

Co-worker scams free lunches out of people, and then he gets called out | AITA refusing buy coworker lunch Not hole 23M) have coworker (25M) who is mooch. If get something lunch, he wants get him something too, but expects buy him because since mentioned he says offered. At first thought maybe he had money problem, but then overheard him laughing and bragging someone another department about he able scam lunches out his coworkers, and he's attempted bully free meal out someone more than once.

Co-Worker Scams Free Lunches Out Of People, Gets Called Out

Um, rightfully called out.
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entitled people and their absurd demands

Entitled Folks And Their Laughable Antics

Good luck with that plan.
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A choosing beggar thinks a free shower should last for their lifetime | Hello have problem with shower fitted, its either too hot or cold, can come and sort Good afternoon, unfortunately number isn't coming up as recognised, however don't really fit many showers, could remind who this is? Thanks. lain.

Choosing Beggar Thinks Free Shower Should Last A Lifetime

That's not how it works.
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Entitled people and their demands

Entitled Folks and Their Unconventional Audacity

They only get bolder.
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entitled people

Entitled People And Their Ridiculous Antics

Oh good, more.
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Entitled people and their demands

Entitled People and Their Ceaseless Antics

It never ends.
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An entitled choosing beggar can't be reasoned with over the original asking price.

Entitled Choosy Beggar Can't Be Reasoned With Over Original Asking Price

Yeah, the price escalation was completely called for.
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low baller wants guitar neck changed but doesn't want to pay for it

Low Baller Wants Guitar Built, Doesn't Understand Why That Should Cost Money

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customer service cringe Starbucks ridiculous cheap Video tiktok - 2775814

Former Starbucks Employee Shares $1 Ripoff From Walmart In Viral Video

Honestly, it ain't that surprising.
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customer service entitlement FAIL cringe Awkward cheap karen tiktok - 2761478

Cosmetics Influencer Airs Out Karen Customer's Spicy DMs

Definitely not edible.
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entitled demanding people

Entitled People and Their Fantastically Bold Moves

What an intriguing mindset.
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entitled people and their ridiculous demands

Entitled People Who Had The Sheer Audacity

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A manager won't give their employee a raise, so they end up being called out.

Manager Won't Give Employee Raise, Gets Called Out

Pretty uncool.
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Man tips big to impress his date, but then returns afterwards to take money back.

Man Tips Big To Impress Date, Returns Afterwards To Take Money Back

He had it coming.
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Things that might be more expensive but are good ideas

Things That Are Actually Sort of Worth The Money

Hey, it's just smart.
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A choosing beggar agrees on a price, tries to change it, and then gets a solid reality check.

Choosing Beggar Agrees On Price, Tries To Change It, Reality Check Ensues

They had it coming.
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