Restaurant uses tape to disprove customer's lies | Don't go mussels were rubbery scallops were hard and overcooked, and linguini inedible and coated hot sauce like heat, but this all heat and no flavor worst, part, however waited 60 minutes just an appetizer French fries (which only good part meal) and 90 minutes entries think our waitress simply forgot put our order remember this place Martine's, many years ago shame either an "off" day or these others were paid Yelp reviews. But experienced

Restaurant Consults Tape To Disprove Lying Customer

Can't argue with the truth.
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A collection of two sentence horror stories that are too scary for their own good | r/TwoSentenceHorror Join u/M1ghty_boy 94d 1 1 "Ah, so 's 2020 time traveller said Very early looks he muttered under his breath 22.9k 581 Share 2

Two-Sentence Horror Stories Too Scary For Their Own Good

Chills, man.
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Sexist customer keeps asking for man and ends up with a cease and desist | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/sheikhyerbouti 21 hours ago "No offense, honey, but just don't think qualified oc M After seeing bunch similar threads thought would post my own story shared by coworker friend and her former manager. Back my call center days frequent issue among our female techs (my team had about 5-9 on average out about 200 get someone who would insist on being transferred male tech. This happened at

Customer Keeps Asking for Man, Ends Up In Legal Department

He found one eventually.
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A collection of funny and hilarious moments from Tumblr | spillywolf If courage isn't absence fear but doing right thing regardless maybe confidence isn't absence insecurity but knowing have real worth despite 160zm this is beautiful randomslasher By this same token, maybe goodness isn't absence bad thoughts or impulses, but conscious choice behave according moral ideals spite them | derofeba my computer decides deny access because admin restrictions OWN avengerofdeath2 As someone who works noth

Random, Golden Moments From The World Of Tumblr

Tumblr just keeps on delivering.
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Funny twitter jokes | leo dominguez @oledominguez COLGAT Almost left grocery store without buying bag spring mix throw, unopened, into garbage two weeks

Funny Tweets to Give that Day a Boost

Mmm yes, taste the sweet relatability.
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Karen the customer gets outsmarted by overwhelmingly kind customer service | r/TalesFromYourServer Join u/Asshole_Catharsis 13d Kill 'em with kindness" made Karen so paranoid she thought fucked with her food Long managing on this busy eve group 8 had walked and were quoted 30-45 mins about 35 mins two tables opened up could push together. But apparently leader pack wanted speak with Hi were quoted 30 minutes s already 10 past really upset and want know going do

Karen Customer Defeated By Overwhelming Kindness

Karen was frozen in her tracks.
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People describe the most important things they broke, and the aftermath | Sparkselot 12h broke 3,000 diamond at work once wedding ring tightening little princess cut square one with sharp points and all sudden turned into broken "milky/frosted" mess, lol would be surprised on easy is break diamond; especially they have super sharp points can't scratch them, but they will break. Aftermath hey happens" and some more training broke several more stones after but all small and easy and cheap replace.

Most Important Things People Broke

Sometimes, we break things.
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Buffet workers share their horror stories in an AskReddit thread | sixpackshaker• 339d My first job as dishwasher an all can eat fried catfish buffet. People are animals. Especially ones get far more food off buffet than they can eat. Then they take left overs and pile them on plate or tray, cover ketchup and tartar sauce, then pour their iced tea over top all lot people did got at least two plates like night. 6.8k

AskReddit Thread: Buffet Workers' Horror Stories

Hard pass.
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A collection of entitled and choosing beggars | Replying Wendys and @McDonalds take lifetime supply spicy nuggs 2722 1,525 Wendy's O @Wendys 1d keep buying spicy nuggs rest life Q 34 27211 10.8K

Choosy Beggars And Other Greedy Creatures

Some people are insane.
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Company ghosts employee, so employee decides to steal the workforce | r/ProRevenge Join u/CamoUnderwear ly thought "ghosting Tinder dates, not employees. Mobile user, formatting, etc etc TL;DR at end So l've been working food shop about 3 years now place is an absolute hellhole. This past year had 7 general managers, and double amount associate employees roll through turnover rate is ridiculous being said am only employee know do everything at store because l've been there so long. Or, at least

Food Shop Ghosts Employee, Employee Steals Their Workforce

They ghosted the wrong dude.
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Tumblr explains the early 2000s phenomonon of losing "The Game." | rainnecassidy If old enough remember just lost Game. raggedyanndy

Tumblr Explains The Origins of Losing The Game

Streak broken.
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Star Wars the Empire Strikes Back according to my girlfriend's memory I'm gonna go inside the camel

Girlfriend Recaps Empire Strikes Back From Memory

This is amazing.
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Tumblr thread about a story about a suburban family and their "fun pizza" | nostalchik: darecrow: Imagine going party and white suburban stay at home mom with two overachiever kids and white dad who barbeques but doesn't know barbeque and yet is always surrounded by other white Dads who compliment his barbqeuing even though they're just store bought preshaped frozen patties Ralph's or Food 4 Less and while he's cooking those white mom comes out and says "okay kids, here's some pizza And she pull

Tumblr Thread: The Uniquely Depressing "Fun Pizza" Saga

It's way too specific.
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Awesome mystery Twitter thread about a Roman ring | Gareth Harney @OptimoPrincipi 1 stranger than fiction Roman ring mystery thread: this enigmatic Roman gold ring found ploughed field near Silchester 1785 square bezel has portrait pagan goddess Venus, inscribed backwards SUNEV use as signet ring by owner. Curiously

Twitter Thread: Stranger Than Fiction History Behind Roman Ring

History is actually fun sometimes.
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British cop measuring the road ends up getting roasted to oblivion | Cheshire West @Go_CheshireWest Further along road another potential problem has been reported. Darren inspects and explains as is under 50mm no action needs be taken at this time #cwaclive

British Cop Measuring Road Gets Roasted To Oblivion

You're not doing it right, my dude.
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An informative Tumblr post calls out vegans for not eating honey | vampiregirl2345 Vegans tumblr, listen up. Harvesting agave quantities required so dont have eat honey is killing mexican long-nosed bats. They feed off nectar and pollinate plants. They need agave want help environment? Go back honey liver and thyroid will thank as well. Agave is 90% fructose, which can cause host issues. Bye.

Tumblr Post: Vegans Called Out For Not Eating Honey

The more ya know.
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