
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

cool video homemade flight simulator

Home Sim Pilot Builds His Own Cessna 172 Flight Simulator

quarantine romance between woman and roomba vacuum

Girl And Roomba Are Modern Romance At Its Finest

Thomas The Tank Engine stunts tricks

Thomas The Tank Engine Pulls Off Stunts

Guy pets cat and evaluates it in funny way.

Guy Evaluating Cat Like it's a Car

jar of pond water develops ecosystem

Guy Seals Jar Of Pond Water On Windowsill, Records Life That Grows

Revenge on a IRS Phone Scam Call Flooder Watch later Anti IRS Scam Call Flood

Programmer Writes Script That Spam Calls Phone Scammers

jeff ross roasts hooters workers

Jeff Ross' Funniest Roasts Of All Time

millionaire crashes expensive car and tries to run away

Millionaire Totals Supercar and Tries to Drive Away

A parody of a nature video featuring backwards hippos.

The Majestic Backward Hippo

news reporter pronounces long complicated hawaiian name

News Caster Absolutely Nails This Hawaiian Name

carving wood from a tree into a mug

Guy Turns Piece Of Tree Into Coffee Mug

Fox In Sox dr. seuss rap

Man Raps "Fox In Sox" By Dr. Seuss Over Dr. Dre Beats

steven spielberg dinosaur abuse on set of jurassic park

Interviewer Asks People If Steven Spielberg Actually Hurt Dinosaurs

cool photoshop edited video effects

Guy Seamlessly Edits Himself Into Impossible Scenarios

dad turns house into a mcdonald's drive thru

Dad Turns Home Into McDonald's For Son's Birthday

young child attempts to buy beer

9-Year-Old Tries To Buy A Pint