
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Police officers share stories of the stupidest laws they've enforced just because someone was being a proper jerk.

Police Officers Share The Stupidest Laws They've Enforced Cause Someone Was An A-Hole

Things that make people say, "I hate people."

Things That Make People Say, "I Hate People" (31 Replies)

Various loopholes that people are currently exploiting.

Loopholes That Sneaky People Are Currently Exploiting

AskReddit replies to why people should stop buying different scams.

Things People Should Stop Buying (25 Replies)

sex partners that ruined it with this one weird trick

18 People Share What Their Partners Did During Sex That Totally Ruined It For Them

People that have read the terms and conditions thoroughly reveal the sketchy stuff they discovered in an AskReddit thread.

People That Have Read Terms And Conditions Reveal The Sneaky Things They Found

AskReddit users share sketchy cheap buys that ended up being their best purchases.

37 Sketchy Cheap Buys That Ended Up Being People's Best Purchases

Uber drivers share what led them to give passengers on AskReddit 1/5 star ratings.

33 Uber Passengers Share What Drove Them To Give Their Drivers 1/5 Star Ratings

AskReddit replies to red flags you should keep an eye out for when meeting new people.

17 Big Red Flags When Meeting New People

askreddit, couples, dating, relatable, funny, ridiculous

30 Couples Who Moved In Together Express What Surprised Them The Most About Living With Females/Males

People on AskReddit disclose what the "black market" was in their school.

26 People Disclose What The "Black Market" Was In Their School

Women on AskReddit share times they ended up buying a car/item from a seller who was sexist.

20 Times Women Tried To Buy A Car/Item From A Sexist

Runaway brides share their stories and what the last straw was for them in an AskReddit.

Runaway Brides Share Their Stories And What The "Final Straw" Was For Them

askreddit, different names, giving new names to things, calling sunburns radiation burns

25 Things People Would Treat Differently If They Had Better Names

askreddit, iamverysmart, intellectual, dumb, stupid, ridiculous, intellectual

29 Things That Scream "I Am Very Smart"

askreddit, mean, rude, gifts

36 People Disclose The Most Insulting Gifts They've Ever Received