

karens coffee shop barista retail karen-customer customers karen-stories coffee-shop-karen cashier karens in the wild karen - 21088517

'I charged her $5': Karen won't pay minimum transaction amount, has been secretly paying it anyways

For some people, it's not actually winning that makes their gears hum—it's thinking they've won. Let's be honest… they're so singularly focused on winning that they probably don't even realize what it is they were actually arguing about in the first place. The fact that they're not getting what they want doesn't matter as long as they feel like they've won. This is a problem you will run into time and time again when you engage with the masses in a retail or customer service role. When you're d…
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'I told my manager, "You need me, I don't need you"': Cashier refuses to sign papers during meeting with bosses

'I told my manager, "You need me, I don't need you"': Cashier refuses to sign papers during meeting with bosses

One cashier is living every working person's dream: telling their boss exactly what they think about them. If you've been paying attention at all for the past few years, I don't have to tell you that stores everywhere are very short staffed . Even at the grocery store, where the OP of this story works, you often see long lines at the checkout, and sometimes shelves with minimal products. Although it seems like everywhere is hiring, some places will just always have a high turnover rate. u/TAbad…
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customer-service customer home-depot freakout public-freakout employee customer kevin karen irl retail customers department-store i-quit quit quitting cashier check0out cart rude video

'The customer is NOT always right': Cashier quits on the spot after a rude, Memorial Day shopper takes a price check way too far (VIDEO)

Employee of the year goes to…
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'I open the box to check the merchandise...she pretends to be surprised': 15+ Customers who thought they could outsmart cashiers to get free stuff

'I open the box to check the merchandise...she pretends to be surprised': 15+ Customers who thought they could outsmart cashiers to get free stuff

Cashiers aren't being fooled by these customers. But that won't stop them from trying to get their money back for random and nonsensical reasons. When you work in retail, especially at a clothing or electronics store, you quickly learn that you're going to answer the same few questions over and over again. You basically memorize the answers to questions about the store's return policy , since you have to tell this to customers over and over. Still, some customers truly think they know better th…
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'How self absorbed can you be?': Grocery store Karen annoys entire checkout line while ignoring cashier

'How self absorbed can you be?': Grocery store Karen annoys entire checkout line while ignoring cashier

One cashier was rolling their eyes at this incredibly unaware customer who just couldn't seem to focus on the task at hand. Wake up, Karen, it's time to pay for your groceries, not blab with your friend! On the r/Talesfromretail subreddit, one frustrated grocery clerk shared the daily struggle of just getting customers to listen to them. On an unexpectedly busy day at the store, the cashier wasn't able to leave their post for a second due to the massive influx of customers. But still, when this…
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penny-pinching karen karens karens-in-the-wild coupon coupons extreme sale sales on-sale retail employee cashier coworkers customer-service customer customers return

'Your new total will be...': To save $2, penny-pinching Karen disrespects a retail employee, catching karma and losing money because of an expired coupon

Shoppers can all agree that getting a good deal on a purchase is the best feeling in the world, but some Karens take the coupon hoarding to the next level. Although it's fun to get a discount every now and then, extreme couponing is the bane of every retail workers existence, especially when the person wielding the magazine clippings that'll save them $.50 cents acts like a tyrannical maniac to every worker.
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‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

‘I need fuel and my car collected’: Customer demands petrol cashier retrieve car from down the road, tries to get cashier fired for refusing, gets banned by HR manager

Employees working minimum wage jobs are remarkably gifted at identifying customer Karens from a mile away; their posture, the way they present themselves, and the superior tone in their voice as they begin a sentence with an entitled demand. These customers don't go on hiatus, they do not take breaks in their dedicated work to ruin people's day. In this case, a Karen entered a petrol station, eyed the other customers in line, decided her request ranked worthiest, and passed them all, strutting…
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'Give me my change!': Customer gets dozens of Sacagawea dollar coins as change for $100 bill after demanding ‘change’ for buying 10 cent candy

'Give me my change!': Customer gets dozens of Sacagawea dollar coins as change for $100 bill after demanding ‘change’ for buying 10 cent candy

Dramatic customers are a dime a dozen, barking orders at cashiers, clerks, waiters, and the like, with a sure sense of entitlement that allows them access to the vast club of Karens. One customer approached an unsuspecting cashier, obviously in a bad mood, buying candy for ten cents, yet handing the cashier a $100 bill. The cashier explained he didn't have enough change, and offered the candy 'on the house'. The dude replied rudely, and demanded that the cashier do his job, adding that he is 'r…
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AITA wasting grocery store employees time

'I scanned about $475 worth of stuff': Dad takes kids to grocery store and lets them snack on whatever they want, then leaves without paying

This dad acts like he's never been to a grocery store in his entire life. He threw a fit just because the self-checkout was too much for him to handle. Self-checkout has become a way of life in many parts of the world, replacing cashiers with scanning machines you can operate yourself. This works well for many shoppers, because it means you don't have to wait as long in lines, and plenty of people like the privacy of not having to talk to anyone while they shop. But not everyone feels that way…
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karen moron retail harass harassing cashier service industry rewards-card credit-card cash-register register rewards sales story return karens drama reddit tales-from-retail

'Are you a moron?': Retail cashier gets chewed out by a Karen after offering her a rewards credit card for the second time

Working retail is the biggest soul sucking job known to man. Nobody grows up aspiring to be a cashier working the register, forced to endure customers's stupid jokes ("if it doesn't scan it's free, right?"), listening to mild pop music on loop, and surviving inadequately balanced AC. However maddening the endless onslaught of beeping barcodes, inventory nights, matching aprons, and dealing with incoming merchandise, the worst thing by far about working in retail are the Karens.
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'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

'This was her big mistake, her address was on the check': Cashier gets petty revenge on an entitled Karen, orders her a lifetime of magazine subscriptions as vengeance

When you work minimum wage jobs, like in retail, grocery, or delivery, for some reason, entitled people seem to think that they can lord themselves over you with no consequences. Sure, part of your job is to provide some sort of service to the customer, but you're certainly not their servant. Karens everywhere would disagree.
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I'm not leaving here without the Wii." Yes you are.

'I'm not leaving here without [the console]!': Entitled customer has a screaming fit over video game console, gets booted by security for freaking out

The hype around new gaming consoles can be so outrageous that people feel overly entitled to their new device. Whenever there's a new console release , there is a lot of hype. Gamers are psyched to try new games or play old ones on a brand new system. And let's face it, these consoles are not cheap whatsoever, with most of them costing hundreds of dollars. That was also the case with this cranky customer, who just wanted a new gaming console the second it was released. This customer clearly had…
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aita employee retail customers cashier business karen - 19801093

'AITA for being Karen-ish with retail workers?': Customer flips out on retail workers after they ignore him for a half hour

After being ignored for over a half hour while shopping, this dude had a complete meltdown! While sharing his story to r/AmItheA**hole, this dude made sure to preface his story. He wrote that he's been around service workers his whole life, and worked service industry roles before, so he apparently knows what it's like to be in that line of work. However, he clearly forgot that when he went to a store and got ignored. The first red flag is that the OP thought he'd get great service inside a dea…
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‘She viewed me like some kind of servant, and the fact her mom didn't correct her didn't sit right with me’ : Retail worker teaches customer's entitled Karen kid a lesson

‘She viewed me like some kind of servant, and the fact her mom didn't correct her didn't sit right with me’ : Retail worker teaches customer's entitled Karen kid a lesson

Retail customers are exhausting, but when they bring their entitled brat children into the store with them, it's a whole other ballgame. One woman was working at her first retail job, thus encountered many Karens… but this particular one was actually a kid. Of course, not all parents are necessarily good at parenting, and this story represents that obvious lack of guidance, which was sorely needed.
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'Sorry Karen, I don't do work I'm not compensated for' : Delusional customer calls employee's manager after being refused service from employee on break

'Sorry Karen, I don't do work I'm not compensated for' : Delusional customer calls employee's manager after being refused service from employee on break

It's almost alarming how many customers assume it's their right that an employee drops everything to help them, whether the employee is on break, off the clock, or busy helping another customer. This was Karen's assumption as well, as she scoured the store for someone wearing what resembled a uniform. This same Karen expected a retail worker to help her, even though the worker was on break. She took offense when told that, and went straight to the manager, as any good old Karen would do. There…
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Cheeseburger with no cheese

'Self-inflicted stupid tax': One cashier's tiny slice of revenge on crabby Karens

Faced with hangry Karens one too many times, this cashier has had enough. As they wrote to r/MaliciousCompliance, u/iceariina often rings up customers who don't quite know what they want. Lots of customers will come in to the burger joint they work at and order a cheeseburger, no cheese . But actually, you can save a quarter if you just order a hamburger. Does a Karen want to hear that? No, they never do! They just want a cheese-less cheeseburger. Since these Karens at the OP's workplace decide…
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