

shameless people who tried bad negotiation tactics

Shameless Cheapskates Who Were Their Own Worst Enemies

Wonderful negotiation strategy.
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11 text reddit images cousin karen refuses to let man shower | thumbnail grey background "A Posted by u/-DukeFishron- 6 hours ago 605 Cheapskate cousin refuses to let me take shower, no problem, l'Il use more water in the sink.Tonight I was going to take a navy shower when my cousin, I'll call her Karen. Blocked the entrance to the bathroom and said, you either you a washcloth under your arms or no getting in here."

Cheapskate Karen Tells Cousin He Can't Shower To Save Money, He Uses Sink Instead

Well that's one way of handling things
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low baller offers bad deal and price goes up

Low Baller Wastes Seller's Time, Seller Starts Charging Jerk Tax

"Sorry, price just went up."
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entitled people with selfish demands

Entitled People With Their Particular, Absurd And Unreasonable Demands

Good luck with that.
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entitled people with ridiculous demands | Can someone do something about this tried police and office no avail pay lot money live this neighborhood s outrageous should have look at cars with such low Kelly Blue Book value. | stopped by this Starbucks and had Worst customer service have experienced my life bought breakfast sandwich at another Starbucks didn't have chance eat about an hour. stopped at this Starbucks and asked them if they could reheat girls at counter don't have her name) said no,

Entitled Folks With Their Bold Demands

Behold the spectacle.
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entitled people with ridiculous demands | Reviews PetSmart Sarah L O 07 00 12/27/15 My husband and have shopped here consistently years, but will use different location now on. They will literally lock doors right face if show up 2 minutes after closing.

Entitled People and Their Comical Demands

There's always more.
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entitled people with dumb demands

Entitled Folks and Their Restless Demands

Nothing goes unrequested.
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An entitled influencer thinks that exposure is equivalent to payment. | Hey manager messaging earlier telling were looking hand drawn portrait? yeah can start cos need this ASAP

Entitled "Influencer" Thinks Exposure's Payment

Nope, that's not how it works.
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Entitled people and their demands

Entitled People and Their Obnoxious Demands

Such realistic goals.
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entitled people with ridiculous demands

Entitled People and Their Unreasonable Demands

There they go again.
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low budget Do-it-yourself engineering | fixing a broken headlamp in a car with a bottle of coke | cleaning roof drainage pipes with an extra tall leaf blower

Masterful Low Budget DIY Solutions

It's not stupid if it works.
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entitled people with ridiculous demands

Entitled Folks and Their Wild Boldness

Sometimes people can be true mysteries.
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entitled people and their demanding behavior

Entitled People and Their Excruciating Behavior

Do not fear their demands.
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Entitled people and their demands

Entitled People With Their Fantastical Demands

Good luck with that.
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Entitled people and their demands

Entitled People And Their Imaginative Demands

What a unique thought process.
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entitled people and their ridiculous demands

Entitled People and Their Ridiculous Audacity

Who and why?
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