
lunch break aita workplace-stories AITAH coworkers reddit story workplace workplace drama Reddit Workplace - 38791173

Person brings lunch to work, coworkers keep taking it, person refuses to share and faces backlash from coworkers: 'It’s basic respect not to expect someone to share their lunch every day'

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Woman's sister reveals to her about her infidelity, woman then tells brother-in-law about the affair: 'I couldn’t just sit back and watch Tom live a lie'

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'She gave me two options and one option is never happening': Man's new wife wants to adopt his daughter so ex-wife can no longer be in the picture, man says he'd rather divorce her than force his daughter into adoption

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'I hate seeing [my step-brother] and knowing he gets the dad I lost': Boy gets neglected by father, decides not to attend his father and step-brother's birthday, father and step-mother blow up at him

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Man believes ex's therapist is using unethical practices, therapist is outwardly unkind to him in public: 'Everytime therapist spots me in public she has to give me dirty looks'

Mom defends 13-year-old daughter in strongly worded email to terrible teacher: 'I'm sorry, but that is not a lesson I feel comfortable teaching my daughter'

Mom defends 13-year-old daughter in strongly worded email to terrible teacher: 'I'm sorry, but that is not a lesson I feel comfortable teaching my daughter'

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15-year-old tells her parents that she doesn't regard her 6-year-old foster sister as a sibling, despite foster sister's wishes: 'Her birthday wish was that I loved her back'

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Woman's mother starts teaching her daughter about her weird religion, woman threatens to cut ties with mother over it: 'I just don’t want her indoctrinating my kid!'

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Woman’s brother abandons kids at a young age, woman defends them when they don’t want to reconnect with him and new wife: ‘[They] had no business putting their mistakes on the girls.’

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Woman and sister inherited grandfather’s house, sister wants to take it without paying woman her share: ‘It felt like she was guilt-tripping me into just giving up my share for nothing.’

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16-year-old accused of "making a scene" at stepsister's birthday party after standing up for himself to her aunt: 'Things spiraled out of control pretty quickly'

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'I’ve resorted to using ChatGPT to be sure I reply with empathy without having to engage myself too much emotionally:' Woman receives difficult texts from mother about grandmother's health, starts using ChatGPT to respond

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Girl finally reunites with boyfriend after months of long distance, boyfriend's cousin inserts themself in on all their romantic plans: '[He] really makes me question our compatibility.

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'I'd have never asked her out if I knew back then': Man's wife reveals big secret about her past, man reconsiders entire relationship because of it

'I made the gut-wrenching decision to call off the wedding': 32-year-old surprises younger fiancée with house, she breaks off engagement for not discussing it with her

'I made the gut-wrenching decision to call off the wedding': 32-year-old surprises younger fiancée with house, she breaks off engagement for not discussing it with her

Employee collects evidence and exposes two coworkers for attempted sabotage against her, boss kicks both of them to the curb: ‘They discussed ways to make me look bad in front of our boss’

Employee collects evidence and exposes two coworkers for attempted sabotage against her, boss kicks both of them to the curb: ‘They discussed ways to make me look bad in front of our boss’