Parenting Fails

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At Least Your Kid is Good With Numbers

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Via joeconleyable

So That's Where They Get Them

Cartoon - Exause me sir, are you the f&tner? yes Uthis isfor you (angratulabons! Dad! And other amarting jokesfor new dads!
Via Anything about nothing

Dad Jokes Gone Dark

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Via americanfrontier

Hello Dad

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Via distinguishedbaloney

A Dad Joke Gone Wrong

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Via Pleated Jeans

Who Gave All Our Dads A Phone?

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Via Buzzfeed

A Visual Dad Joke

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Via Dump a Day

You Never Forget a Good Dad Joke

People - ELL Dad comes home from work, my brother and I are playing the NES in our bedroom. He pops his head in, "Hello boys. Just playing your Seven-Eight-Don't?" We look at him, confused. He squints at the console. "Oops, my mistake-- that's a Nine-Ten-Do!" Such an awful Dad joke, but we cracked up at the time. We were in tears. 20 years later and we still reference it, while Dad can't believe we even remember it.
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Top 10 Walking Dad Jokes

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14 Times Tumblr Posts Turned Out To Be Like Dad Jokes

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Even Darth Vader Tells Dad Jokes

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Via @GiveMeInternet
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17 Dreadful Dad Jokes That Are The Worst While Being The Best At The Same Time

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Dad Math

Via acidcow

Wow, Dad...

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Dirty Dad Jokes Might be the Best Bad Jokes

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