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'I'm a big fan of Gatorade': Entitled dude buys every bottle of red Gatorade from a shop and refuses to relinquish a single ounce

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'The problem isn't the truth. It's your actions': Mom cancels son's birthday plans to go on a date, he calls her out online

AITA for always getting a separate bill at a restaurant?

'Hopefully his GF sees this red flag': New boyfriend introduced to GFs friend group, insists they all "pay their share" at restaurant

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'[He] told me he's planning on moving out soon': Mom oversteps, calls adult son's boss when he isn't home at expected time, causes rift

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'She wants me to take down everything': Sister insists Disney Adult sibling clears their house of memorabilia for her wedding

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Insane Neighbor Insists Homeowners Pay Their Child's Medical Bills After Their Child Hurts Themselves in Homeowners' Driveway

AITA: 'I told my sister she is an evil human being who doesn't deserve to be a mother': Pregnant sister steals the baby name of her brother's stillborn child only a few weeks after they lost it

AITA: 'I told my sister she is an evil human being who doesn't deserve to be a mother': Pregnant sister steals the baby name of her brother's stillborn child only a few weeks after they lost it

WIBTA For planting prickly bushes in my front yard to keep the neighbours kids from my property?

Update: 'I asked them to stop it so I can work': Renter encounters doorbell-ringing neighbor children and their driveway-hogging parents

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'It's my money to give': Couple's plans to save for vacation are upended when girlfriend gives $110 to help coworker

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'YTA and made it clear to everyone there': Satisfying response to entitled mom's Reddit AITA post puts her in her place

'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, asks her to work for free

'He doesn't work for free, neither do I': Ex-boss talks about former employee behind her back, lies to her, then demands she work for free

AITA for asking my friend to move a picture of him and his wife because it made my wife uncomfortable?

Married Couple Moves in with Friend, Conservative Wife Asks Friend to Remove 'Scandalous' Wedding Photo in Her Presence

AITA for bringing my SIL's wallet to the restaurant when she conveniently always forgets it?

Update: 'She *always* finds a way not to pay': Woman brings SIL's wallet to restaurant, SIL finds the post and tells her side of the story

AITA for participating in my neighborhood's easter egg hunt that was meant for children?

'You're literally taking candy from babies': Enthusiastic egg-hunter angers her neighbors by joining kids-only activity

AITA for asking my daughter to uphold her end of the deal?

'You made a deal with a TWELVE YEAR OLD for THOUSANDS of DOLLARS?!?': Karen makes daughter pay for half of their swimming pool

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‘Her fault so she eats the cost’: Woman hires baker for gender reveal party, baker’s dog destroys the cupcakes