

'I can't cover you, sorry': Freeloading best friend gets called out at group dinner for never paying her fair share of the bill

'I can't cover you, sorry': Freeloading best friend gets called out at group dinner for never paying her fair share of the bill

Every adult has had a friend whose selfish behavior needs to be called out. Perhaps you don't have the guts to be the person to call an intervention, but you know the clock is ticking and someone is going to give this friend a piece of their mind at some point soon. Here, we have a Redditor who knew one of their friends named Sarah had an ongoing habit of conveniently “forgetting” her wallet when it was time to pay the bill at the end of a group dinner. She also had a habit of “forgetting” to p…
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tip tips tipping culture restaurant server servers greedy waiter waitress money pay awkward audacious drama food dining family family-dinner dinner reddit

Entitled Server Surprised When a Customer Refuses to Leave Them a 90% Tip at a Restaurant, 'Tipping Culture' Rant Ensues

A $90 tip on a $100 check? Count me out
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 waiter Awkward marriage proposal dates proposal restaurant couples workplace restaurants waitress socially awkward dating

'I've told you before, I'm not marrying you': 20 Dates that couldn't have been more awkward

As a waiter or waitress, you're going to spot a few awkward dates during your career. Just think about how many times you've been out to eat and you end up overhearing a couple bickering . Sometimes it's an older couple who seem tired of each other's company. Other times, it's a couple on a first date that's going badly. If you as a diner are able to listen in to their conversation, just imagine how much info their waiter can get from eavesdropping! The waiters and waitresses of the world gathe…
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boss employee fired job email bosses work coworkers Awkward inbox reddit story Horrible Bosses tifu reddit thread Reddit company - 35966981

Employee accidentally hits 'reply all' to company-wide email, sends message ranting about boss to 500 coworkers: 'Within minutes my inbox blew up'

This employee is living all of our worst nightmares. Let this be a lesson that if you want to vent about the company and specifically call out colleagues for their entitled behavior, you probably shouldn't do so over email . Have you ever been on an email thread with hundreds of people, and there's that one person who asks a question specifically directed at one person but hits reply all? You have to be brave to send out an email to that many people. I'll be sending an email to one person and s…
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FAILS cringey marriage drama cringe Awkward askreddit proposal couples reddit thread Reddit funny dating - 35640837

'I proposed to my girlfriend at a family gathering and she said no': People share stories of what happened after their marriage proposals were rejected

When you propose to someone, it's a pretty big deal. There are some people who have dreamed their whole lives of having the perfect proposal in the perfect location with the perfect ring with the perfect person, and other people who could care less how they are proposed to, as long as it's with the right person. No matter what kind of proposal you hope to have, no one wants to be asked when they're not ready. So that's why if you're the one about to propose, you better make sure your fiance is…
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unhinged design-fail fail fails designs bad-designs funny lol terrible humor awkward work worker employee work-fail worker-fail funny-fails

36 Deplorable Design Fails to Boost Your Self-Confidence at Work

At least you're better at your job than these guys
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boss workplace-stories jobs employee entitlement drama hiring manager email new hire work coworkers Awkward job candidate emails PTO etiquette entitled reddit thread Reddit company employment in the workplace - 26349061

New hire gets email on first day asking to donate his PTO to coworkers: 'A nice red flag on the first day'

Have you ever worked for a company that allowed you to donate your PTO to other coworkers? This new hire received an email from HR on his very first day asking him to donate PTO to two employees he didn't even know. The worst part is that he already doesn't like his new job and is taking a major pay cut after being laid off from his old job. It's understandable to donate hours to a coworker with whom you've developed a relationship, who may be in desperate need of PTO time due to family issue...
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boss employee entitlement drama job hiring manager bosses coworkers Awkward demanding interviewer job candidate gone wrong human resources Horrible Bosses Reddit company entitled people - 26350085

Job candidate doesn't show up to meeting, HR publicly shames them on the internet and posts their private messages: 'Look what she has done'

Human resource employees don't always get the best rep, and unfortunately, this particular employee is not helping their case. After hiring a candidate, the candidate suddenly cut off communication and ghosted the company. According to other HR professionals, this behavior is not uncommon in the early stages of hiring. But unfortunetly for the candidate, she chose the wrong HR employee to ghost. Instead of addressing the issue internally, the employee took to LinkedIn and posted a public call-o…
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‘I crumbled under the pressure’: Job candidate cries during interview when presented with questions about their case study task

‘I crumbled under the pressure’: Job candidate cries during interview when presented with questions about their case study task

Job interviews are incredibly daunting and I've had my fair share of interviews that went south. But crying? I have yet to experience that and honestly, I hope I never will. I can understand why it happens though. Imagine spending months looking for a job, doing dozens of interviews (if you even get calls back), and taking time and effort out of your day to complete the tasks and assignments these companies send you. You pass a few rounds and start to get your hopes up, only to have them crumpl…
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'HR didn't want to have an awkward conversation: One employee's bad habit causes human resources to create brand new rule

'HR didn't want to have an awkward conversation': One employee's bad habit causes human resources to create brand new rule

One employee's bad habit was starting to impact everyone at the company. There are two types of workplaces: the kind that punish you severely for being even a minute late , and the kind where people routinely stroll in 20 minutes late without a care in the world. Lots of places that are strict about tardiness are retail places or other places that do shift work. Meanwhile, lots of offices allow their salaried employees to come and go as they please, so long as they're getting their work done. W…
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workplace-stories employee job awkward moments Professional At Work work Awkward employer dumb questions workplace interview funny weird employment - 25958661

25+ Unbelievably awkward questions employees have been asked at work: 'During an interview I was conducting, a candidate asked if [my wife] was single'

When you're at work, there are some topics you don't discuss in a professional setting. Sure, you can gossip all you want to your work bestie, but if you're in a meeting or any other situation with a large group of coworkers, you should probably play it safe and keep the controversial topics to yourself. We all know this, but sometimes there are those certain coworkers who have absolutely no problem asking the most absurd questions, putting you in an awkward situation as you try to compose your…
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'I have the power to make your lives inconvenient': Employee promises to make coworkers work lives harder if they continue to leave spoiled food in the fridge, telling them to 'clean up after themselves'

'I have the power to make your lives inconvenient': Employee promises to make coworkers work lives harder if they continue to leave spoiled food in the fridge, telling them to 'clean up after themselves'

Some employees think that the office manager, HR, or whoever organizes the office works for them personally. See, I was an office manager back in the day, and people would leave the dining room an absolute mess. When I opened the fridge, I frequently thought that people were growing fungi there on purpose, by leaving their containers for weeks on end. It was so frustrating that I sent out countless emails, and even held an office meeting regarding the whole thing. Nothing changed, and I eventua…
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‘A classic case of copy paste gone wrong’: Candidate receives a hilarious rejection email, followed by an apology after HR realizes they messed up

‘A classic case of copy paste gone wrong’: Candidate receives a hilarious rejection email, followed by an apology after HR realizes they messed up

The interviewing process for a new job is so tedious. Nowadays you have to go through 5 interviews, 3 assignments and need a warm recommendation from the president. Seriously, things have gotten out of hand. Why is it so hard to get a job? The market is absolutely bonkers, jobs aren't paying well enough to keep up with inflation, and recruiters ghost you after ‘being with you every step of the way’ for 2 months. It's exhausting, disappointing, and discourages you from ever finding a job. This c…
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Tall passenger receives flight upgrade after demanding neighbor forces pilot to step in and fix seating arrangements: 'I'll stop when I can put my seat back'

Passenger gets instant karma after demanding pilot step in and fix seating arrangements, prompting pilot to upgrade his neighbor instead: 'I'll stop when I can put my seat back'

When a Karen complains only to get hit with karma, all is good in the world. One very tall passenger relayed their story on r/maliciouscompliance, explaining the predicament they found themselves in when they boarded a plane and got in their seat, only to have the person in front of them recline their seat all the way back. The thing is, it was physically impossible Passenger gets instant karma after demanding pilot step in and fixes seating arrangements, prompting pilot to upgrade his neighbor…
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20 times awkward people messed up simple social interactions: 'Maintaining eye contact. I just can't do it'

20 times awkward people messed up simple social interactions: 'Maintaining eye contact. I just can't do it'

It's no secret that being a socially anxious person can make the simplest of social interactions feel like a Sisyphean undertaking. Whether that's calling someone on the phone and speaking to an actual human being or making small talk with your boss about what you had for lunch, if you're an anxious person you are likely to be considering the infinite number of ways you might end up making the conversation weird, strange, or impossible to end. It was the great Wendy Williams who once gave an in…
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'Enjoy the car now': Farmer brings rental car back covered in mud after driving it around the countryside following rental company's unfair demands he pay 1 day extra

'Enjoy the car now': Farmer brings rental car back covered in mud after driving it around the countryside following rental company's unfair demands he pay 1 day extra

One farmer was fed up with a car rental company after being charged $91 extra for no good reason. But wait, let's start from the beginning. The farmer's car was being repaired after being involved in a small crash, which forced him to rent a car for $91 a day. To the company's credit, they had some pretty great policies, such as 'no cleaning fee' no matter how dirty the car got, and unlimited miles, which was useful, as the farmer lived in the countryside. Finally, his car was almost fixed, so…
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