School of Fail


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Damn You Science Puns

wtf puns periodic table science irony funny - 8420458240
Via Benningtonpostbac

Puns Must Be in Their Genes

puns science biology - 7958240256

Looking for a Magic School Butt?

That's a magic school butt.
Via Bdoomed

Should Have Called it a Christmistry

christmas funny, puns school
Via Meradorm

You Know She'd Be a Great Representative

poster funny puns - 8323367424
Via Jakemg

The Only Way to Chemistry

base puns Chemistry funny - 8205982720
Via Cool User Name 13

Bruce Banner Cites His Sources

image signs school Bruce Banner Cites His Sources
Via reaptherekt

Art Teachers Love Puns

art color funny puns teachers g rated School of FAIL - 8092122624

He Doesn't Know Anything

puns sodium science funny - 7828111616

Now to Determine the Plant Sentence

literal plants puns So Much Pun test humor - 6610832640
Created by HeathyrFeathyr
funny dank memes Leonardo DiCaprio as Calvin Candie in the Quentin Tarantino movie Django Unchained laughing while holding a drink dark humor entertaining relatable meme with a butt artwork painting behind him in background | Leonardo DiCaprio he gets on internet and sees he makes up 90 memes Rick Dalton Pointing

The Best Of "Leo Laughing" Memes

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school puns prom funny Video dating - 37382

Teens Charged With Livestock Theft in Effort to Make a Pun Based Prom-posal

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Who Doesn't Love Calculator Puns?

puns calculator math g rated School of FAIL - 7113931008
Via Damn That's Whack

Thanks A Lot Public School Education

Via DavidFowlerMusic

And Here We Thought They Were Agnostic

Mass puns science funny - 8285923584
Via Asap Science
yearbook, school

25 Hilarious Senior Quotes That Should Count for College Credit

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