A collection of cursed shirts that never should've been created | toenails are for sissies

Cursed Shirts That Shouldn't Exist

These all need to be wiped out of existence.
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A bridezilla Karen ends up looking like a pauper at her own wedding | r/ProRevenge u/forestcabin123k Bridezilla Karen ends up looking like pauper at her own wedding F48) have known "Pat F48 decades. As far as can remember, she fixated on having 5 children and picket fence dream life slowly cut ties with her college because she an opportunist and didn't trust her. She is both manipulative and forceful. Her idea cute rubs wrong way. Pat likes walk like penguin she wants elicit pity, and

Bridezilla Karen Ends Up Looking Like Pauper At Her Own Wedding

Serves that Karen right.
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People describe the plot holes that are so big you could drive trucks through them | Trevor-On-Reddit 3d 6 Awards Every Christmas movie where no one believes Santa but then turns out Santa does exist. Like, who did they think putting presents under Christmas tree? If Santa is real then wasn't them.

Plot Holes Big Enough To Drive Trucks Through

Like come on.
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Tumblr thread about death good being a good guy | mikkeneko concept death god is actually surprisingly supportive and on side good guys, supporting actions and promoting policies will lead kingdom growing and thriving instead being destroyed, because more kingdom grows more people there are, and more people there are more people will eventually die, and an immortal god death know there's no need rush get them all end mikkeneko like responses on this post are cleanly split between "hey this is gr

Tumblr Thread: A Death God that's Not a Bad Guy

Paging Hades and Terry Pratchett...
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A jobless boyfriend gets kicked out for being a hysterical cry baby around the house | AITA kicking my boyfriend out during pandemic and calling his mom come get him? Not hole 30f) let my bf 'Jesse 39m) come live with and my niece/nephew (who have custody year before this pandemic mess (so he moved around start 2019, but been dating since 2016 own modest 3 bedroom home (left by my mom have pay all utilities/property tax/etc on. No mortgage thank god but everything else pay.

Boyfriend Gets Kicked Out For Raging Around The House

Seems completely called for.
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A groom is extremely picky when it comes to cars being offered to him to borrow | FL Looking borrow car my wedding day. 12/28 will be needing 2 pm- 8 pm. Thank Haha Comment Share 00= 41 can borrow my tesla if want 2h Like Reply have picture?

Groomzilla Is The Choosiest Of Beggars

Guess the free BMW wasn't enough.
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A choosing beggar offers up cool vibes in exchange for a free place | Hi my name isl Es young, independent photographer/insta baddie looking move cosy place long term with couple house mates. My job is between busy patches so naturally wouldn't be able pay rent. But more than make up this with doing dishes, cleaning house, and providing everyone with fun cool vibe couple rules:

Choosing Beggar Offers Rad Vibes For Free Place

Nah, not gonna work, my dude.
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Some sleazy brokers run their firm like a candy store, so the IT guy they fire takes revenge | r/ProRevenge Join u/Floridatrashburner Lie, Cheat, Layoff and Gamble with our wages, enjoy no department. Lurker finally coming out share. Years back worked as Director small brokerage firm. These types places try run lean so also ONLY personnel took job, but bit under-qualified if am being truthful reason they gave because young, and they thought they could underpay They were right 10k more than

IT Guy Takes Revenge On Sleazy Brokers

Don't mess with the IT guy.
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Friends' bookstore idea starts out all cheery, and then just keeps on going | Leanne Brown @LanLanLanBan couple nights ago couldn't sleep because spent three hours imagining myself owning bookshop also sold baked goods. 20:19 08/08/2016 Twitter iPhone ili View Tweet activity 2 Likes Jasmine @_JAZZ 09/08/2016 v Replying LanLanLanBan Leanne reckon this is viable business option and l'd like us pursue dream together

Friends' Bookstore Idea Starts Out Positive, Keeps On Going

Well, this is unreasonably adorable.
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Stingy boss skimps on employees, so their ego takes a hit with taxes | r/ProRevenge Join u/anonymous_bun 194d Stingy, narcissistic boss negs and skimps on employees, so damage his ego with some asshole tax Let's call my asshole boss Eugene, since his stinginess reminds Eugene Krabs SpongeBob Squarepants, except Krabs is nowhere near malicious order display full satisfaction this revenge will have describe few (but not limited) things Eugene did entitles him being complete jackass.

Stingy Boss Skimps On Employees, Ego Takes Hit With Taxes

Boss probably sees himself as the victim.
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funny seal sounds like human tom hanks

Seal Screaming Like Tom Hanks

Right out of a fairytale.
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parody movie trailer tenet low budget, cracked parody trailer

We Remade Tenet for $20

Naturally, it's gold.
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revenge on IRS phone scammer

Programmer Shuts Down IRS Phone Scam Center

Immensely satisfying.
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Kids being strange and stupid | Chris Wilson @cwilso My My daughters built slug hospital and found 30 patients" who are now escaping and nothing parenting books prepared this. | He wants get on bus bus on TV snapchat of a baby crying

Prime Examples That Kids Are Dumb and Weird

They'll learn someday.
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A Tumblr thread that appreciates the cinematic masterpiece that was "Night At The Museum." | goddessofidiocy okay but why don't more people talk about Night at Museum like poc characters and people being portrayed by poc people | this movie is so good

Tumblr Thread Appreciates Night At The Museum

Was definitely an entertaining movie.
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Department lead throws employee under bus, gets their comeuppance | r/ProRevenge u/Limecherrry Join Department Lead threw under bus and got suspended. Background work with Client services center and do Project Planning and Over-site have privileges and security clearances which not even low- management have but no authority delegate tasks or make requests. This is important because low level manager can order pull client-restricted data they normally don't have access too. While they have go

Department Lead Throws Employee Under Bus, Gets Their Comeuppance

Serves Tammy right.
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