sheriff car funny video

Man Buys Sheriff's Car, Wild Stories Ensue

Shady stuff.
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A very lucky dog gets to have the best day of his life | r/tifu Join u/AntipatheticDating 1d 1 1 1 1 1 TIFU by giving my dog unintentionally best damn day his life So this TIFU isn't as crazy or wild as others read, but thought others would appreciate much l'm laughing but many horrible regrets have over this situation.

Lucky Dog Has Best Day Of His Life

Hot dogs for the win.
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Employee gets bullied by coworkers, so they get them demoted right before quitting | r/ProRevenge u/Audginator 2h Join 1 Bully Fine, but II start fire as leave posted Nuclear Revenge, but also told post here! Sorry its so long, TL;DR at end worked at fortune 500 company almost year and half wont name names, but shady company say least started their quality department, but literally fired being "too quality quality department because would report sales agents were forcing crying retirees into mak

Employee Gets Bullied By Coworkers, Employee Gets Coworkers Demoted

The world became a bit better of a place.
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Employee quits, boss get karma | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/beerbellybegone 4 days ago Boss: Think about whether want keep working here OK don't ocL Apologies if English isn't perfect s not my native tongue. Nearly two years ago started work at Company as their digital marketing person. After started turned out brought put out fires left by my predecessor VP Marketing, who had team 4 plus himself, spent over $1 million one year and brought 5 deals, 2 them under $10K.

Ungrateful Psycho Boss Gets Instant Karma

You don't get what you don't pay for.
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Tumblr post about the legend of Blendo, a very dangerous robot | Jamie Hyneman, co-host Mythbusters, created and designed robot Robot Wars named 'Blendo' with help Adam Savage. This robot so powerful tossed bits enemy competitors out arena, and damaged arena walls.

Tumblr Thread: The Legend Of Blendo

Don't mess with Blendo.
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Tumblr thread about the "elephant paths" people carve in parks | starfleetacademy Follow Desire paths are just best human invention because cities will spend millions on sidewalks and yet. Our little foraging brains will think 'too far cut thru grass food' and others will be like 'other human have good idea follow' until there's beaten path there's perfectly acceptable sidewalks either side starfleetacademy Follow User experience Design example

Tumblr Thread: In Defense of Those Unofficial Worn Paths

Who can argue with a straight line?
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Strange cursed images and other weird pictures | funny tapir looking at a half eaten sandwich held by the person taking the pic | power cord floating on top of flip flops in a pool

Weird and Cursed Junk from the Corners of the Internet

Oh, cool, thank you internet.
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The most ridiculous reasons that people ever filed for divorce | Katie_19_96 19h 1 Award man filed divorce because he couldn't stand listening his wife make aah" sound after every drink. Apparently got him over years. Reply 3.5k

Most Outrageous Reasons People Filed For Divorce

Divorces can escalate very quickly.
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A speech pathologist helps out autistic kid on flight | Rachel R. Romeo @RachelRRomeo just had such an affirming experience. On my 8hr intl flight back conference sat next father/son broken English father began apologize/ warn his ~10 yr-old son had severe nonverbal autism, and this would like be difficult journey. 1/

Twitter Thread: A Speech-Language Pathologist's Affirming Experience

What a touching story.
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People describe the various things that they are hilariously bad at | reddit post by odoms365 6h Dancing genuinely cannot coordinate my body do Reply 1 2.7k

AskReddit Thread: Things People Are Hilariously Bad At

The struggle is real.
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A collection of times that people were unimaginably clueless | Rottenox 11h an identical twin, and have been asked all manner utterly ridiculous questions about throughout my life. But think stupidest girl once asked do ever get yourselves mixed up with each other responded "are asking if ever sometimes think my brother she replied yeah No don't. Reply 2.5k

Times People Were Next Level Clueless

Some people fall through the cracks.
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Criss Angel grand canyon stunt

Criss Angel's Unbelievably Dumb Grand Canyon Stunt

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A quick and funny Tumblr thread about kids worshipping a stuffed octopus | ralsalot not teacher (yet) but do work with students and one them had nerve look dead eye and ask why would be bad idea eat this entire marker They're 11 official-lyzzystardust An 4th grader asked high five by saying little slappy make daddy happy?"

Tumblr Post: Kids Worship Teacher's Stuffed Octopus

Kids just do the silliest things.
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Twitter thread about a little lizard eating gardeners' pill bugs and blueberries | Jessica Ellis O @baddestmamajama So had massive infestation pill bugs who ate our zucchini twice. So put out beer traps (they go drink beer, they fall Then mystery occurred 8:32 PM Apr 25, 2020 Twitter iPhone lessica Ellis Replying baddestmamajama put traps our veggie bed, dug into soil. They were fact catching ZILLION pill bugs. Literally FULL BRIM by morning baddestmamajama 20h And then traps started Move. 2 13

Twitter Thread: Devious Alligator Lizard Creates Havoc In Garden

Graham is the real MVP.
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Bosses and managers describe their worst employees | probablynappingtbh 13h Not boss but there's girl work with now who is bad but not bad enough do anything about work kiosk and she's always walking out without saying or taking 30 minute breaks hang out with her friends who come visit her get customer and while taking order she'll just be standing on her phone not helping at all. Not mention she's almost 30 with two kids teenager and l'm given about twice amount hours as she is.

AskReddit Thread: Bosses And Managers' Worst Employees

Whole lot of yikes.
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Dumb people bragging about how smart they think they are | Suggested MentalFeed 1d O is IQ is IQ? START! EN.MENTALFEED.COM is IQ? Answer these 10 simple questions honestly and try 55 23 Comments 1 Share O Like Comment Share Top Fan close but about 30 points below know my IQ is.

Ridiculous Folks Who Think They're Brilliant

Who even still takes those online IQ tests?
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