

Stupid and weird things kids did | My 7 year old son's brilliant way never lose only key he has this lock

Proof that Kids are Dumb as Rocks

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Big messes kids made | child sitting on the floor with colored pens drawing on a white dog | young kid smearing chocolate syrup on a cushion of a white couch while two dogs watch from behind

A Few Compelling Reasons to Not Have Kids

They're not for everyone.
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Funny moments and stories of kids being stupid and weird | Bath mat $15 O Edmonton, AB Bath mat sale bought last week and my 1 year old is terrified | child playing video games with an adult but their controller is unplugged

Evidence that Kids are Bizarre and Dumb

They're not smart.
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Funny moments and stories of kids being strange and dumb | Yeste rday at 9:32 AM O nurse's 9 year old daughter left this on sidewalk by their house so she could see she returned home hospital. Her daughter mixed up E and O can.not.stop.laughing ORE LTVE | kevinbiegel O @kbiegel RIEGEL'S ANDING My sister take her kid's Nintendo Switch away at night, so kids made fake Switch and tried swipe real one and put fake its place.

Funny Moments of Kids Being Stupid and Weird

Just when you think they've learned something...
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Funny, interesting and silly quotes from kids | been having hard day last two years anonymous, 4 years old @LiveFromSnackTime

Ridiculous and Sometimes Insightful Things Said by Kids

We feel the same way.
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Kids being weird, funny and stupid | My son asked combine two animals his biology class ELE PHUCK child drawing crayon art elephant with a duck bill

Evidence of Kids Being Stupid and Weird

They're not well adjusted people.
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Funny and stupid things people believed when they were children | Diesell23 some reason thought every car made had do crash test. Probably because my dad once told our car had very good rating crash test amazed by fact all cars were repaired so well before being sold.

Stupid Things People Believed as Kids

Man we were dumb.
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Tumblr thread explains why parents need to teach their kids to respect pets | ANAEINT Dún Laoghaire K9, LLC June 13, 2016 Instagram O HAIRE R Prime example NOT allow. Eventually will come head and dog will have enough. This child will be injured and this dog will be labeled aggressive and rehomed or likely euthanized. Stop allowing children mistreat dogs s not cute s not funny s not playful s dangerous and stupid dog and child pay consequences parents lack common sense.

Thread Explains Why Kids Should be Taught to Respect Pets

It can avoid a nasty situation down the line.
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Children being frustrating and messy | pic of a baby smearing the contents of a discarded chocolate syrup bottle all over a white couch and their own face, two dogs are watching from behind. pic of a toddler sitting inside an aquarium and putting a tube from the water filtering system in their mouth.

Moments That Are Good Reasons To Not Have Kids

Consider this a form of birth control.
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Funny and smart things said by children | thought needed hug but really need pancakes anonymous, 7 years old @LiveFromSnackTime

Funny and Insightful Things Said by Kids

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Stories and moments of children being strange idiots | yahoo answers Undecided Question Dumbest rumor heard about yourself? asked by neleigh Vote Best Answer Answerer 1 middle school people were saying home schooled. Even though went school.

Proof that Children are Strange and Stupid

They learn. Slowly.
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AskReddit users share their experiences with seeing couples that realized the kid wasn't the father's | elephantidr 8h My brothers best friend didn't resemble his father while growing up, so he became more and more suspicious father eventually did DNA test my brothers friend 11 or 12) and found out 's not his parents split up with older daughter (16) going with father because she resembled him so he sure about her.

Doctors/Nurses Share Times A Child Wasn't The Father's

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Stories of kids doing funny and stupid things | ellemenopeaqu My daughter insists wearing jacket will make her cold because she only wears she is cold.

When People Realized Their Kid Was Dumb

Learning is hard.
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Tweets of outrageous lies kids told each other.

Outlandish Lies that Kids Told Other Kids

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Stories and images of children being stupid.

Moments That Go to Show How Kids Are Weird and Dumb

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Dumb reasons kids had meltdowns.

Kids Freaking Out for Stupid Reasons

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