
AITA for defending my boss in front of her family?

'AITA for defending my boss in front of her family?': Corporate worker deflects lies about her boss at family dinner, and it makes things awkward

Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

Relatable Coworker Memes for Broke Employees Who Laugh At Their Boss's Jokes In Hopes of a Promotion

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'They fired me, I ruined their company': Boss refuses to give hard-working employee a raise, so this worker took him to court

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Unhinged Work Memes for Underpaid Employees Who Are Hanging by a Thread

boss malicious compliance nurse hospital computer reddit thread Reddit karen - 19940101

'You got it Karen': Nurse has to get broken computer fixed by IT every single morning, Karen Boss blames her for slacking off instead of fixing the problem

boss workplace-stories tech-worker toxic-workplace malicious compliance toxic-boss Horrible Bosses Tech creativity in the workplace toxic-work-environment - 19845893

'It's been a rough year': Aggressive CEO demands clean office in bizarre r/MaliciousCompliance Reddit post

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'Hire me and then I’ll leave': Entitled Karen barges into office and demands job, security guards take her away

‘I contacted the BSA, which led to the company’s demise': Boss refuses to pay employee for labor, employee contacts BSA as revenge, leading to company's financial destruction

‘I contacted the BSA, which led to the company’s demise': Boss refuses to pay employee for labor, employee contacts BSA as revenge, leading to company's financial destruction

My old boss publicly berated and embarrassed me over my wedding, so my I slowly ran her company into the ground.

'I no-call no-showed for 4 days straight': Boss ignores employee's wedding, so employee 'forgets' to show up to work

boss workplace-stories malicious compliance mechanic workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19897093

'You can say goodbye to your bonus this month': Mechanics pressured to prioritize extra work, CEO takes away their bonuses, they band together for revenge

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

‘My car was hit by your car, I'm just stating the facts': Entitled executive hits employee's car; denial leads to petty revenge

'I feel like a court jester': Humiliated waitress refuses to sing 'Happy Birthday' to customers, gets scolded by management then required to sing in Italian instead

'I feel like a court jester': Humiliated waitress refuses to sing 'Happy Birthday' to customers, gets scolded by management then required to sing in Italian instead

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Funniest Work Memes for Burnt Out Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (March 27, 2023)

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'You can find someone else? Okay': Crystal shop owner insists their only worker is replaceable, loses business to them after they quit

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'A week after I left, my boss fell into burnout': Employee quits after doing her boss's job for her, boss can't keep up with her own tasks, gets fired

'Go ahead and try to file a complaint, I dare you...' : Horrible coworker refuses to contribute a donation for sick boss, attempts to claim credit, leading to petty revenge

'Go ahead and try to file a complaint, I dare you...' : Horrible coworker refuses to contribute a donation for sick boss, attempts to claim credit, leading to petty revenge