

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

‘You’re Not Entitled to Kindness When You Are Purposely Being Rude’ : Cheeky Dude Expects Woman To Respond Nicely When He Obstructs Her View at Sporting Event, Revealing His Own Hypocrisy

People pay a lot of money to go to sporting events, and although we're all aware that it's not far from what you experience when in a movie theatre with a bunch of screaming kids (no offense), one can still have basic manners — because, we aren't kids, after all. We're adults. And as adults, we're supposed to communicate. Be the grown-up in the situation and all that. But the problem is, a vast majority of people are rude — and this especially goes at sporting events. This is why I'm an introve…
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WIBTA if I used part of my paternity leave to visit my family?

'Why women have babies with men like you is beyond me': Dude wants to use paternity leave to take a vacation away from his wife and kid

Does this guy even hear himself?
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'My son is clearly resenting us' Parents give one child $4k for Christmas and give the other $800, wonder if they're wrong

'My son is clearly resenting us': Parents give one child $4k for Christmas and give the other $800, wonder if they're wrong

The sibling relationship may be one of the most complex: two individuals who have interacted and competed throughout the entire duration of their challenging developmental years. These years of ever-shifting emotional conflict can foster incredibly strong, near-unbreakable bonds; or can form two individuals who can't stand to be in the same room as one another. Jealousy is one of the main contributors to the latter result; oftentimes, one sibling may begin to feel resentment toward their family…
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AITA for moving my son into a rental apartment after finding out that his dad's been cancelling his job applications?

'[He] deserves a life of his own': Unhinged Dad refuses to let fully grown son leave the house, Mom saves the day

I guess father does not know best!
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AITA for borrowing my husbands underwear?

'My husband should let me borrow his underwear': Pregnant woman fights with husband after he sees her wearing his 'good' underwear

Is sharing actually caring?
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'Well he didn't cheat on ME' : Selfish Daughter Denies Her Mother Empathy When Her Dad’s Cheating Gets Another Woman Pregnant, Leading To Family Drama and No Contact

'Well he didn't cheat on ME' : Selfish Daughter Denies Her Mother Empathy When Her Dad’s Cheating Gets Another Woman Pregnant, Leading To Family Drama and No Contact

One might think that when one of your parents gets cheated on by the other, resulting in a soon-to-be new brother or sister, you might not exactly be over the moon. At the very least, you might think that one would carry some empathy for the parent who was suffering, not the one who lied about their infidelity and then oops, got another woman pregnant. Sigh… I don't know if it's a generational thing, or if we were just as self-centered back in the day, but this is unacceptable behavior and says…
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AITA for giving my daughter a "better" present than my son?

'4K and 800 is a big difference': Jealous brother erupts at parents for spending more money on their daughter's gifts

As it turns out, we're still experiencing the fallout from the Holidays.
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AITA for taking a ‘nepotism baby’ joke too personally?

'He's a Nepo Baby': Son of successful entrepreneur gets defensive over awkward family dinner

This Holiday season, it seems that families were arguing about nepotism!
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person on a delta flight purchases a specific seat in the plane and pays extra to get that seat, then the person sitting in the middle of his row asks if he would switch with his girlfriend so they could sit together, but his girlfriend was sitting in the back of the plane in a middle seat and the man said absolutely no to trading, shares his story on Reddit to see if he was in the right

'[I shouldn't have to] give up my chosen seat for their inability to plan': Redditors Applaud Person Who Rufuses to Give Up Pre-Paid Seat on a Delta Flight for a Couple to Sit Together

"Their failure to secure seats together is on them, not on you."
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drama aita Reddit reddit thread marriage marriage-drama parenting Parenting Fail

'Why do I have to go?': Deadbeat dad-to-be skips pregnant wife's doctor's appointment for Fish n' Chips with the boys

I love Fish ‘n’ Chips. They're one of the main pillars of that make a continued existence on this planet worth it. There's nothing quite like a juicy flakey fillet battered in golden breading and deep-fried to succulent perfection. Serve that up with your choice of sauce and a side of chips, and you're talking some serious joy in edible form. Without Fish ‘n’ Chips, where would we be as a society?.. I'd rather not know the answer. Well, this deadbeat dad-to-be clearly shares the same passion fo…
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AITA for telling BIL he has a good life because he’s living off of my sister?

‘I didn’t appreciate his nosiness’: Woman resents brother-in-law for making less money than her sister, berates him in front of niece

We love family dysfunction, but this one has truly sparked some debate.
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‘Who Doesn’t Expect Noise at a Gym?’ : Stubborn Entitled Dude Appalls Gym Goers by Being Disrespectful and Selfish, Continuously Ignores Requests to Be Quiet

‘Who Doesn’t Expect Noise at a Gym?’ : Stubborn Entitled Dude Appalls Gym Goers by Being Disrespectful and Selfish, Continuously Ignores Requests to Be Quiet

Firstly, a quick shoutout to Darwin's brilliant theory of evolution… the flaws in how humans have evolved are no secret to any of us. Just enter the nearest Mcdonald's — I dare say 15 minutes won't go by without some kind of incident occurring, most likely involving an entitled person who takes their 3-dollar burger very seriously. Evidently, some humans have not quite evolved as we'd have hoped, and are clearly deficient in brain cells. Particularly those linked with public decency. We all kno…
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AITA for calling my soon-to-be-MIL an insecure b****?

'It’s not my Mom’s fault that she’s an insecure b****': Woman lashes out at future Mother-in-law for taking over her wedding

It sounds like this Monster-in-law is always going to be a problem.
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UPDATE: AITA for not going to my parents wedding before they get divorced again?

Update! 'Call me when they get their next divorce': Parents keep getting divorced and remarried, daughter calls them out

This is some rich people drama!
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AITA for removing the door to my son's room indefinitely?

'You were screaming like a harpy and it was annoying': Enraged Mom removes son's bedroom door as punishment

Teenagers will be teenagers, but also helicopter moms will be helicopter moms!
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UPDATE: AITA for telling another gym member to wear a bra?

Update: 'The manager gave him a 30 day ban': Fragile gym bro demands woman wear a bra, she suggests the same, he gets banned

It never feels good to be accused of doing something nefarious or being something that you're not, but in these situations, the best thing you can do is remain level-headed and rational — if you get upset that someone is accusing you of being aggressive and you become aggressive as a result you're kind of proving their point. Regardless, this guy was in the wrong long before he lost his cool. As we've consistently said over the years: You're an a**hole as soon as you pass an unwanted judgment o…
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