

customer service employee job blue collar worker story customer baby boomers boomers bartender workers entitled 1970s karma karen entitled people 1980s - 35700229

Customer contacts entitled Karen's boss after she drunkenly accused bartender of stealing her credit card, causing a scene: 'He already told you 3 times you gave him your business card'

There's nothing worse than going to a bar and encountering a group of intoxicated people being disruptive and picking fights with anyone who crosses their path. This was exactly the scene one customer found himself in, sitting next to an entitled and drunken Boomer, whom he quickly dubbed a "Karen." The customer, a regular at the bar and friends with the bartender, shared his story of that chaotic night and the Karen's satisfying karma. The Karen in question was causing a scene, screaming and a…
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customer service malicious compliance server waiter customers malicious-compliance-reddit waiting customer talesfromyourserver food service service bartender tales from your server service industry - 25883397

Guy impolitely demands bartender cut his burrito in half, he gets what he asked for: 'I think he got the point'

Some people have a tendency of taking really low stakes situations way too far, making things that have no business being stressful very stressful indeed. When you work in customer service these situations will usually present themselves in the form of people making audacious demands and being impolite for no reason—sometimes even having meltdowns in the lobby of your restaurant or store. All that being said… Burritos are a serious business, so it's no surprise that people take situations like…
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'Oh, the look she gave me': Entitled bartender gets her comeuppance, salty customer tosses pennies on the floor

'Oh, the look she gave me': Entitled bartender gets her comeuppance, salty customer tosses pennies on the floor

99.99% of bartenders do not deserve this treatment, but this one will be satisfying for those of you who have ever encountered that 0.01% of folks who deserve their comeuppance. As someone who has often been mistreated by bartenders at noisy establishments that favor a more alpha male presence, I certainly enjoyed hearing about an entitled bartender getting called out for treating an innocent customer like a complete and total nuisance. This person was on the clock on a quiet night and was spea…
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tip tips stealing stealing-tips thief deserved deserves karma instant-karma brewery bartender brewtender beertender beer thief wage-theft work working work-stories coworker payback revenge petty

‘I hope you enjoyed all my tip money': Brewtender uses a thrifty gift card worth $0.75 to get payback on a tip-stealing coworker

Do you ever wish you could take karma into your own hands? Unfortunately, life doesn't always give us opportunities to play with our tormentors, but for the brewery bartender in our next story, the karmic cookie crumbled in his favor after he caught a coworker red-handed stealing his tips.
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Guy takes over-the-top skills assessment for bartending job: 'Who do you think you're hiring?'

Guy takes over-the-top skills assessment for bartending job: 'Who do you think you're hiring?'

At what point will hiring managers just acknowledge that the reason why people are applying is always ultimately about a paycheck? Sure, sometimes there can be passion that motivates an applicant to apply for a particular position, but a paycheck is a paycheck and people need money to live. That's the point of work. With that in mind, no one should dress a job up to be anything else during the application process. It also should not be a bad thing if a candidate states that they want a certain…
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'No texting your ex after 2am': 20+ funny chalkboard signs outside of pubs and restaurants

'No texting your ex after 2am': 20+ funny chalkboard signs outside of pubs and restaurants

Every so often, you come across a pub with a clever enough sign that, at the very least, makes you consider coming in for a drink. Honestly, the truth is most professional advertising these days does not come close to the wit of these managers, employees, bartenders, etc. who happened to just come up with something clever on the spot. Perhaps making these signs was a creative outlet during their shifts. Or perhaps these folks should be the future of modern advertising and nobody is giving them…
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‘He threw a $100 bill at me’: Top tipping stories that capture working in customer service

‘He threw a $100 bill at me’: Top tipping stories that capture working in customer service

Working in customer service is quite a colorful experience, as you get to meet a whole bunch of people, some of whom are polite, others, not so much. I remember the days when I was a waitress… Actually, I fetched people coffee well into my late twenties until I managed to get a gig elsewhere that was far from the public eye. I was relieved that I didn't have to deal with customers anymore…These tipping stories really capture a couple of moments that I think everyone comes across after working a…
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r-work, r-workadvice, work-advice, service-industry-issues, nepo-baby-bartender, HR, human-resources, failblog

'The situation is ridiculous': Hotel bartender learns why everyone hates a certain nepo-baby coworker after a shift with them ends up in the HR office

Nepo-babies are the privileged kind of delusional, not the fun kind of delulu. Like, there's the employee that pushes the boundaries and might get you in trouble for doing something fun kind of delulu, and then there is the nepo-baby delusional co-worker who thinks he's entitled to everyone treating him like the boss even though he was given a bartending position because his mommy is the boss. See what I mean? The latter is, unfortunately, where our story begins . This hotel bartender was the k…
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‘You need to get out': Manager kicks out non-tipping customer after graciously giving them service despite faulty ID

‘You need to get out': Manager kicks out non-tipping customer after graciously giving them service despite faulty ID

Running around the restaurant trying to take orders, pick up dirty plates, and grant ridiculous requests such as ‘Give me a literal bowl of ketchup’ is exhausting. Especially when your entire wage depends on the kindness of strangers, also known as customers. Are they going to tip? How much are they going to tip? Will I be able to afford to fix my car this month, or am I going to cry when I see my account balance instead? You never know. Around the holidays, people are often a little more gener…
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petty revenge reddit rage quit quitting bartender bar barback manager supervisor tips bars boss employee employees worker workplace work job company business

'I knew this would be my last shift': Bartender gets disrespected by a pompous manager, rage quitting and ‘leaving her notice’ in the form of sabotage

Being a lady bartender isn't easy. You have to pretend to be interested in every patron's woes, while also being detached enough to avoid stalkerish behavior. During every shift, bartenders deal with antagonizers, party-meisters, and worst of all womanizers. But it's all worth it for the tips right? That is until you realize the worst offender of on-shift mockery is coming from your general manager.
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'You won't get away without paying me': New owner refuses to give employee his moneys worth, employee finds a creative way of getting it all back

'You won't get away with not paying me': New owner refuses to give employee his money's worth, employee finds a clever way to get paid anyway

From roughly the age of 15 to 22 (fresh out of college), we are expected to accept any position, as long as someone will hire us, regardless of the duties and responsibilities. Hold your horses; what I mean to say is that every position, within 'normal bounds', is acceptable. As a result, I believe we can all agree that for nearly ten years, we have been changing jobs frequently in the hopes of finding one that won't be emotionally or physically taxing. The jobs differ according to age, prefere…
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'I call it karma': Worker gets even with non-tipping customer after crossing paths with them at their workplace

'I call it karma': Worker gets even with non-tipping customer after crossing paths with them at their workplace

It's not every day you get a chance to get even with a regular customer who each time they come to eat at your restaurant, is determined to complain until they get their meal comped… Back when I was a waitress, I certainly didn't bump into customers too much outside of work (thankfully). This regular customer in question came to the corporate-style cookie-cutter restaurant that the OP was working at. She would arrive with a frown, eat lunch, and never tip. It was the same thing, every single ti…
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'When I text you good night later, what phone number should I use?': 20+ bartenders share the most memorable pickup lines they've heard on the job

'When I text you good night later, what phone number should I use?': 20+ bartenders share the most memorable pickup lines they've heard on the job

Here's a friendly reminder that when you approach someone at a bar with a bold pickup line, chances are there is at least one other person who is hearing everything you say: your bartender. If this list serves one productive function in this world, let it be something that motivates you to always tip your bartenders generously because you know they have to hear a ton of nonsense on the job from singletons attempting to flirt. Sometimes, as these folks from r/AskReddit shared, people were trying…
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work workplace toxic worker employee bartender barback boss bosses manager text texts screenshot fired quiet-firing quitting

'Am I getting fired?': Passive aggressive boss roasts his bartender before quiet firing her over a text; she scores a new non-toxic job

Getting fired is a huge bummer– that is, if you actually like your job. If you work for a crass, loser boss, it might be a blessing in disguise when you get the boot.
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance server work customers customer talesfromyourserver service workplace bartender tales from your server employment service industry in the workplace - 22764293

'And then the keg blew': Trouble brews when manager dismisses bartender's advice, gets soaked with beer

Being in charge doesn't mean you have all the answers. In fact, it often shouldn't, and this means that while you don't know the answers, you are experienced in identifying people with those answers and knowing when to differ to their better judgment. Those in petty positions of power who are unable to get their ego out of the way and accept the expertise of their subordinates are bound to end up in embarrassing situations like this one. This venue supervisor refused to accept that the experien…
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instant karma beer satisfying malicious compliance petty revenge host bartender reddit thread Reddit payback funny karma keg bossy - 22719237

'It was glorious and the first 30 people in line thought so too': Bossy host scolds bartenders and gets instant karma

Instant karma, just how we like it. So there's this dude behind the bar, serving up drinks for a massive party of around 400 people. And if that ain't stressful enough, in walks the grumpy host who's been acting like a total snob from the moment he strutted in. He's all about having things his way, and he's got zero faith in our poor bartender's ability to do his literal job. Our bartender is seething on the inside, but the guy's paying the bills, so he keeps it cool. To make matters worse, the…
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