Michael left my school, he came back and now people call him David Does he look and sound totally different too? Audrey: Yes s not same kid, honey. Audrey long pause Maybe | pineapplefiendwillriseagain: This is my little baby cousin and he is dressed as smoke detector Halloween None us know why but he is really obsessed with smoke detectors 's all he's asked way presents these past

Moments that Confirm That Kids Are Weird and Dumb

They're not very savvy people.
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A collection of stories from people that did petty things to kids | DingDongDutchie 3h My swimming teacher removed my inflatable armbands while swimming deep part pool because not paying enough attention out excitement. Reply

Pettiest Things Adults Did To Kids

Oh, just don't.
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Kids being strange and stupid | Chris Wilson @cwilso My My daughters built slug hospital and found 30 patients" who are now escaping and nothing parenting books prepared this. | He wants get on bus bus on TV snapchat of a baby crying

Prime Examples That Kids Are Dumb and Weird

They'll learn someday.
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