

‘I was surprised by his review’: Airbnb guests get their trip refunded after home owner shows up to property unannounced and gives them a bad review

‘I was surprised by his review’: Airbnb guests get their trip refunded after home owner shows up to property unannounced and gives them a bad review

Airbnb used to be way cheaper, but thanks to inflation (among other things), it's almost better to check into a hotel. Also, hosts can be frustrating to deal with. I'm not saying guests are angels, but let's just say it's a double-edged sword. This poster (OP) was attending a friend's wedding and opted to stay in an Airbnb. They had to make sure that pets were welcome, because they were bringing along their dog. Luckily they found just the place but upon arrival, the Airbnb owner showed up unan…
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'She used the extra key': Landlord enters tenant's apartment while they're at work, replaces fridge, then leaves all food outside to spoil

'She used the extra key': Landlord enters tenant's apartment while they're at work, replaces fridge, then leaves all food outside to spoil

Just because you pay someone rent every month doesn't give them the right to enter your apartment whenever they want… This landlady did exactly that, using her extra key to enter her tenant's apartment and replace the fridge. Her tenant wasn't home, and was actually at work when this happened. The tenant took to r/mildlyinfuriating to express how angry they were after they came home and found all their food out on the counter… Left to spoil. Who raised this woman? I'm sure it's not the first ti…
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'You owe me': Woman's friends go through her financial documents, find out she's mega-rich and demand she pay down their $50k student loans

'You owe me': Woman's friends go through her financial documents, find out she's mega-rich and demand she pay down their $50k student loans

It's always awkward when one of your friends is super rich. Not just 'financially stable'… but rich, rich. So well off that they could buy an island or something. So this person was mega-rich, and her friends found out about it. How? Well, you know, the usual way. By her telling them. Kidding, they found out by snooping through her private documents that revealed her private financial status. They found her trust fund, and wow, was it a great trust fund… They immediately went off on her, asking…
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'She invited all of her previous husbands because she enjoys drama': 15+ Wedding guests tell the funniest and most awkward wedding-day dramas they've ever witnessed

You can't expect everything to go 100% perfectly at a wedding. It seems like every couple has at least one funny story from their special day . They may not find it funny in the moment, but their guests will never forget it. Some moments are funny because it's not appropriate to giggle during the wedding ceremony. Everyone is trying really hard to be serious and solemn, so when anything remotely silly happens, the audience just bursts out laughing. Later at the reception, people imbibe a little…
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'None of your candidates enjoy it': Candidate declines one way interview as part of job screening process, leading to dispute with HR

'None of your candidates enjoy it': Candidate declines one way interview as part of job screening process, leading to dispute with HR

One fed-up candidate who had the privilege of job searching while they still had a job snapped back at an HR representative over text after discovering that a ‘one-way interview’ was part of the screening process. What exactly is a one-way interview? Well, it can vary but it's usually a brief video recording that job candidates send potential employers to aid them in their screening process. You typically answer a few pre-selected interview questions. Awkward, right? Demeaning almost. This cand…
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'He set me up': Recruiter informs employee's boss they're planning to quit after dazzling them with 300k position

'He set me up': Recruiter informs employee's boss they're planning to quit after dazzling them with 300k position

Recruiters are infamous for playing games, not following up, and outright ghosting you. Sometimes you feel like you have no choice but to work with them… Searching for a job on your own is no easy feat. And with the costs of inflation and the lack of transparency regarding salaries in job postings, it can be helpful to have someone 'on your side'. It's always a nightmare to search for a job, especially in today's market, but unfortunately, recruiters aren't always 'on your side', and they often…
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'I was the only brunette in the room': Work meeting goes wrong after an awkward notification pops up in front of entire team

'I was the only brunette in the room': Work meeting goes wrong after an awkward notification pops up in front of entire team

You had better be careful when you are sharing your screen in a meeting. So many team members eyeballs on you. Too many things that can go wrong… Maybe you are applying to other jobs, and an email notification pops up that invites you over for an interview. Perhaps you paused an intimate conversation you were having with your girlfriend. And maybe, just maybe, you said something you shouldn't about a coworker who is sitting in that very meeting. In this case, OP took to r/pettyrevenge to descri…
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‘Actually, I don’t need your permission': Student gets back at principal who gives classmates demerit points based on dress code

‘Actually, I don’t need your permission': Student gets back at principal who gives classmates demerit points based on dress code

One student became furious when her school principal gave one of her friends demerit points for 'dress code violations'. The most annoying part was that even though she was wearing the same thing as her friend, she didn't get told off. In a sense, this student was upset that they hadn't been punished. That's some real loyalty right there! The issue was bigger than that, though. This principal would only give certain girls in the school dress code violations. Unfortunately, this was a recurring…
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'You could have called': Customer travels to seller's house by transit, despite not having determined a time to meet up

'You could have called': Customer travels to seller's house by transit, despite not having determined a time to meet up

One person was giving away some cat shelves for free, when they encountered the weirdest customer they had ever come across. When you buy something online you determine a time to meet up, right? I feel like that's the universally acceptable thing to do. Otherwise, you risk just standing outside in the rain or something, without having a concrete plan in place for when you will have the product in your hands. And if you did end up driving out to a seller's house without having set a time to meet…
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‘I asked her to put her feet down’: Train passenger plants their feet on another passenger's seat, refuses to take them down when confronted

‘I asked her to put her feet down’: Train passenger plants their feet on another passenger's seat, refuses to take them down when confronted

Public transit attracts all kinds of people, and a big chunk of them are the type you wish you'd never have the pleasure of encountering in your life. Imagine you are on a train, and all these people are packed on it. You've found yourself a nice window seat, and the beginning of your journey goes smoothly. Then, something unfortunate happens… Your nice, quiet seatmate leaves, and a loud, rude one sits across you instead. She begins chewing loudly, mumbling, and eventually, puts her feet on the…
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'[I] put my Bluetooth headphones in the freezer to charge': 40+ Awkward moments from people who were totally oblivious to their surroundings

'[I] put my Bluetooth headphones in the freezer to charge': 40+ Awkward moments from people who were totally oblivious to their surroundings

On those groggy mornings where you're on autopilot , mishaps are bound to happen. We've all done it: when you're half-awake, you tend to do things like forget to bring your laptop to work, or maybe you start driving to your mom's house instead of the office, or even searching desperately for your phone while holding it. That's especially funny if someone witnesses you using your phone flashlight to look between the couch cushions for the phone in your hand. One of the more embarrassing things I…
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'But you’re advertising it': Customer requests holiday drink from coffee shop, barista refuses to make it because 'it's after Christmas'

'But you’re advertising it': Customer requests holiday drink from coffee shop, barista refuses to make it because 'it's after Christmas'

It must be difficult to be a barista if you don't like to make coffee. Or to be clear, it seems like some baristas look down on anyone who doesn't like their coffee black. They seemingly have a personal vendetta against the vast majority of coffee drinks who don't want their bean juice to be bitter and scalding. Lots of people love frappes or lattes or any number of blended coffee drinks, and this love is fueled by social media “secret menu” hacks. When social media was in its younger years, a…
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‘I Can’t Do This Anymore’: Top Dating App Conversations Gone South (October 4, 2023)

‘I Can’t Do This Anymore’: Top Dating App Conversations Gone South (October 4, 2023)

Hi there Cringe
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‘I put my key on the counter and walked out’: Bakery worker gets back at micromanaging owner, quits on ‘sandwich day’, leaving boss to make hundreds of sandwiches by himself

‘I put my key on the counter and walked out’: Bakery worker gets back at micromanaging owner, quits on ‘sandwich day’, leaving boss to make hundreds of sandwiches by himself

Working at a bakery is a dream come true for some, and honestly, what is not to like? The place smells like a literal heaven, and you get unlimited pastries. I might be exaggerating the ‘dream come true part’, because although the latter is true, there is still the pesky issue of the actual work. It can get repetitive, and the pay isn't great (in other words, don't expect to retire early), and to top it all off, you have annoying customers who have obviously never worked a day in their life, an…
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'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

'[I] got a $3 gift card to Sonic': 20+ Partiers who attended the worst soirées ever

Great parties are a dime a dozen, but a party that goes completely off the rails will be talked about forever. U/Swansatron had an intriguing query for the r/AskReddit community: “Reddit, what was the worst party you ever attended?” Every answer was a little different — some people shared the funniest things that ever happened, while others revealed they threw parties that hardly anyone attended.
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Top 20+ Funniest Unpopular Opinions This Month

Top 20+ Funniest Unpopular Opinions This Month

Hello darkness my old friend
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