

'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

'I hate my job, but I especially hate it on Saint Patrick's!' : Server creates relatable Reddit thread for bitter bartenders

Saint Patrick's is the one day you don't want to work as a bartender. Not that New Year's is that much better, but still, Saint Patrick's holds first place for rowdy customers who use the celebration of Irish culture as an excuse to get completely hammered. As customers, they can be rude, loud, and most of all, sick to their stomachs, which creates a big mess. Who gets the lovely privilege of cleaning up after 'em? You, if you're a server. But the money is pretty sweet, as people tend to be pre…
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'The lady came back an hour later, asking for her $200 tip back' : Server baffled at Karen customer's strange breach of etiquette

'The lady came back an hour later, asking for her $200 tip back' : Server baffled at Karen customer's strange breach of etiquette

Does it seem strange that it's considered rude to ask for a gift back? Not at all, because that is more or less the social norms we grew up on. The same goes for tipping a server at a restaurant, it's simply unheard of to demand the money you gave them back. It happens occasionally, but boy are you gonna get a lot of stink eye for it. This server took to r/TalesFromYourServer to share/complain about something strange and annoying that occurred to her during a work shift. Apparently, a customer…
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'We need drinks!'... 'And I need tips': Bartender Gets $500 Tip After Epically Calling Out Entitled Celebrity Who Tries to Tip with an Autographed $5 Bill

'We need drinks!'... 'And I need tips': Bartender Gets $500 Tip After Epically Calling Out Entitled Celebrity Who Tries to Tip with an Autographed $5 Bill

Tipping culture in America is essential to keeping the service industry afloat. With most servers clocking in at minimum wage, tips are pretty much the main way that they earn their living. Not only that, but servers, especially bartenders, have to put up with a lot of entitled customers who thrive on being doted on and babied by their waitstaff and if you've ever worked in the service industry, you probably know, that guests who are rich and famous are usually also the worst. One witty bartend…
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server memes servers life relatable waiter waitress meme work drama coworkers bar bartender tips restaurant life manager

Funniest Service Industry Memes for Waiters and Waitresses Who Are Dangling By A Thread

Sorry we can't split the check 10 ways, it's company policy
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Funniest Service Industry Memes for Servers and Bartenders Who Never Thought They'd Be Here This Long

The Best Service Industry Memes of the Week for Servers and Bartenders Who Never Thought They'd Be Here This Long (January 27, 2022)

My customer service voice is not a reflection of who I am as a person.
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work, workplace, restaurant, employee, server, servers, memes, lol, relatable, hostess, menu, kitchen, cook, double, clopen, bartender, bartending, work life

Funniest Service Industry Memes for Sassy Restaurant Employees to Devour During Their 5 Minute Lunch Break

Nothing stings like the pain of looking at your schedule for next week and seeing a Saturday-Sunday 'CLOPEN'
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Karen calls the wrong restaurant over 60 times to complain, gets put in her place

'You're calling the wrong place!': Drunk Karen finally admits she's wrong after harassing a restaurant she's never been to with over 60+ prank phone calls

“He had to disconnect the phones during a busy rush because she called 30 times…”
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Abusive restaurant owner

'I'm ready to fire pretty much all of you': Abusive restaurant owner sends wild, unhinged messages to staff

This restaurant owner is the definition of evil...
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bartender puts entitled customers in place just realize she was in the wrong

Comedian recounts story of when she was a bartender and epically shutdown some entitled customers, just to shamefully realize they were in the right

As a bartender, it is your right—nah, your duty!—to put entitled customers back in their place and not play their frustrating immature game. However, you should always be SURE that they are truly just being privileged spoiled folk and haven't actually been the victim of a real mistake you've made…
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"At this point, the man loudly scoffs and smirks at me while reaching for his wallet.  He asks, 'This mean anything to you?' while flashing me his badge.  [Did] this guy really just try to extort me for a beer for his underage daughter??  'No, that doesn’t mean anything to me,' I replied.  'Really? Nothing? Pull down that mask and let me see your face.'

'This mean anything to you?': Cop tries to flash his badge and use intimidation to get drinks for underaged daughter

The problem with misusing your authority and making a scene is that it makes all those you are associated with look bad — this includes any organizations or groups who you might be affiliated with. This is why it's so important to conduct oneself in a manner that suits your station -whether you're on duty or off. Just take this off-duty hotel manager who was fired for being rude to the staff of another hotel as a prime example. This server took to Reddit's r/talesfromyourserver community to sha…
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Officially reached my bull$h*t limit

Bartender Gets Revenge on Her Boss During Her Final Month at the Restaurant

It's the unapologetic pettiness that really get me.
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Messages from crazy manager firing the entire staff and making them interview if they want their job back. Local dive bar drama blowing up today.

'Everyone is terminated:' New manager at local dive bar fires literally everyone and makes them re-interview.

Everyone has had an experience with a crazy, vaguely threatening manager. But not everyone has had this one.
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unfair-termination dive bar toxic-manager justice fired toxic-workplace server bank-street-bar laid off toxic-boss bartender new-management service industry new orleans - 17709061

'As of today everyone is being terminated:' New Orleans bar tries to 'clean house,' employees get a hold of the IG account and wreak havoc, causing mass boycott

“I hope the [Bank Street Bar] realizes this is all because of Tristan’s well-documented poor management skills and fires him and gives the banks staff all their jobs back.”
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A college student ghosted his job after his manager completely ignored his advance request for time off.

College Student Encouraged By Reddit To Ghost His Bad Manager

Reddit can be an excellent source for anonymous venting, yet this story proves that it can also be used for making productive life decisions, like ghosting your job when your manager is treating you like you're less than human.
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Kitchen Confidential waiting food service service kitchen bartender service industry reddit thread Reddit - 17585157

Delivery Guy's Sky-High Stack of Boxes Floods Entire Kitchen in Surprising Chain of Events

We've all been there; you're already having a bad day, behind schedule, and rushing to try and catch up to get back on top of things. All this hustle leads you to make a critical error that you wouldn't normally have made… If you're lucky you catch it. If not, well, that could be the end of your entire career.
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antiwork jobs job bartending new zealand bartender service industry - 17586693

Bar in New Zealand Sparks Controversy, Roasted For Posting Job Ad With Requirements For 'Double D Breasts'

For those overseas, yeah, that's not legal here either.
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