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31 Smart-Aleck Comebacks to Keep in Your Back Pocket for Your Next Verbal Joust

Quips that are a whole lot snarkier than a basic 'yo mama' joke
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'Is your daddy proud of the grill in your mouth?': Sassy server roasts a disrespectful Florida man after he tries to humiliate her appearance

It's 2024– everyone's seen a septum piercing. Going back to humanity's days in the caves, the septum has been a bone-in classic for a long time in the body modification department. Sure, it may seem moderately rebellious to put a hoop in your nose like a bull, but it's not exactly a shocker to find someone in public with their nose pierced. Chill out everyone, what's it to ya anyways?
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'Frankly, he's a clown': Good-for-nothing PhD supervisor gets called out when his student reveals his secret nickname

Teachers are the compass by which students can find their way through the vast seas of human knowledge. If you're lucky, your teacher is a trustworthy guide and can help you discover every corner of our universe. But sometimes, your assigned teacher is a total dud who can hardly point due north.
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man brutally shuts down mother in law

Mother-In-Law Won't Stop Comparing Man To Doctor Ex, Gets Shut Down

Here's a prescription, "apply cold water to burned area."
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funny rare insults and slams

Rare Insults That Cut Straight To The Bone

People are really good at this.
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Jeopardy contestant burned savage lol funny burn - 107604225

Jeopardy Contestant Gets Harshly Burned For His Low Score

What is a quality roast?
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funny stupid wtf cooking fails

Cooking Fails That Would Leave A Bad Taste In Anyone's Mouth

"Oh, that's where I left them."
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A collection of twitter users share their favorite roasts.

Twitter Users Share Their All Time Favorite Burns

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People getting roasted with funny insults.

Savagely Creative Roasts That Scorched Brave Participants

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failed cooking attempts, pasta burning, electric pot on a stove

14 Cooking Attempts That Failed Spectacularly

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Times the Show Arthur Delivered Undeniably Savage Burns

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11 Times People Hit Self Destruct With Their Words

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celebs mean tweets

39 Hilariously Mean Tweets That Didn't Hold Back On Their Sheer Brutality

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Caricature Roasts

These Brutal Caricature Roasts Will Have You Laughing and Crying All the Way to Christmas

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savage burns and comebacks

10 Absolutely Sick Burns and Clapbacks

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15 Times People Were Murdered by Their Own Words

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