

AITA for telling a teacher she's being unreasonable?

Entitled Mom vs. 'Unreasonable' Teacher: Mom wants son to miss test for a pep rally, teacher refuses

We love when a teacher puts their foot down, but at what cost?
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AITA for exposing an entitled neighbor?

'[They] roasted her brutally': Guy exposes entitled neighbor after she demands to borrow his only vehicle and blasts him online

No good deed goes unpunished, as one neighbor found out after being exposed on social media. It all started when this guy decided to get a nice sports car to drive around in during the summer months. He also has a “winter beater,” a run-down SUV that he drives during the winter months to preserve his sports car. However, the OP wrote that he has a young neighbor with kids, and she was in a bit of a financial struggle after a divorce. The OP decided to be nice to her and let her borrow the winte…
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AITA for renting a goat?

'I didn't expect her to react so negatively': Husband's HOA-compliant yard work idea infuriates wife

This guy absolutely despises cutting his lawn, writing, “The sound of the lawn mower makes me wish I could take my ears off like Mr. Potato Head and lock them in a box.”
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aita neighbors neighborhood petty revenge update reddit thread Reddit holidays - 19656197

'Your neighbor sucks': Universally hated neighbor rants about holiday decorations, so now everyone decorates their houses for every single holiday

This neighbor fully made his own bed. I mean, it's like he was begging for everyone else to enact some petty revenge on him.
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AITA for moving out because I don’t want to help my bf out with the rent?

Entitled Rich Boyfriend Insists That His Girlfriend Move In for Free, Then Changes His Mind and Makes Her Pay $2.5K in Rent

Just when you thought finance bros couldn't get any worse, they do.
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AITA: ‘She’s not smart enough' : Father refuses to pay for daughter's education, calls University of Cambridge ‘foreign’, demands she study in 'America'

AITA: ‘She’s not smart enough' : Father refuses to pay for daughter's education, calls University of Cambridge ‘foreign’, demands she study in 'America'

Getting into the University of Cambridge is a pretty big deal, but not everyone thinks so. This father holds quite a few misconceptions regarding what ‘foreign’ means, and also has a stigmatic stance against his own daughter. Taking to r/AITA, he asked Redditors if he was in the wrong for refusing to pay for his daughter's education, based on the grounds that she ‘wasn’t as bright as her brother' and because the University she got into was ‘foreign’. Imagine calling one of the best Universities…
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AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

AITA: ‘I want a separate bedroom’ : Couple pays 50/50 rent, entitled boyfriend demands all spare rooms to himself, girlfriend claims 'it's not fair' and asks for separate bedroom

Moving in together with your significant other is as charming as it is stressful. This is the time you truly get to know them. Sharing a living space with anyone can be emotionally draining, and it's normal to want some space for yourself. One woman took to Reddit, sharing the news of her moving in with her boyfriend. They were going to rent a three-bedroom house and had two spare rooms that they were figuring out what to do with. The entitled boyfriend thought it was totally legitimate to dema…
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gym class aita gym gyms entitled entitled people - 19613445

'AITA For Yelling at Someone to Shut Up?': Woman shuts down obnoxious gym-goer and asks the internet for advice

This gym-goer had simply had enough of another person being loud and disruptive in their gym's athletic classes. They were pushed to limits that they claim they normally wouldn't go to and told the disruptive person to shut up. Now they're wondering if they're wrong for their outburst. It's generally pretty shocking when someone displays a complete lack of self-awareness and care for the people around them; playing loud music on public transportation (or in any public space) and generally being…
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family drama aita mother family feud family reddit thread daughter Reddit - 19624709

'[She] slammed it 5 times as hard as she could': Rebellious teenager keeps slamming door, parents take the door off the frame

I mean, they do say actions have consequences...
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aita marriage honeymoon generations divorce reddit thread bridezilla Reddit - 19623173

'Am I really wrong here?': Newlywed doesn't want husband to cut honeymoon short despite his SIL's car accident

This one has a twist in the comments no one was expecting.
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‘Figure it out': 22-year-old college girl gets financially cut off when her judgmental father finds out she's been working as a stripper for extra cash

‘Figure it out': 22-year-old college girl gets financially cut off when her judgmental father finds out she's been working as a stripper for extra cash

Working to pay your way through college is exhausting and extremely difficult. Not only are you just learning how to live on your own– buying groceries, doing laundry, balancing life/work/everything else –but you're a hormonal basket-case that's hellbent on accidentally ruining your own life with drunken mistakes, failing to pay your utilities on time, and taking that required gender studies course. Now when finances are an added concern, things get ever trickier because you're attempting to pl…
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aita toxic-workplace drama relationship-drama relationships Reddit toxic relationship dramatic toxic-work-environment - 19364869

'AITA for asking my girlfriend to leave the house for 6-7 hours a day?': Dude gets roasted for forcing girlfriend out of their shared home with terrible reasoning

When you decide to take the leap and share your life with another person… actually share it with them. Don't do what this jerk boyfriend did and kick them out of the house, baring them from their own home so that your friends can sit in their favorite chair and hang out with you while they're on the outside looking in. Instead, be inclusive and seek to share time, love, and desires with them. This dude got roasted for forcing his recently-jobless girlfriend out of their shared home so that he c…
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aita workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace manager toxic-boss managers workplace Reddit - 19595013

'AITA for not giving my boss my first class seat?': Internet defends worker's decision not to give their boss their personal seat upgrade

If you haven't heard the word: It's 2023, and we're reinstating the law that entitles your lord to anything you own. How dare you own something nicer than your boss? From now on, if they want your stuff, they get it…. That 10-year-old BMW you're driving? Hand it over. Your new smartwatch? Just put it on their wrist right now. Oh—and they wouldn't mind if you re-homed your family's corgi, Mr. Pickle, to them either. Just imagine the frailty of this boss's ego. It's pretty hard to imagine what a…
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aita bride McDonald's wedding reddit thread bridezilla Reddit fast food - 19575557

'Wow, you're cheaper than I thought': Bridezilla charges guests for Michelin star restaurant service at wedding, guest bails to get McDonald's instead

People really think they can get away with wretched behavior at their own weddings, don't they?
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boyfriend aita rent breakup rich people reddit thread Reddit apartment - 19567109

'The flat is paid for and you are still paying rent?!' Woman gets ripped off by trust fund baby boyfriend, internet reacts

I smell a breakup in the near future.
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Update: AITA for setting boundaries with my stepson

Update! ‘What? AITA did good?’: Stepdad makes amends with son after getting eviscerated online

It’s not every day that you see savagery on the Internet actually make a positive impact.
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