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'She's not saving the planet like [me]': Holier-than-thou +1 girlfriend demands special treatment because she's 'vegan', turns hypocritical when a long-standing friend in the group shares a differing dietary restriction

Is seafood vegan?
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entitled neighbor neighbors neighborhood property property-owner homeowner home house karma towed tow truck car cars garage cost reddit aita

Property owner gets 3 of the entitled neighbor's cars towed after they presumptuously park in his garage without permission: 'It cost [him] $1,000'

Not making a good first impression
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dad dads parenting parents kids children pool entitled girlfriend kicked out pool pools hot heatwave weather splash money pay aita homeowner property owner

‘I paid $100,000 for this pool’: Entitled girlfriend complains that a homeowner's kids are splashing too much in their private pool, Super Dad comes to their defense by telling her to kick rocks

"Beggars can't be choosers"
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'I put my foot down': Mother refuses to help 15-year-old daughter go on school trip after daughter continually forgets important things

This mom is wondering if she's actually being petty… or if she's just raising a teenager . It seems like most parents are clueless when it comes to their teenagers: there's no amount of research or preparation that can prepare you for that stage of your kid's life. You start off with a baby, then a toddler who's your little bestie. Then they turn into a sweet kid who loves to hang out with you. Then one day, that kid becomes a teenager, and all bets are off. They might act out or refuse to do a…
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childcare Babies aita infant kids moms parenting dad

Husband admonished for telling wife and new mother of 3-month-old baby that she must return to work: 'She needs to work full-time'

It's surprising and disappointing sometimes the disrespect and disregard people have for their spouses when relationships are supposed to be built on respect and support. We're talking about someone who is supposed to be your other half, so it makes sense that responsibilities be split and handled as if that were the case—where capable and able. We're all only human, and our lives and their requirements are changing all the time, so we're not going to get it right all the time, but that's where…
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‘She had it coming’: Mother plays favorites between two daughters during their birthdays, leading eldest to even the score by playing favorites between her parents

‘She had it coming’: Mother plays favorites between two daughters during their birthdays, leading eldest to even the score by playing favorites between her parents

Every person who grew up with siblings knows that parents always have favorites. They can deny it as much as they want, and try to hide it so the kids would not be able to tell, but unfortunately, kids are always able to tell. However, there is a big difference between parents having a favorite child and parents playing favorites between the children. It is somewhat understandable that parents care for one kid more than the other, but it is absolutely not understandable when they act on it clea…
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family drama aita entitled parents reddit story wedding etiquette family grandparents reddit thread weddings parents

Mother of Bride 45 minutes late to wedding and misses ceremony, blames bride for not waiting for her: 'They had time to stop at a bakery??'

Weddings may be a celebration of the union of two people, but they're first and foremost an administrative marathon and a crash course in event planning—let's get that straight. The one thing you don't realize when you say “yes” is that you're not just saying “yes” to a ring; you're saying “Yes, I'd love to become a de facto event planner for the next year of my life as a second job." There's a lot going on and a ton to manage, and the entire time leading up to the big day is spent trying to en…
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aita bride wedding party wedding drama bridesmaids bridal party reddit story wedding etiquette reddit thread weddings - 36622341

Woman wonders if she's wrong for letting her pregnancy news slip at friend's bridal shower: '[The bride] was upset that I announced my pregnancy at her bridal shower'

There are certain implied rules of engagement when it comes to celebrations, and it's generally expected that you'll let the person being celebrated have their moment and not do anything to steal their thunder by making major announcements of your own that are bound to generate buzz and get people talking about you. Of course, this is notoriously hard for some people who can't bear to not be the center of attention, which is why we end up with so many of these stories of entitled friends and fa…
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family families family-drama drama story stories kids kid parent parents parenting siblings sibling cousins sister brother mom dad host drama thanksgiving family-party parties reddit aita

'Never overstay your welcome': Couple reverse guilt-trips their inconsiderate family when they refuse to host another messy family gathering

Once the family got a little too comfortable in their host's home, things got stickier than the kid's table mac and cheese spilled on their opulent Berber rug
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'Not again!': Son loses it after his parents announce he will have an eighth sibling

'Not again!': Son loses it after his parents announce he will have an eighth sibling

If you had to pretty much singlehandedly take care of all your siblings, wouldn't you also react this way? This Redditor took the Internet for justification after he reacted poorly to the news that his parents were having an eighth child despite their financial struggles and living arrangements. It's one thing to be the eldest sibling and to have to look after your family every once in a while. It's quite another when you have essentially become a third parent in the family, as folks in the com…
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'My boss then said it was something I had to attend': Employee turns down dinner with colleagues on the final night of their business trip, boss promises consequences

'My boss then said it was something I had to attend': Employee turns down dinner with colleagues on the final night of their business trip, boss promises consequences

Imagine having to endure a week with your most difficult and annoying coworkers only to be reprimanded when you finally take the opportunity to enjoy a night off. This employee was dragged to a week-long work conference where he was attending meetings and events on the clock for full days of work. Those hours of work were followed by endless meals and cocktails with his team. On the final night of the trip, the employee was excited to see that there was no after-work meal scheduled. He planned…
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'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family

'I'm moving out': Parents adopt daughter's high school bully behind her back, leading to the 16-year-old cutting off contact with entire family

Fostering or adopting kids in need of a home is one of the most honorable things a family can do. If every family could open up their home for one kid, the world would definitely be a better place. But even if a family does adopt a child, it only means the hard work has just begun. Even if it seems like the hard part, the adoption part is just the beginning, as now the family has to work together to make sure their new addition feels comfortable and happy in their new home, while also making su…
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'I decided to write him an email and CC his boss': Medical worker stands up for employee break times, commenters urge them to involve HR

Would you ever CC your boss's boss on an email? It's a bold move to make! This person, u/ShamyJane, was just utterly fed up with their boss's unfair behavior. By the time they wrote him and his boss an email, they must've lost all faith in his abilities to lead. It's a plead from the employee to the boss to please do something to change the working environment! It seems like the original poster only did this out of desperation… and a desire to see him get what he deserved for being so impolite…
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childcare Babies teens aita infant kids teenagers moms parenting dad cute kids pregnant reddit thread parent

Woman asks her biological son to stop calling her "mom" causing rift and diving online readers: 'It feels disrespectful...'

We all like to think of our lives as being cut into neat little shapes with clearly defined outlines and borders. The reality of that couldn't be any further from the truth, and those who insist the most fervently that there is nothing amiss in their life are either hiding something or in complete denial. So, when you read something along the lines of “mother rejects their child,” you probably make a judgment call before even knowing the rest of the context, coming in guns blazing and ready to…
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'She responded by telling me she has “every right” to tour my apartment': Fed-up tenant makes impatient landlady wait to visit her apartment using a legal loophole

Getting in a squabble with your landlords or landladies can be so awkward… U/Corrid21 found that out firsthand when they had to move apartments . As if moving wasn't stressful enough, thanks to all the packing and cleaning you have to do, this person's landlady just can't stop showing up at her apartment to show the property to prospective buyers. This person was wondering if they were in the wrong here for their approach to getting back at the landlady. On the one hand, the landlady does have…
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aita bride employee drama job meeting work coworkers petty revenge Office reddit thread Reddit company karma - 36264965

Entire Department Attends Employee's Wedding Except One, Bride Claims She Couldn’t Make It, Coworker Reveals at Meeting That She Wasn't Invited: 'I could see the brides face visibly change'

When you are planning a wedding, finalizing the guest list can seem like an impossible task. As much as you'd like to invite everyone you can, financially, your bank account might not allow that. And then there are all of the plus ones, too. You can't deny every guest a plus one, even if you don't really know their date. It's customary, even though no one wants to spend their big day with people whom they don't know or want to be there. But what this entitled bride did was next level.
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