

A collection of funny moments from the ridiculous world of Tinder | Lauren Yesterday 's evening s must have on my checklist have job house and car and 's must be 6ft P Report Today Hello meet all those requirements s must on my checklist have 9 months cash reserves case an emergency debt/income ratio less than 30 and put at least 20 income into tax advantaged retirement account also require C-cups or bigger | Hey, quick question? If could have one super power would be hmmmm Invisibility Wed, Jun

Totally Random, Strange, And Hilarious Tinder Gems

Never change, Tinder.
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A collection of funny and bizarre moments from various people on Tinder | Nargis MATCHED WITH NARGIS ON 6/11/20 Hey do work at subway? Today 10:44 PM PLEASE don't say cause got foot long or something Today 11:18 PM No l'm genuinely asking if do cuz thought might have saw working one near my work. Lol. So do u? Lol no don't 's strange just gave foot long Sent

Funny Tinder Moments That Had No Shame

Yay, more Tinder gems.
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A collection of funny moments from various people on Tinder | ive been freindzoned so many times lol would be open rp? roleplay? yes ok be level 9 Druid/half elf cast fireball do respond? oh ment like erotic rp sorry cast SEXY FIREBALL | Sunday 10:01 PM If had warning label would yours say? Today 5:54 PM Product contains nuts k but can't imagine mature adult saying is idea mature adult someone who is able respond various circumstances an appropriate manner Girl question literally had no favorabl

Silly, Cheesy, And Funny Tinder Moments

Tinder's a wild world.
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A collection of funny and strange moments from people on Tinder | MATCHED WITH ON 9/20/17 please roast Girl u look roasted enough amazing Today 1:36 AM Roast back Today 2:05 AM did 2 say 9 Please roast hahaha Sent | So wear socks 99.9 time? Based on percentage, if there are 1440 minutes 1 day, 1438.56 minutes would be 99.9 day. Which means. Unless take less than 1 minute and 44 seconds shower have revealed fact, shower with socks on. Is this true? Sent

Weird, Hilarious, And Raunchy Tinder Gems

Tinder always delivers.
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Guy bullies Tinder match, she gets back at him months later | r/ProRevenge u/donotfuckwfatty 3y JOIN 4 Sometimes customer is wrong unrelated reasons Due well my friends def not an axe murderer" date recommendations drying up have turned most sacred modern relationship institutions: online dating. As very busy person trying get with other very busy people prize honestly and directness above all else comes profile creation include full body shots my photos, try minimize use MySpace angles selfies,

Senseless Tinder Jerk's Antics Catch Up With Him

Evan had it coming.
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Guy on Tinder writes a sonnet about first love | Emilia 12:27 AM sonnet about first love 1:18 AM nice, nonironic ask. Subject matter's adorable, so here: She places hand chest with heart -blaze, Each halting thump dance heat and joy. No other one could brighten up her days, Delightful nights' embrace with caring boy. No earthly sight as great as she him, Undressing nude morning bedside light.

Guy's Tinder Game Is A Modern Marvel

It's all downhill from here.
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A collection of funny, strange, and awkward moments from Tinder | MATCHED WITH 14/04/2020 Today 20:20 No l'm not snack machine Actually referring chess board moving piece so could make move queen Sent | Are lightning? Cuz wanna make McQueen hi obvisouly no linger interested communicating with after message, but writing let know, entirely own sake need do better or no girl will ever seriously reply GIF Type message V.

Funny, Strange, And Cheesy Gems From The Tinder World

Tinder is too much fun.
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A collection of wins and fails from various people on Tinder | Ravioli 26 Ravioli at Ravioli O Boyardee 8 Ravioli O 30 miles away Just piece ravioli looking be less ravilonely. My Anthem KRUSTY Krusty Krab Pizza Song Spongebob Squ KTOB PILZA SONG Ting Tong | Going through my matches before delete them. Worth keeping or not? Today 9:23 pm Nah babe got mad issues Sent

Tinderers That Kept Things Totally Absurd

Tinderers gonna Tinder.
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A collection of funny Tinder moments from various people using the app | IMy Bill, 69 O Handy Man Lives Mount WASHING less than mile away single atractive man looking woman cook supper ain't got time no games because work and only have time hanky panky ok woman chose must be fisically fit too, because am pretty much clidesdale ok don't want kids so don't be asking make baby Karen. Macironi and cheese is my favorite food but not Kraft ok. Thanks have Lebaron and Hall and Oats make good music.

Tinder Gems From The Silly World Of Swipes

Tinderers are persistent.
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Guy on Tinder only uses GIFs, and ends up getting girl's phone number | MATCHED WITH ON 4/1/20 Wazzup? Yesterday 5:43 PM HEY THERE | Yesterday 6:21 PM DOIN? Yesterday 7:15 PM PRETTY PRETTY GOOD

Tinder Dude Only Talks In GIFs, Gets Girl's Number

That's one way to get results.
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AskReddit replies to people's most ridiculous Tinder horror stories | Geeseinfection 6h 3 Awards This guy asked if would be interested dating his dad.

People's Tinder Horror Stories

Tinder brings it out of people.
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A collection of wins and fails from different people on Tinder | Rachel, 20 1 mile away active 14 minutes ago About Rachel tbh just want get some free chipotle out this | Samantha, 21 7 miles away Active 1 day ago Standing tall at 5'2 want do adult things with whispers* taxes *panting softly* pay mortgage *moans* make sure turned off all lights, our utility bill fucking $300 this month

Tinder Triumphs And Failures Of Epic Proportions

So many swipes, so little time.
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A collection of wins and fails from various people on Tinder | text messages texting Honestly out all curves smile is my favorite Awwww xx

Tinder Wins And Fails From The World's Cheesiest Romantics

All hope is not lost in the world of online dating.
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A collection of funny wins and fails from various people on Tinder | text messages chatting 's cheesy pickup line hate this made actually laugh out loud never tried before so l'm glad can put one success bucket

Tinder Gems Of Silly, Immature, And Hilarious Proportions

Tinder keeps generating those comedy gems.
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Girl gives a guy on Tinder her number and pictures of rocks ensue | dylan Details This one is watermelon lol watermelon looks sick know right Check this out will love this photo of a man's hand holding up a cool colorful rock

Girl On Tinder Gives Guy Number, Rock Pics Ensue

This guy's Tinder game rocks.
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Funny moments on Tinder that kept us entertained | kristi Today 07:03 So l've got know, did accidentally swipe right? Today 11:48 porter not gonna sugar coat yes Thanks honesty appreciate Sent

Weird Moments In The World Of Tinder

Tinder is a strange place to find a connection.
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