
'Wife #2 at 32 huh?': Dude lashes out at family after they disapprove of his second marriage

'Wife #2 at 32 huh?': Dude lashes out at family after they disapprove of his second marriage

family drama amitheahole aita marriage drama wife marriage-drama husband catering family - 20984325

'She told me that I am being a jerk': Wife last-minute cancels catering service for 20 people, insists husband helps

'We got here first, so we got dibs': Woman kicks entitled friend out of Airbnb for demanding nice bedroom

'We got here first, so we got dibs': Woman kicks entitled friend out of Airbnb for demanding nice bedroom

mother father surgery tonsil tonsils health healthcare sick sick-child child kids parenting fail reddit aita birthday obsessed obsessive crazy childhood drama divorce custody

'Her mother had a fit': Caring father stands up for his daughter when superstitious mother refuses to pay for their child's life changing surgery because it's scheduled on her own birthday

'I did not want them at my birthday dinner': Gentle-parenting sibling gets shut down by sister when she tries to get pity online

'I did not want them at my birthday dinner': Gentle-parenting sibling gets shut down by sister when she tries to get pity online

hardworking daughter parents parent college college-fund baby son university freshman money student-loans student-debt loans debt student college-student reddit aita brother sister finance promise

'iT's OuR mOnEy': Hardworking daughter gets her college fund robbed after graduation when her parents surprise her with a baby brother and revoke half of her college savings

Dude doesn't understand why his neighbor won't cook for him daily

'It's really pretentious of you': Oblivious entitled dude doesn't understand why his neighbor won't cook for him daily

Update: 'He then said... I need to pay my dues': Employee turns down job with more responsibility after boss lowballs herUpdate: 'He then said... I need to pay my dues': Employee turns down job with more responsibility after boss lowballs her

Update: 'He then said... I need to pay my dues': Employee stuns boss by turning down job with more responsibility after boss lowballs her

family drama aita family family stories funny stories funny story revenge petty revenge - 20882949

'My turn': Mom rearranges daughter's home, daughter repays the favor

Employee skipped over for job position after colleague opposes her nomination

'She might bring team morale down': Braggart employee denied job position after colleague opposes her nomination

'It was too late': Toddler cracks expensive artwork during open house, parents flee the scene

'I felt extremely embarrassed': Toddler cracks expensive artwork during open house, parents flee the scene

'I had to kick out my cousin during my ceremony for crying': Bride cuts off cousin after she causes wedding pandemonium

'I had to kick out my cousin during my ceremony for crying': Bride cuts off cousin after she causes wedding pandemonium

Daughter cuts up credit card after mother continually reminds her of rent payments

'Demanding rent in a fight made me the villain': Daughter cuts up credit card after mother continually reminds her of rent payments

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'She made $20,000 on her wedding': Vigilante bridesmaid exposes bride who used a fake cash bar to hoodwink their entire wedding into paying for their honeymoon

amitheahole aita neighbors tales-from-the-neighborhood neighbor-stories neighborhood neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories neighbor - 20869893

Update: 'We’re not in a forest so who cares': Woman douses fire-starting neighbor's banned fire, ignites a feud

family drama amitheahole aita entitled parents drama parenting Reddit Parenting Fail parents dogs pets - 20850693

'[Am I the jerk] for getting a dog': Family orders adult woman to get rid of her pet dog because her brother is allergic