
boss work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story work coworkers i quit toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting - 20215045

Update: 'I took the advice': Worker quits at internet's urging after boss demands their personally upgraded plane seat

boss workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace petty revenge reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20206085

'I got fired for being sick': Employee gets fired for ER visit, boss loses customers

Top Coworker Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Require PTO This Week (April 19, 2023)

Top Coworker Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Require PTO This Week (April 19, 2023)

'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Cheap boss takes advantage of overworked employee, dangling a raise over her head and going back on his promises

'[You] told me you would bump it up to $29 in April': Boss goes back on promise to employee by dangling a raise over their head

NO paid over time ? No worries |  Come payday my friend asks the boss where's the overtime pay. He gets the reply " we don't pay overtime anymore."  My friend replies" sure but remember I don't work for free"  The next day it comes knock off time and my friend is about an hour from the milk plant with a full load of milk.

'You can't do that': Company says no overtime, tanker driver threatens to abandon full load on side of road

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

‘I reported my boss and quit’: Boss deducts thousands of dollars from employees' paychecks, employees report her to labor board and quit, company collapses

'Sorry, Ma'am. I can't overrule my boss': Entitled patient insists on ignoring supervisor

'Sorry, Ma'am. I can't overrule my boss': Entitled patient insists on ignoring supervisor

boss workplace-stories malicious compliance work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit karen - 20136709

'She was let go': Boss takes credit for employee's report, gets exposed as incompetent

'You try to throw me under the bus, watch what happens': Employee gets his comeuppance when coworker judo flips attempt to discredit him in front of boss

'You try to throw me under the bus, watch what happens': Employee gets his comeuppance when coworker judo flips attempt to discredit him in front of boss

'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

'Expect my resignation by EOD': Micromanaging boss tries to force her top salesperson to commute to the office 3x a week, he refuses and quits

boss workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20089093

'My boss decided to chow down on my meal': Employee calls boss witch, boss gets petty revenge by eating his lunch

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Relatable Work Memes for Burnt Out Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (April 10, 2023)

boss workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge work coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 20042245

'My software had been rolled out to all staff against my wishes': Boss steals worker's program and takes credit for it, reprimands worker for undesired features

‘She wasn’t missed’: Nepo baby takes credit for everyone else’s work, ends up getting fired

‘She wasn’t missed’: Nepo baby takes credit for everyone else’s work, ends up getting fired

'I'm sorry you doubted me': Employee's job offer gets revoked after they boldly lie to company during onboarding

'I'm sorry you doubted me': Employee's job offer gets revoked after they boldly lie to company during onboarding

boss antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace manager work toxic-management workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment - 20039429

'My boss suddenly changed the PTO policy': Employer suddenly changes PTO policy and gaslights worker to keep them taking time off