

Top 21 Mildly Infuriating Flops of the Week

Top 21 Mildly Infuriating Flops of the Week

That sucks.
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'You need to move, or get out': Karen gets kicked out of pizzeria after blocking server from waiting other tables

'You need to move, or get out': Karen gets kicked out of pizzeria after blocking server from waiting other tables

The service industry is riddled with careless, entitled, and rude customers who think you, as a server, should worship the ground they trample on. At the rate employees come and go in this industry, it's easy to decipher why nobody really likes to work as wait staff. In this case, OP was working at a pizzeria, waiting on an entire floor of tables alone, as there were no other servers on duty that shift. Running to and fro, most of the customers could recognize a damsel in distress when they saw…
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'You can't claim residence when you don't pay rent': Karen tenant refuses to pay rent, roommate submits paperwork to get her evicted

'You can't claim residence when you don't pay rent': Karen tenant refuses to pay rent, roommate submits paperwork to get her evicted

Karen roommates are a dime a dozen, as almost everyone has had to deal with somebody who lacks basic practical skills and human decency. In this case, OP was sharing a two-bedroom with a roommate who he quickly found out was a Karen. Thriving on conflict, Karen always found something wrong to point out. She has given herself one hundred different labels, some of which include being a germaphobe, which she uses as an excuse to demand OP touch nothing… in his own home. OP said he was willing to t…
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'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (June 21, 2023)

'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (June 21, 2023)

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Top 25 Mildly Infuriating Fails of the Week

Top 25 Mildly Infuriating Fails of the Week

Tsk, tsk, testing our patience again, are we? Welcome to this week's top mildly infuriating fails. We don't take the word ‘mildly’ lightly, as the fails below aren't the end of the world, but they are a pesky nuisance. Sometimes things don't go as planned, an annoying neighbor butts his nose up in your business, or Karen believes she gave birth to you. Whatever it may be, something is always the matter. Maybe we're entitled, or bored, or expect too much of the universe. Perhaps it is precisely…
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'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (June 7, 2023)

'You Should Be Banned; Unmatch Now': Top Dating App Flops This Week (June 7, 2023)

Awkward, cringe.
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‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

‘My boss messed up’: Driver finds out he's getting fired via group chat boss forgot he's a part of

Every workplace has some kind of group chat, and you'd assume managers would check the members before spreading information about someone getting fired beforehand, but alas, in this case, they did not. OP found out that he was going to be fired in 3 weeks after his boss forgot that he was actually included in the group chat. OP was working as a driver for the company and had been accused of breaking something that according to him, was already breaking since he had started working. The reason t…
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'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family disagrees over who owns a birthday cake

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family birthday celebration turns into dispute over who owns a birthday cake

I'd be cringing so hard if I was the person behind this birthday mixup … but mistakes happen. Celebrating your birthday is a great time to gather your friends and family members to celebrate your big day. Another year old and wiser! There's no one way to throw a party — some people like to have small house parties, while others love to invite the whole neighborhood over for a BBQ. And then there are others who love to dine at their favorite restaurants to celebrate — and that's what happened in…
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'Never spoke of that situation again': 8 Stories of awkward scenarios

'Never spoke of that situation again': 8 People who got stuck in super awkward scenarios

These people shared the most awkward situations they've ever been in, and it's giving us second-hand embarrassment. Awkwardness is pretty unavoidable in life, no matter how cool you think you are. A lot of people shared stories from their childhoods and teenage years , which, let's face it, are certainly some of the most awkward years of ones' life . For some reason, dealing with meal times while with friends has caused a lot of uncomfy situations for people. It's probably because teens eat a l…
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'How Dare You Spend That Much Without My Permission?’ : Rich Woman Buys Niece Ridiculous Christmas Ridiculous Gifts Amounting to 4K, Sparks Drama With Family

'How Dare You Spend That Much Without My Permission?’ : Mega Rich Woman Buys Niece Ridiculous Christmas Gifts Amounting to 4K, Sparks Drama With Family

Family and holidays often mix together in a variety of ways. It isn't all fun and roses… You need to walk on eggshells, for the most part, as everyone has their own special set of triggers. For example, maybe you don't want to mention that you're majoring in art to Grandpa, who thinks anything besides finance is a waste of time (This generation knows nothing!). And maybe don't mention that you've been taking yoga classes (our back, guys) to your mother, who doesn't shy away from her brutal opin…
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'Welcome to LinkedIn Lunatics': Top 20 Tone Deaf Tyrants

'Welcome to LinkedIn Lunatics': Top 20 Tone Deaf Tyrants

Cringe-fest alert
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Guy tips big to impress date but returns afterwards to take money back

'The man was staring daggers': Big tipper tries to take back $100, so waitress humiliates him in front of his date

This big spender was so sure he pulled a fast one on his dinner date , until his waitress foiled his plan. What's the biggest tip you've ever given? For most of us, it might be a $20 bill on a day you're feeling extra generous and flush with cash. It always helps out servers to tip, since their base pay is not usually very high. And of course, since servers rely so heavily on tips, big tippers make their entire day! This waitress rode an emotional roller coaster as she served this couple their…
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'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (April 4, 2023)

'LOL, He Blocked Me' : Top Dating App Flops of the Week (April 4, 2023)

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'She called me ugly, so my friend painted a mural of me across her bedroom window' : Man gets ironic petty revenge on cheating ex girlfriend

'She called me ugly, so my friend painted a mural of me across her bedroom window' : Man gets ironic petty revenge on cheating ex girlfriend

Facing the past can be challenging, but sometimes it's ironically hilarious. A man was cheated on by his ex-girlfriend who went on to gossip about him to mutual friends after their rough break up. For some reason, she couldn't fathom why he refused to forgive her for said cheating and went on to add insult to injury, sharing with a friend of his that he was ‘ugly’. OP didn't react and decided simply to move on with his life. Basically, he was the bigger person. We've got to hand it to his frien…
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2 Guys Talk About Hot Girl In Spanish And Find Out She Speaks The Language

2 Brothers Mortified After Talking About A Hot Woman In Spanish, They Later Conclude She's Latina

Other people speak Spanish y'know, the world doesn't revolve around you
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'TIFU by misinterpreting the CEO's arm gesture': Cringey interview goes terribly wrong

'TIFU by misinterpreting the CEO's arm gesture': Cringey interview goes terribly wrong

Interviews seem to bring out the most awkward parts of ourselves . There's just no way to get through the interview process without being uncomfortable in some way. After all, you're suddenly placed in a new environment, surrounded by people you don't know and have to impress, and you're dressed up fancy while being as nervous as possible. This person shared their own deeply embarrassing interview story. Not only did the OP act goofy in front of the CEO , they kept getting interviews despite th…
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