School of Fail


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Archeologists Are Great at Dating

forever alone funny puns dating - 8250029568
Via The Daily Snooze

Math Jokes Are the First Sine of Insanity

class puns math - 7426141952

One Positive Attitude

funny science puns - 7992162304

-100% For Being A Smartass

clever exam Hall of Fame puns student - 5765323264

Math Teachers Have the Best T-Shirts

graphs puns math t shirts poorly dressed g rated - 8224741376
Via j_panda16

Boo This Pun, Please

Chemistry science puns texting - 8169727488
Via Acid Cow

Teachers Love Their Puns

bones anatomy funny puns teacher - 8351184128
Via The Clouds Gather

Einstein You Joker, You

puns light science funny - 7983457536

Time To Find Someone More On Your Plane

Via bitsandpieces

Whoa, Now That's Schiff-Based!

drunk funny science puns - 8177660160
Via Mistress of Science

Sine of the Times Tables

puns facebook math - 7165804032

A Model of the Nickel Atom, or The Nickel-ous Cage

school puns graphs - 7844589056
Via there-will-be-toast

Complete Your Fam-Square Faster!

Complete Your Fam-Square Faster!
Via dwlyflonking

Oh Science, You're Full of Puns

art puns science funny - 8096594944

Where in the School Yard?

puns science Chemistry g rated - 7829964288
Created by kerux1975

I Have a Bone to Pick With This

anatomy bones puns science - 7607361280

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