
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Married men reveal the dumb things they did during the dating phase with their future wives, in an AskReddit thread.

Married Men Share Dumb Things They Did On Dates With Future Wives

Police officers share laws they feel uncomfortable enforcing because they don't necessarily agree with them.

Police Officers Share Laws They Feel Uncomfortable Enforcing

People share their weirdest family tics.

People Share Their Weirdest Family Tics

AskReddit users share some, "I can't believe I'm getting paid for this" moments.

People That Couldn't Believe They Got Paid For Their "Work"

Lawyers share why various couples called off their divorces in an AskReddit thread.

Lawyers Share Why Couples Called Off Their Divorces

Wedding shop workers share their worst bridezilla stories on AskReddit.

Wedding Shop Workers Disclose Their Bridezilla Stories

Lawyers share the ways they've seen people screwed over in court, in an AskReddit thread.

Lawyers Share The Ways They've Seen People Screwed Over In Court

A collection of good psychological tricks that people use successfully most of the time.

Good Psychological Tricks People Use With Success Most Of The Time

Redditors share what the last straw was for them at work before they rage quit their jobs.

Rage Quitters Share What Their Last Straws Were At Work

Strange things that people's bodies do that aren't quite right, but also aren't worth a visit to the doctor's office.

Strange Things People's Bodies Do That Aren't Quite Right But Not Worth A Doctor's Visit

askreddit stories about rich kids

25 Frustrating Examples of Spoiled Rich Kid Syndrome People Witnessed

Non British people share what they find odd about British people in an AskReddit thread.

Non British People Share What They Find Odd About Britain

Police officers share stories of the stupidest laws they've enforced just because someone was being a proper jerk.

Police Officers Share The Stupidest Laws They've Enforced Cause Someone Was An A-Hole

Things that make people say, "I hate people."

Things That Make People Say, "I Hate People" (31 Replies)

Various loopholes that people are currently exploiting.

Loopholes That Sneaky People Are Currently Exploiting

AskReddit replies to why people should stop buying different scams.

Things People Should Stop Buying (25 Replies)