
Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

'I got upgraded on this flight and my boss did not': Boss erupts at employee for not giving her his first class seat upgrade

'I got upgraded on this flight and my boss did not': Boss erupts at employee for not giving her his first class seat upgrade

Hotel guest attempts to rig the system by claiming he didn't check in and demanding a refund, front desk clerk calls on his bluff: 'I can prove you are lying'

Hotel guest attempts to rig the system by claiming he didn't check in and demanding a refund, front desk clerk calls on his bluff: 'I can prove you are lying'

entitled neighbors are treating long time town resident as a doormat, woman is sick of it and gets the neighborhood council involved

Woman spends $10k to appease her demanding new neighbors, is fed up after years of loud music, stolen parking spots, and local authority involvement: ‘I was sick of it’

Entitled driver forces pedestrian out of 'their' parking space with their car, bystanders confront the driver: ‘What do you think you're doing?'

Entitled driver forces pedestrian out of 'their' parking space with their car, bystanders confront the driver: ‘What do you think you're doing?'

worker employee entitlement satisfying job airport petty revenge entitled people karma passenger mildly infuriating entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people couple - 35854341

'Every time the line moved and I followed, I would get rammed by their suitcase': Entitled couple invades personal space in airport security line, employees notice and step in for instant karma

'HOA tried to steal my car': Top HOA Stories of the Week (July 18, 2024)

'HOA tried to steal my car': Top HOA Stories of the Week (July 18, 2024)

wedding weddings wedding-stories stories story guest guests invited friends bride groom party going out leaving early disrespect dry-wedding reddit bar aita

'Bad friend': Selfish guest abandons her friend's wedding because they weren't serving alcohol, claims she 'just wanted to go out'

boss antiwork employee entitlement manager job work coworkers teacher colleague entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people vacation - 35854085

Boss sends coworker to go to employee's house after she didn't answer her phone on vacation: She [wanted] to talk in person about this urgent task'

Job candidate misses her interview after hiring manager fails to coherently respond to her emails: ‘You literally had one job’

Job candidate misses important interview after hiring manager fails to coherently respond to her emails: ‘You literally had one job’

Employee confronts boss after learning new hire below him is making more money: 'I will not be disrespected like that'

Employee confronts boss after learning new hire below him is making more money: 'I will not be disrespected like that'

'Is this a joke?!': Micromanager demands constant availability from part-time employee and issues write-up for not answering the phone on day off

'Is this a joke?!': Micromanager demands constant availability from part-time employee and issues write-up for not answering the phone on day off

'[Bosses are] forcing me take a 40% pay cut:' Employee quits without notice, bosses scramble with unfinished projects, costs the company hundreds of thousands of dollars

'[Bosses are] forcing me take a 40% pay cut:' Employee quits without notice, bosses scramble with unfinished projects, costs the company hundreds of thousands of dollars

'Looking for a nanny to move in [and] pay rent': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 17, 2024)

'Looking for a nanny to move in [and] pay rent': Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (July 17, 2024)

Employee deals with male karen who throws dirty towel at him, even though his room was cleaned during his multiple day stay

Male Karen throws his dirty towel at front desk employee because housekeepers had left for the night after a busy weekend: ‘We're short staffed’

'[An] epiphany of humility': Disgruntled hotel guest keeps calling with Karen-level complaints, eventually calls back to apologize leaving the employee amazed

'[An] epiphany of humility': Disgruntled hotel guest keeps calling with Karen-level complaints, eventually calls back to apologize leaving the employee amazed

Admin worker complies with snarky Karen coworker's request to receive all documentations, overwhelms her with paperwork: '[I] ended up with a stack of over 1,500 pages'

Admin worker complies with snarky Karen coworker's request to receive all documentation, overwhelms her with paperwork: '[I] ended up with a stack of over 1,500 pages'