
AskReddit is a popular subreddit on Reddit that allows any user to post interesting questions for anyone to answer, often generating funny discussion threads. These are their stories. 

Guy is convinced that his girlfriend joined a sex cult, and asks for advice on Reddit.

Guy's Convinced That His Girlfriend Joined A Sex Cult

Employee asks people on Reddit if they're a jerk for refusing to kill the office spider even though one of their colleagues were scared of it.

Employee Refuses To Kill Office Spider, Co-Worker Can't Stand It

People share stories on AskReddit about the most they've ever gotten out of a dollar.

The Most People Got Out Of A Dollar

AskReddit users share stories of when they realized they were living with total psychos.

AskReddit Users Share When They Realized Their Roommates Were Psychos

AskReddit users share their marriage proposal rejection stories.

AskReddit Users Share Their Marriage Proposal Rejection Stories

Firefighters reveal the dumbest people they've saved from stupid situations.

Firefighters Reveal The Dumbest People They've Saved In Stupid Situations

AskReddit users share things that they believe only losers brag about.

Things That Only Losers Brag About

Americans share how they feel about switching over to the metric system in an AskReddit thread.

Americans Share Their Opinions On Switching To The Metric System

Women share things that they think men always overreact about.

Women Share Things That Men Always Seem To Overreact About

Americans share various things that they didn't realize were so American until they went abroad.

American Habits That Americans Didn't Realize Were So American

signs someone is a decent person

26 Huge Green Flags That Are Often Overlooked

Woman takes petty revenge on her abusive ex boyfriend by not helping him out with concert tickets after he's rude to her.

Woman's Abusive Ex Boyfriend Loses Concert Tickets After Being Rude

Farmers share when their animals left them very confused on how they accomplished what they did.

Farmers Share When Their Animals Made Them Go, "How'd They Do That?"

Males share their experiences with getting harassed in an AskReddit thread.

Males Who Got Sexually Harassed Share Their Experiences

People share times that they were able to put a stop to repeat marketing/phone scam calls.

People Share When They Successfully Stopped A Repeat Marketing Or Scam Call

Things that people wrongfully believe are scams just trying to take their money.

Things People Wrongfully Think Are Scams