

aita FAIL students teacher reddit thread Reddit - 20327685

'He did not earn all of his good noodle stickers': First grade teacher roasted for excluding one student from class BBQ party

This teacher may not have made the smartest choice here.
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gym, gym fail, workout, workout fail, work out, gym work out, outfit, leggings, tights, crop top, fail, personal trainer, training, lifting, lift, workout, fails, relatable, public freakout, dress code

'I want to wear what I feel cute and comfortable in': Female Personal Trainer Kicked Out of a Judgy Gym for an Alleged Dress-Code Violation

I thought this was a free country
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Apartment Management: 0 Me:1

'Putting people in their place is my specialty:' Tenant calls out shady landlord after failing to bump up the rent mid-lease

It doesn't get more satisfying than shutting down your landlord.
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boyfriend aita FAIL driving girlfriend reddit thread Reddit security camera - 20101381

'AITA for posting a video of my girlfriend crashing her car?': Dude posts embarrassing video of GF and sells footage, friends and coworkers find the video

This guy has to know deep down that he's in the wrong here.
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pro revenge school FAIL revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit mom - 20072197

'Petty revenge on my own truant son': Mom stages epic prank to force son to stop skipping school

A mother has to do what a mother has to do.
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dating fails aita FAIL mother relationships reddit thread Reddit dating - 20086789

'I walked out': Mother keeps trying to set her kid up on dates against their will, cue dating fail

This mom needs to stay out of her kid's business!
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FAIL karen entitled roasted entitled parents karens entitled people karens in the wild mildlyinfuriating - 20097029

'[I] don't need them anymore': Entitled Karen asks for a refund for her wedding photos when she gets divorced years later

It never ceases to amaze me the ends that entitled people will go to and the mental hoops they will jump through in order to justify their behavior… “Hi! It's your old pal from Kindergarten here. I don't know if you still remember me, but I'd like my Pokemon cards back that I traded you for your cookie since I'm not using the cookie anymore, and the fat cells it gave me have long since gone away!” With that logic, anyone could ask for a refund for anything—at any time.
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Nature Wins | Epic Failures

16 Times Humans Epically Failed and Nature Gloriously Triumphed

Everyone would love to be a nature-loving aficionado of all these outdoor, but oftentimes, nature wins and reminds us of its dominance - just like these poor souls that were taught a lesson by nature.
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'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

One of the few benefits of being a renter is that you are not responsible for maintaining a property's upkeep. However, that is simultaneously a huge downside if you have a chintzy landlord. If your unskilled landlord is a cheap, do-it-yourself type, you might find yourself constantly smelling methane gas, putting putty over leaks, and watching him paint over holes in the wall.
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Parents Save Kids From Epic Fails

17 Parenting Fails That Were Totally the Kids Fault (Videos)

Having kids is hard, but these parents show off their superparent skills with these epic parent saves.
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Today I quit my job of 6 years, effectively canceling my boss' vacation plans. Reddit, what stories of instant karma do you have?

'I quit my job of 6 years, effectively canceling my boss's vacation plans': 10+ People who earned instant karma for their actions

Instant karma is coming for these bad managers and other impolite people, whether they like it or not! In this classic r/AskReddit post, u/barrygibb first told their own story of exceptionally instant karma. Then, they asked for people to sound off in the comments with their own stories! Lots of people shared work stories , like one baker who put their boss in an awkward position after the baker decided to leave, taking their finest recipes with them. Meanwhile, other people posted some awesome…
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25 Downright dreadful desserts to fill your tummy with fails

25 Downright dreadful desserts to fill your tummy with fails

No matter how hungry you are, you'll probably skip these desserts . From goopy cakes to frightful pies , these bakers gave it their best shot, only to have their desserts turn out pretty bad. Others have some interesting writing that is so funny out of context! These desserts are sure to be a show stopper at any party (just not for the right reasons). After you nibble on these terrible treats, check out a wedding baker who quadrupled her prices just before the wedding ceremony, shocking the bri…
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FAILS design fail fresh-fail FAIL fail-images design fails car fail fail-collection fresh-fails fail-photo - 19860229

30 Fresh Design Fails and Things That People Didn't Quite Get Right (March 24, 2023)

Whenever you're presented with a problem, you have three options: Research the tried and true solution Hire or ask someone who has the correct experience. Improvise. It's always tempting to go for the third option, and you might find yourself going this route more often than you care to admit. Sometimes this will work out for you… sometimes your creation will end up in a collection of images like this one. But—hey, there's no harm in trying! These individuals gave it their best shot and in a lo…
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viral videos landlord FAIL rent funny tiktok - 2039047

'I'm gonna burn the house down': Tenant refuses TikTok landlord trying to double rent

A landlord turned wannabe-influencer is getting backlash for trying to double his tenants rent, then posting it for views.
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'Mom's in the hospital? Sorry, you're fired': Trainee gets pink-slipped by hostile employer after choosing to take care of her hospitalized mother instead of clocking in for one shift

'Mom's in the hospital? Sorry, you're fired': Trainee gets pink-slipped by hostile employer after choosing to take care of her hospitalized mother instead of clocking in for one shift

Employers will always say that they have family values, but almost never put their money where their mouth is. For some reason, most corporations believe that your job should mean more to you than anything else in your life, including your family. One woman, who worked for a small airline in Florida, found out the hard way what it means to work for a company that assigns little to no value to human life. After enduring several rounds of training, this trainee discovered where her company was go…
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What's the worst lie you were told as a kid?

'What's the worst lie you were told as a kid?': 30+ Redditors share the hilarious and stupid things their parents clearly lied about

Parents, you may tell a few little white lies to your kid every now and then… but kids don't always realize you're stretching the truth.
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