

family etiquette students student graduation reddit story family drama aita reddit thread amitheahole - 26041349

18-year-old daughter changes name without telling parents, Mom and Step-Dad learn at her graduation: 'I never wanted to be his kid'

Names are a personal thing… A personal thing that you traditionally have no control over—yet that defines your life before it even begins… and forms the basis of how others shape their understanding of you. It's understandable why we need them. The whole thing just makes sense and would be a little confusing if we didn't have ways of categorizing and referring to one another—even in the simplest means of communication… Imagine a world without names where you had no way of identifying who a mess…
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family drama aita funny stories kids reddit story married life parenting etiquette family reddit thread married funny parenting - 28078853

Dad tricks picky kids into eating mushrooms, mom's not having it: 'I run it through the blender'

When you're a kid, there's plenty of stuff that you don't want to eat, the sheer existence of it being abhorrent and causing your stomach to turn. Your parent's attempts to trick and force you to eat it are unsuccessful. Try as they might to present it to you in new or disguised ways; your disgust remains. I remember loving my mom's mac and cheese as a kid until I one day saw her making it and witnessed her pouring some sludge labeled “cream of mushroom” into the mix. Cream of mushroom? I had u…
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teens family drama aita teenager mother teenagers reddit story parenting etiquette reddit thread - 26343429

17-year-old teen daughter gets back at her mother for shaming her choice of prom dress: 'I cried for a while but then came up with a plan'

Our parents are never going to totally agree with the way we choose to live our lives, there's just too much of a difference between the times we were raised in comparison to their own life experiences. Things change, as un undeniable nad undisputable fact, time marches on, and even of the most open minded of us can find ourselves behind the “now” of the world. Of course, for those without an open mind, this is harder still. They're not particularly fond of any change to begin with, so change t…
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Babysitter falls asleep on the job and fails to hear the baby crying, resulting in a dispute when the parents find out: ‘Hire a nanny next time’

Babysitter falls asleep on the job and fails to hear the baby crying, resulting in a dispute when the parents find out: ‘Hire a nanny next time’

Every parent needs a trusty babysitter they can leave their kids with from time to time. Whether you need them to watch your kids while you're at work, going out with friends, or simply in case of unexpected emergencies, it is always important to have someone you can count on. For many parents, that trusty babysitter is often a teenager who is looking for a way to make some money, and watching kids while they usually sleep seems like an easy way to do so. But it is crucial to remember that thos…
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entitlement drama entitled people karma entitled reddit thread Reddit funny aita flight attendant job passenger airplane couple - 26157573

Entitled passenger demands middle seat between couple, throws a fit when flight attendant gets involved: 'We had been sitting there for almost 5 hours'

There are a lot of mixed opinions on which passenger is in the wrong here. You know that amazing feeling when you find out the seat next to you on a plane is empty, giving you more space? That's what happened to this man when he was flying with his wife. He was happy to learn that the aisle seat of their row was open, so he moved from the middle seat so they could have more room. They were sitting like this for five hours of their eight-hour flight when a woman from a few rows back demanded the…
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air travel aita airlines airline - 26341381

Entitled Karen mother demands woman's airline snack for her kids: 'She just was super entitled, like the way she asked me too was more of a demand than an ask'

You know those little trail mix types of snacks that they hand out on airlines? Those ones that come in an impossibly small bag, and are only good for a couple of bites and by no means are a substitute for the meal you're probably missing during the flight. They usually hand these things out just after takeoff while you're still trying to calm your nerves that are (rightfully) frayed having your body propelled unnaturally at 500+ MPH into the sky. Strangely enough, that ridiculously small porti…
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teens family drama amitheahole aita teenager step mother reddit story family feud parenting etiquette reddit thread parents - 26041093

Step-mother gets an answer she wasn't prepared for when she asks 17-year-old if she's a suitable replacement for step-child's mother: 'She was never second best [...] because she was never in the running'

It's often said that you should never ask questions that you don't know the answer to. It should also probably be said that you should never insist on an answer to that question once the chance to give one has been politely declined. Doing so is just setting yourself up for a bad time when the person you're demanding an answer from gives you one that you really don't want to hear… and when things get sensitive, a confrontation is sure to follow. This step-mom insisted on placing herself on the…
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Overworked Mom takes week-long vacation away from family, incompetent husband left scrambling: ‘My partner hasn’t done […] laundry in 10 years’

Overworked Mom takes week-long vacation away from family, incompetent husband left scrambling: ‘My partner hasn’t done […] laundry in 10 years’

This mother needed a vacation away from parenting, and we totally get it. Not only was she the primary caretaker of her three children, but also she was juggling virtually every household duty imaginable with her own part-time job. Objectively speaking, the division of labor within this household was wildly imbalanced, yet somehow, this woman’s husband thinks differently. Sure, he works a full-time job and is technically the primary breadwinner of the family, but even so, you would think he wou…
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Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

Girl buys overpriced Taylor Swift tour ticket from coworker only for them to demand she gives it back after they find a higher bidder: ‘Not in your wildest dreams’

The price of attending a concert has skyrocketed in recent years so much so that it turned what used to be a relatable experience into an exclusive event. It can be extremely disappointing for fans to passionately wait for the opportunity to go see their favorite artist live, only to be met with ticket prices that could rival a plane ticket to the other side of the world. For many young adults these days, that favorite artist is Taylor Swift, much like the writer of this Reddit story. OP (origi…
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'She asked me to cancel my day off': Executive assistant puts foot down when coworker tries to get her to cancel her planned vacation

'She asked me to cancel my day off': Executive assistant puts foot down when coworker tries to get her to cancel her planned vacation

Who else loves when someone tries to punish you for their lack of a strong work ethic? This executive assistant did their fair share of work on a project before their planned vacation. In fact, they did not even have to pull all the files they did since it was not even their assignment, but they helped a few coworkers out of common courtesy. Still, just a day before their vacation was finally about to start, their coworker tried to convince them to cancel their day off because she found herself…
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divorced family drama aita marriage wedding drama wife marriage-drama husband divorce marriage advice family - 25414405

Husband buys $160k worth of baseball cards behind his wife's back and doesn't think he's done anything wrong: 'He claims I'm trying to get even with him'

When you're legally and financially tied to another person to the point where everything would be evenly split should the relationship end, you really have no business making excessively extravagant purchases without the both of you being on the same page. The acceptability of these slides further when that thing has no bearing on, or positive effect on, advancing your lives or livelihood together. Look I'm not going to be one of those people who starts talking about how collecting “pictures pr…
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amitheahole aita workplace - 25989893

Group project members refuse to do any of the work, get none of the credit: 'It is almost 40% of the total grade'

Group projects are the absolute worst—and the absolute worst for a reason. Never up until this point in your life have you had to suffer such a demotivated group of sniveling tagalongs who want nothing more than to cling to the coattails of whatever member is willing to drag them to the next step of their education rather than actually learning something and putting in the work to get there themselves. But, it's not necessarily their fault; the system has taught them that getting to the next st…
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'I opened the door and he looked at me, confused': Pizza delivery guy slides note under customer's door

'I opened the door and he looked at me, confused': Pizza delivery guy slides note under customer's door

This guy was forced to confront a pizza delivery guy … because he tried to give a note to his girlfriend right in front of his eyes! Pizza delivery is supposed to be fast and simple. You place your order on an app or by calling the restaurant, the guy drops off your pizza a half hour later, and then you watch a movie while you chow down. It's supposed to be the easy dinner option. Apparently no one told that to this pizza delivery guy, who kept insisting on seeing the woman who lived at this pl…
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'We've shelled out over $9k [in repairs]': Husband's 'fragile masculinity' gets called out after he gets an impractical SUV over a much-needed minivan, wife has had enough

'We've shelled out over $9k [in repairs]': Husband's 'fragile masculinity' gets called out after he gets an impractical SUV over a much-needed minivan, wife has had enough

“When I suggested selling it, he cut me off and said that he wasn’t getting a van... It was so combative and defensive the way he said it, and because I was so tired from the day, I lashed out. We argued, it got heated, and I ended up yelling, ‘Your fragile masculinity is costing our family so much money'."
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Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss refunds me every penny'

Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss [refund] me every penny'

Friendly reminder to get your PTO confirmed before getting non-refundable flights! This employee's girlfriend learned that the hard way. People in the comments section were a bit tough on her for putting pressure on her boyfriend to make his boss refund every penny of their planned vacation after the boss denied the employee's PTO request. Still, we have reserved at least some sympathy for her. It's not like this employee wasn't entitled to that time, and while he wants to advance his career, h…
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'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

'It's a family secret... Karen didn't take it well': Chocolate chip cookie conundrum divides office in two

This office's "cookie wizard" is having their week ruined by a coworker.
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