

'People assume sound doesn't travel over the bar': 10+ wild stories as told by the bartenders who overheard them

'People assume sound doesn't travel over the bar': 10+ wild stories as told by the bartenders who overheard them

You know that bartenders have seen plenty of nonsense they wish they never saw. Of course, it's not their fault. People are absolute fools in these establishments and have zero idea that sound does, in fact, travel. On top of that, customers also seem to forget that bartenders do not suddenly become invisible after they have served you a drink. They are right there with you as you confess your biggest regrets, secrets, and gossip to your buddy. These customers clearly forgot where they were as…
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'He was a server once too, so he knows how it is': Top Wholesome 'Tales From Your Server' of the Week (September 4, 2023)

'He was a server once too, so he knows how it is': Top Wholesome 'Tales From Your Server' This Week (September 4, 2023)

On the most monotonous days as a server, sometimes a wholesome act of kindness can make one's entire shift infinitely better. People don't tend to extend those kindnesses enough in the cutthroat world of customer service. Instead, servers and bartenders often have to deal with a slew of Karen customers, loud children, and entitled parents. Some of these more wholesome moments were compiled from the top posts this week on Reddit's r/TalesFromYourServer subreddit. These anecdotes included an anno…
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bar bartender creepy creep creeper date drinking drink drink-to-the-face weekend reddit revenge deserves payback

'I poured the shot in his shoes': Creeper gets what he deserves after pestering a woman on a date all night; ends up wearing the drink he insisted on buying her

Creepy dudes at a bar rarely catch a hint. You could literally tell them to their face that you're uninterested and the persistent vultures just think you're being coy. If only there were some audaciously insulting way that the victims of creepy bar flies could get payback against their leering peers? In this story, there definitely is.
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bartender bar open-bar event vip self-important bars bar-hopping drink guest payback petty revenge reddit

'I poured him the cheap $8 wine... the rest of the day': Barman gets petty payback against a guest after he takes 'open bar' way too literally and climbs behind the bar to steal drinks

The first thing you learn when you turn 21 is that you're never (EVER) allowed to go behind the bar. Unless it's a dire emergency, the zone behind the bar is a sacred, untouchable place– it's for the barman and the barman alone. It's the ultimate bar-hopping faux pas to invade the bartender's area. Period.
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job work quitting quit employee raise bar bartender boss manager schedule vacation leave time-off reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance

‘I got offered my old job back with another $1.50/hr thrown in’: Bartender quits on the spot when his approved vacation time gets revoked, management begs him to come back

Money is the only reason that people are grinding everyday at work– and what's the best thing to spend that money on? Traveling. When you get that paycheck every two weeks, it's hard to stop yourself from imagining a beach somewhere with your name on it– or in this case, it's tough not to imagine two tickets to see your favorite sports team with your long-distance girlfriend.
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'Can we have a female bartender': Top 10 Tales From Your Server This Week (July 28, 2023)

'Can we have a female bartender': Top 10 Tales From Your Server This Week (July 28, 2023)

It's time to pay our respects to those who are living the server life.
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'The manager changed into a sport coat and came back over': Bar Manager and Owner defeats entitled parents complaining about sports playing in a 'Sports bar'

'The manager changed into a sport coat and came back over': Bar Manager and Owner defeats entitled parents complaining about sports playing in a 'Sports bar'

The brilliance of the manager putting the sport coat on before returning to the conversation as “the owner” is something that I wish I had been able to witness with my own eyes.
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bartender calling-in-sick sick mother mom mommy boss voice calling-out sick-day work bar pub uk customers karen

'You shouldn't be here': Bartender calls in sick, but boss forces him to come to work anyways; gets saved by boss's mother who pulls the 'mom' card to send him home

Being sick as a little kid isn't so bad because you have Mom around to feed you soup, press her hand on your forehead, and tuck you in for a nap. If she says you're too sick to go out, you're too sick to go out. As an adult, you're forced to gauge your own illness, which, as mother always said, means you're going to be sick for weeks. In this case, OP tried to do the right thing by calling in sick to work, but his unyielding boss wouldn't allow it.
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'You've been given [...] 10 chances to keep your job when you should've been fired': Manager sends unhinged text after employee refuses to cover his shift

'You've been given [...] 10 chances to keep your job when you should've been fired': Manager sends unhinged text after employee refuses to cover his shift

This general manager may have been on his way out, but he's going to regret sending that text.
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‘One week notice became zero weeks notice’: Employee quits, then calls in sick every day in order to get even with manager

‘One week notice became zero weeks notice’: Employee quits, then calls in sick every day in order to get even with manager

Quitting your job often requires a one to two-week notice, which you normally give your boss with a grin on your face, knowing that soon enough, you'll be put out of your misery. Unless of course, you like your job, in which case, never mind. In this case, OP was working as a head bartender and got a new job as a senior bartender at another company. So, OP did what everyone else does when they decide they're going to quit: he informed his manager, giving in his one-week notice. His manager sat…
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workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace toxic-boss bartender reddit thread brewery Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20669957

'I didn’t get a raise': Guy promoted at brewery without a raise, gets mocked at company meeting for making just above minimum wage

In what universe is mocking your employee's low salary a good idea?
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FAILS cooking server waiter server memes bartender service industry - 20638213

15+ Memes for Restaurant Workers, Bartenders, and Cooks

Working in a restaurant is, at the very least, a humbling experience.
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customer service work-story workplace-stories firing jobs fired wrongful-termination toxic-workplace workplace-story bartenders workplace Horrible Bosses bartender employment service industry - 19421189

'I need to get paid on payday': Bartender gets fired and blocked for demanding to be paid on time

Remember that one kid from your high school English class who treated everything like it was a complete joke—to the point of cruelty—never taking or accepting responsibility for any of his actions? Yeah, well, that kid could have very likely gone on to become someone's manager or open their own business. Now there's a terrifying thought. It's like George Carlin famously put it: “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Well, this bar owner and…
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server servers memes server-memes service-industry service food restaurant struggle drama bartender bartenders relatable work work-memes

Relatable Work Memes for Salty Servers Who Are Riding the Struggle Bus This Week

Not only have you not properly rested in 5 years, but even with your 75% tips on the iPad, you can barely make rent this month… again. So far, being a server has only trapped you in a lifestyle of fatigue and chasing your own bills with irregular cash flow, swollen ankles, and a ferocious Karen biting at your heels all the time.
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drinks server waiter restaurant bartender reddit thread Reddit tales from your server - 20224517

'What else did she think dirty meant?': Woman orders two Dirty Shirley Temples, yells at server when she learns what that means

This lady is either not very bright or she just got herself two free drinks.
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'I will not be lowballed or insulted': Wedding vendor pestered by client with rude cost-cutting ideas

'I will not be lowballed or insulted': Wedding vendor pestered by client with rude cost-cutting ideas

This groomzilla had a mouthful to say to one of his wedding vendors. But luckily, this vendor is not new to the scene — or to cranky clients being totally demanding and insane.
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