
'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

meme collection FAIL list coworker memes funny memes Memes meme remote work memes meme list funny - 22311685

150+ memes, a gargantuan helping that's overflowing with laughter and that will bring purpose to your life

'I do not want to work for someone like you': Job candidate walks out mid-interview after boss shouts at another employee

'I do not want to work for someone like you': Job candidate walks out mid-interview after boss shouts at another employee

FAILS sign lemonade call me FAIL wonder woman signs washington beans sign fail funny funny signs paper signs handwriting - 22167557

'Non action and stop excitement': 20 Garbled signs that almost make sense

'I cut it off and moved it back to her yard': Guy engaged in petty back-and-forth with Karen neighbor, removes her snow fence

'I cut it off and moved it back to her yard': Guy engaged in petty back-and-forth with Karen neighbor, removes her snow fence

'I would get tons of free items': 20 Top Clever Loopholes

'I would get tons of free items': 20 Top Clever Loopholes of the Week (August 24, 2023)

'Teacher hates Senior Skip Day': teacher threatens to fail students if they don't show up for test, students maliciously comply

'Teacher [tries to ruin] Senior Skip Day': Teacher wants to fail students if they don't show up for test, students get even after a round of golf

'i believed that for years': 30+ funny fibs people were told by adults when they were young

'I believed that for years': 30+ funny fibs people were told by their parents when they were young

'Force me to do Karaoke?': Non-singer pressured to perform at show-off's karaoke party, cue malicious compliance

'Force me to do Karaoke?': Non-singer pressured to perform at show-off's karaoke party, cue malicious compliance

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

'That's my job': Interview candidate calls company, accidentally speaks to the employee she might replace, employee left aghast

'That's my job': Interview candidate calls company, accidentally speaks to the employee she might replace, employee left aghast

images FAIL marketing expectations vs reality food funny expectation vs reality funny-fail-image - 21583365

20+ Misleading packaging and items that overpromised and failed to deliver

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

'Our place was fined': Overworked employee has to take on incompetent coworker's job, maliciously complies and gets boss in trouble

25 Designs that should go back to the drawing board

'Forget you're never loved': 25 Designs that should go back to the drawing board

'This is what happens when you text and run...': 30+ Gym-going goofballs who are working out the wrong way

'This is what happens when you text and run...': 30+ Gym-going goofballs who are working out the wrong way

'Close them completely': Manager demands bathrooms are closed while cleaned, chaos ensues

'Close them completely': Manager demands bathrooms are closed while cleaned, chaos ensues